Конспект занятия по английскому языку для сециальности 23.02.03 ТО и ремонт автомобильного транспорта на тему Cycles of Diesel Engine

Cycles of Diesel EngineAny internal combustion engine, regardless of principle it operates on, is said to have a four-stroke cycle or a two-stroke cycle. The engines of either type may be single or double acting, trunk-piston type, crosshead type, opposed-piston type. internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания
regardless of … – независимо от …
is said – говорят, считается
to operate – работать, действовать, приводить в движение, запускать, управлять
stroke – в двигателях внутреннего сгорания: ход (поршня), такт
four-stroke (two-stroke ) cycle – четырехтактный (двухтактный) цикл
either type – любой; любой из двух
single (double) acting – простого (двойного) действия
trunk-piston type – тронковыйcrosshead type – крейцкопфный
opposed-piston type – с противоположно-движущимися (расходящимися) поршнями
The four-stroke cycle consists of: the suction stroke, compression stroke, combustion and expansion stroke and exhaust stroke. consists of … – состоит из …
suction stroke – ход (такт) всасывания
compression stroke – ход (такт) сжатия
combustion and expansion stroke – ход (такт) сгорания и расширения
exhaust stroke – ход (такт) выпуска
The piston starts a downward, suction stroke. The air inlet valve is open and air is being drawn into the cylinder through the air inlet pipe. The exhaust valve, fuel valve are all closed. As the piston reaches the end of the suction stroke the air inlet valve closes … piston – поршень
downward – вниз; upward – вверх  
air inlet valve – впускной клапан (воздушный) (inlet – впуск, вход, впускное отверстие; valve – клапан)
to draw – тянуть, втягивать, затягивать, вдыхать и т.п.; being drawn – втягивается (буквально: будучи втягиваемым – это пассивная форма глагола)cylinder – цилиндр
through – через, сквозь (произносится: сру)
air inlet pipe – впускной патрубок (воздушный)
exhaust valve – выпускной клапан
fuel valve – топливный клапан
to reach – достигнуть
… and as the piston rises on the second, or compression stroke, the air in the cylinder is compressed. At the end of this stroke the air has been compressed to about 480 pounds and its temperature has risen to about 1,000 degrees F. The fuel injection valve now opens and the fuel is sprayed into the cylinder under a pressure of 3,550 p.s.i. The high temperature of the compressed air in the cylinder ignites the fuel, and it continues to burn as long as injection is maintained. This burning raises the temperature of the gas to approximately 3,000ºF. has been compressed – сжат (это настоящее совершенное время в пассивной форме, т.е. начали сжимать в прошлом, и это сжато к настоящему моменту)
about – около, приблизительно
pound – фунт (1 фунт = 0,454 кг; 1 кг = 2,205 фунта)
1,000.00 = 1 000,00 (в английском письме разряды в цифрах разделяются запятыми, а десятичные доли точкой!!!)
degrees F – градусов по Фаренгейту
fuel – топливо
injection – впрыскивание
fuel injection valve – форсунка (дословно: топливо-впрыскивающий клапан)
p.s.i. (pounds per square inch) – фунтов на квадратный дюйм (1 psi = 0,07031 кгс/кв. см)
to ignite – зажигать, воспламенять
as long as – до тех пор, пока; столько, сколько …
to maintain – поддерживать (сохранять в том же состоянии)
to burn – гореть; burning – горение
approximately – приблизительно
In the meantime, the piston has started down on the third, or expansion stroke, with the gas expanding behind it. The injection valve closes shortly after the piston has started down on this stroke. At the end of this stroke the exhaust valve opens and the burned gases in the cylinder, now reduced to about 40 pounds pressure, and correspondingly reduced in temperature, start to flow out through the exhaust pipe. in the meantime – тем временем; между тем
shortly after – вскоре после того, как …
burned gases – отработанные газы (дословно: сгоревшие газы)
correspondingly – соответственно
flow out – вытекать (наружу)
exhaust pipe – выпускной патрубок
Returning on the fourth, or exhaust stroke, the piston pushes the remaining gas out of the cylinder. At the end of this stroke the exhaust valve closes, the air inlet valve opens and the cycle of operations starts again. It is thus seen that one complete cycle requires four strokes of the piston; the four strokes comprise two complete revolutions of the crank. revolution – оборот
crank – кривошип, колено
In the 2-cycle, single acting Diesel engine instead of an exhaust valve there is a ring of exhaust ports around the bottom of the cylinder, communicating with the exhaust pipe. The spray valve and starting valve are the same as in the 4-cycle. In place of air inlet valves there are scavenging ports, in place of exhaust valves there are exhaust ports, in uniflow scavenging engines there are exhaust valves. The scavenging ports are in communication with a passage leading to a low pressure scavenging air compressor, operated from the engine. ring – кольцо, круг
port – отверстие, окно, проход, порт
exhaust port – выпускное окно
communicating; in communication with … – сообщающийся, соединяющийся
exhaust pipe – выхлопной патрубок
spray valve – форсунка
starting valve – пусковой клапан
the same as – тот же, что и …; такой же, как …
in place of – вместо
exhaust valve – выпускной клапан
scavenging port – продувочное окно
uniflow scavenging – прямоточная продувка
passage – проход, канал
When the piston on its downward stroke uncovers the exhaust ports and the cylinder pressure drops to atmospheric, the scavenging ports open and the air, under pressure, flows into the cylinder and pushes the exhaust gases out through these ports. As the piston on its up stroke covers the scavenging ports, the exhaust ports close, leaving the cylinder full of fresh air. The piston moving upward on its compression stroke, compresses this air and at the end of compression fuel injection occurs, just as previously described for the 4-stroke cycle. to cover – закрывать;
to uncover – открывать
It is thus seen that the complete series of operations, including fuel injection and combustion, expansion, exhaust, filling cylinder with fresh air and compression, occurs in two strokes of the piston, or one revolution of the crankshaft. crankshaft – коленчатый вал