Название Тарифные квоты в системе регулирования продовольственного рынка
Количество страниц 157
ВУЗ Московский Государственный Университет имени М.В. Ломоносова
Год сдачи 2004
/. 1. Комплекс мер внешнеэкономического регулирования стр.8
1.2. Тарифная квота как инструмент внешнеторговой политики на
продовольственном рынке стр.29
2.1. Этапы создания механизма ТРК стр.46
2.2. Проблемы функционирования ТРК на рынке продовольственных товаров и сельскохозяйственной продукции стр.55
2.3. Перспективы дальнейшего использования тарифного квотирования
на продовольственном рынке стр.93
РОССИИ стр.104
3.1. Правовые и экономические условия применения тарифных квот в
России стр. 104
3.2. Применение и развитие тарифной квоты на российском
продовольственном рынке с использованием международного опыта .. .стр. 114
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.. : стр.144
Список литературы СПИСОК ЛИТЕРА ТУРЫ
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58. B. Borrell and D. Pearce, Sugar: the taste test of the WTO, Center for International Economics, Canberra and Sydney, paper prepared for World Bank's Integrated Program of Research and Capacity Building to enhance participation of developing countries in the WTO 2000 negotiations, Oct. 1-2, 1999, Geneva, Switzerland - 36p.
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60. Changes in tariff quota administration and fill rates, WTO Committee on Agriculture, Special Session, background paper by Secretariat, G/AG/NG/S/20, 8 November 2000 - 20p.
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75. Issues in reforming tariff-rate import quotas in the agreement on agriculture in the WTO, IATRC, Commissioned paper № 13, May 2001 - 180p.
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79. Londono N.O., Implementation of the agreement on agriculture and the work of the WTO Commettee on agriculture, Working paper № 98-3, IATRC, Apr. 1998 - 10р.
80. Market access: issues and options in the agricultural negotiations, Commissioned paper №14, IATRC, May 2001-47p.
81. Market access: unfinished business - Post Uruguay Inventory, Special study №6 - 141p.
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83. Market access sectorial and trade barriers database, tariff barriers, tariff quotas, http://mkaccdb.eu.int/mkdb/chksel.pl - 8p.
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85. Market access, Submission by 12 developing countries, WTO, Committee on Agriculture G/AG/NG/W/37, 28 Sept 2000 - 8p.
86. Morath Т., TRQ have little impact on EU market access, while CEEs may benefit // Europe/WRS-97-5/Dec. 1997, ERS, USDA - 4-12p.
87. Multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture, Resource Manual, FAO, Rome, 2000
88. National trade estimate report on foreign trade barriers, Office of the US trade representative, 1998
89. Negotiations on WTO Agreement on Agriculture, proposals by India, Market access, WTO, Committee on Agriculture, G/AG/NG/W/102, 15 Jan. 2001 - 9p.
90. Nelson C, Tarification in the Dairy Industry // Agricultural Outlook, Jan-Feb 1997, ERS, USDA
91. Papillon B.M., Domestic processing of supply-managed products under tarification: is the rate of protection positive, Can. Journal Agric. Econ. 43 - p.587 - 593
92. Proposals on market access submitted by Canada, US, EU, Japan, small island developing countries, ASEAN, etc. (G/AG/NG/W/12, G/AG/NG/W/63, G/AG/NG/W/15, G/AG/NG/W/58, G/AG/NG/W/18, G/AG/NG/W/90, G/AG/NG/W/91, G/AG/NG/W/97, G/AG/NG/W/55), WTO, Committee on Agriculture
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94. Sharer R., Trade liberalizationin IMF-supported programs, IMF, Washington, 1999 -48p.
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99. Sugar and sweetener situation and outlook report //Sugar and sweetener S&0/SSS-227, Jan/2000, ERS, USDA - p.2-23

100. Tariff and other quotas, WTO Committee on Agriculture Special Session, G/AG/NG/S/7 23May 2000 - 200p.
101. Tariff quota administration methods and tariff quota fill, WTO Committee on Agriculture, Special Session, background paper by Secretariat, G/AG/NG/S/8, 26 May 2000 - 98p.
102. Tariff rate quotas, Profiles of tariffs in global agricultural markets, AER, ERS/USDA
103. The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture - The evaluation of its implementation in OECD countries, OECD, 2001
104. Wainio J., Implementation of the Uruguay Round tariff reductions // Agricultural Outlook, Nov. 1999-p.26-31
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106. WTO negotiations on agriculture, Cairns Group Negotiating proposal, Market access, WTO, Committee on Agriculture, G/AG/NG/W/54, 10 Nov 2000 - 3p.
107. WTO negotiations on agriculture: Market access, A negotiating proposal by 11 transition countries, WTO, Committee on Agriculture, G/AG/NG/W/57, 14 Nov. 2000 - 2p.
108. WTO negotiations on agriculture - Market access, Negotiating proposal on behalf of members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), WTO, Committee on Agriculture, G /AG/NG/W/100, 15 Jan. 2001 - 5p.
109. WTO negotiations on agriculture, Proposal by Namibia, Market access, WTO, Committee on Agriculture, G/AG/NG/W/143, 23 March 2001 - 2p
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