План урока Family and friends

ed timings
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Organization stage. Greeting
Stand up! Stand straight!
Good morning, children!
I’m glad to see you!
Sit down, please!
The game “Translator”
Балалар мен Kазір сіздерге аCылшын тілінде айтам, ал сіздер оны аударыныздар.
- Hello.
-  What is your name (surname)?
- Are you a boy (girl)?
- How are you?
- How old are you?
- Good bye!

“Hello” song

Look at the blackboard. This is English alphabet.
Look and see,
Look and see
This is English ABC!
Today we learn the letters Aa and Bb

АCылшын тілінде «менде бар» деп айту _шін “I have got ” Kaрылымын Kолданамыз
Ендеше «Менде анам бар ...» ™ленін айтып к™рейік
I have got a mother.
I have got a father.
I have got a sister.
I have got a brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother.
Hand in hand with one another.

Friend – дос
My friend МеніS досым
My friend’s name is МеніS досымныS есімі ...


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