Презентация на тему Нам нравится место, где мы живем
* Хадисова А.Р. * We like the place we live * Today we are going to
learn new words,
remember the rule about plurals,
learn new nouns in their plural forms,
and also:
and play!
* {a:} car, large,farm, garden, dark, farmer {au} down, brown, how,now,cow,town {/\}funny,some ,up, London,butter, country{i} big, live ,bridge, hill, windy,city * a field полеa cow короваa road дорогаa garden садa hill холмa bridge мостapple tree яблоняa sheep овцаa horse лошадьa river река * * Правило №1. Большинство существительных образуют множественное число прибавлением "S" в конце, например: a farm – farms a town - towns a car – cars a forest - forests + s
a cat cats
* Правило №2.Существительные, которые оканчиваются на s, ss, sh, ch, x, o образуют множественное число прибавлением "es" в конце, например: a box - boxes a sandwich – sandwiches a class – classes a potato – potatoes +es a fox foxes * Правило №3. Если существительное заканчивается на согласную букву + y, то y заменяется на i и добавляется окончание es, например:a city – citiesa country – countriesa family – familiesa pantry – pantriesa party - parties * Правило №4. Неправильные существительные образуют множественное число не по правилу. Множественное число они образуют только так: a tooth – teeth a fish – fish a foot – feet a child - children a mouse mice * ЗАПОМНИ! a woman – women a man - men a sheep – sheep * Children, please find in Sveta`s letter nouns in plural form. Хадисова А.Р.. * Dear Pen Friend, My name is Sveta. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities , towns and farms in Russia.The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Moscow. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars , big and tall houses . Some people like to live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills , long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees . There are a lot of cows , horses and sheep on the farms. The houses in the country are nice and small. Our country is beautiful! Come and see us. Best wishes, Sveta Belova * * Cities,towns,farms,streets ,cars ,houses fields,hills,rivers,gardens, apple trees ,cows , horses, sheep. * Let`s play a game. * What`s is it? * It is a field. * What is it ? * It is a cow. * * It is a road. * * It is a garden. * * It is a hill. * * It is a bridge. * * It is an apple-tree. * * It is a sheep. * * It is a horse. * * It is a river. * Excellent! * And now my dear friends let`s talk about Grozny. Хадисова А.Р. * * amI Russia from city of Grozny live I in the * wide and longstreetsThe are not * park is There a nice Хадисова А.Р.. * in the park ride a bike We and roller skate Хадисова А.Р. * Ourbeautiful Grozny is Хадисова А.Р. * I am from Russia.It is a large country.I live in the city of Grozny.The streets are not wide and long.There is a nice park.We ride a bike and roller skate in the park.Our Grozny is beautiful * There is no place like home.East or West, home is best.My house is my castle. Оh,home, sweet home. Хадисова А.Р.. * Let`s count your smiley. Good! Bad! Хадисова А.Р. * The lesson is over.Good-Bye. Хадисова А.Р. *