Пособие по внеклассному чтению «The Legends of Verkhoyanye» («Предания Верхоянья»).

Актуальность исследования. Наше духовное наследие бесценно и уникально. Фольклор верхоянских якутов, который наши предки сохранили, бережно передавая из уст в уста, от поколения к поколению, очень богат. Душа народа, судьба, его вклад в культуру и развитие заложен в устном народном творчестве. Человек должен любить свой народ, гордиться тем, кто он есть, уважать ценности своего народа через изучение и почитание родного языка и устного народного творчества.
Именно фольклор отражает индивидуальные особенности народа, его национальный колорит. Благодаря народным песням, сказкам и другим фольклорным жанрам, ученые-историки могут узнать, как жили наши предки, какие проблемы их волновали, что их радовало, как они проводили время. Нельзя забывать, что значение фольклора, как источника информации о культуре народа, просто неоценимо для науки.
Легенды Верхоянья были изучены раньше, чем легенды других улусов. Первым исследователем фольклора верхоянских якутов стал И.А. Худяков. Позже, в 1940 г., в Верхоянье приехал известный фольклорист А.А. Саввин, для того чтобы собрать предания и легенды Верхоянского района. К сожалению, собранный им богатый материал нигде не был напечатан. Только в 1960 г. в книгу Г.У. Эргис "Якутские сказы и рассказы" вошли некоторые легенды Верхоянья. В 2006 г. улусный отдел культуры начал собирать устные легенды Верхоянского района.
В перспективах на будущее в г. Верхоянске планируется открытие Международной Арктической школы, преподавание в которой будет происходить на иностранном языке.
Мы считаем, что данное пособие поможет учащимся расширить знания о собственных корнях, своей культурной и социальной идентичности в образовательном процессе.
Объектом исследования является учебно-воспитательный процесс на занятиях по английскому языку.
Предмет исследования – диалог культур на уроках английского языка.
Гипотеза исследования. Существует необходимость использования национально-регионального компонента в обучении иностранному языку, так как понимание иной культуры возможно только на основе знания истории своего региона.
Цель исследования – создание учебного пособия по внеклассному чтению на английском языке.
Исходя из основной цели исследования, выдвигается ряд задач:
- разработать пособие, направленное на развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся на уроках английского языка;
- способствовать формированию положительной мотивации в изучении иностранного языка;
- создавать условия для формирования личности - умелого хранителя, пользователя и создателя социокультурных ценностей родного края;
- всесторонне изучать информацию по теме с привлечением различных источников;
- систематизировать и описать полученную информацию по выбранной теме;
- сделать выводы.
Новизна исследования. Подобного пособия для нашего района не существует.
Теоретическая значимость исследования:
- раскрыта роль и ценность устного народного творчества на уроках иностранного языка;
- даны различные типы занятий при работе с материалом по внеклассному чтению.
Практическая значимость исследования заключается в рассмотрении перевода диалога культур с использованием национально-регионального компонента в плоскость школьного урока, выявлении возможных результатов сравнения культур и способов их использования для формирования ценностного мира личности учащихся.
Методами для решения задач послужили:
- изучение всех источников с целью получить информацию по исследуемой теме;
- анализ и изучение полученной информации;
- обобщение полученной информации, составление пособия.
Использование национально-регионального компонента на уроке иностранного языка в контексте диалога культур позволяет повысить эффективность обучения иностранному языку: формируется положительная мотивация в изучении языка; доброжелательное и заинтересованное отношение к стране изучаемого языка, ее культуре и народу; формируются умения учащихся осуществлять как устные, так и письменные формы общения; учитываются возрастные особенности и интересы учащихся; развиваются их творческие способности в процессе активной познавательной деятельности.
Пособие для внеклассного чтения «The Legends of Verkhoyanye» («Предания Верхоянья») адресовано учителям, учащимся старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений и всем желающим изучать язык более углубленно. Пособие способствует получению теоретических и практических знаний по истории родного края на английском языке, помогает учащимся расширить знания о собственных корнях, своей культурной и социальной идентичности в образовательном процессе.
Пособие может использоваться на факультативных занятиях и во внеклассной работе.
Пособие по внеклассному чтению «The Legends of Verkhoyanye»
(«Предания Верхоянья»).
Талантливый и трудолюбивый якутский народ, как и другие народы, имеет богатый и своеобразный фольклор. Фольклор имеет различные жанры, отображающие особенности исторического развития народа.
Исторические предания - это любимый в народе и широко распространенный богатый жанр. Якутские предания повествуют о реальных событиях и исторических личностях. Видимо, предания сначала возникали на основе конкретных впечатлений от происходивших событий в недавнем прошлом или давным-давно. Сначала о событиях рассказывали сами участники событий или очевидцы. Со временем кое-что забывалось и вместо этого рассказ мог обрастать вымыслом или другими подробностями. Таким образом, некогда живой рассказ превращался в фольклорное произведение. Но в основе своей предания сохраняют имена реальных личностей и канву основных событий без изменения.
Народ создавал предания о происхождении своих родов, о замечательных простых людях из народа - талантливых певцах, великих охотниках, шаманах, силачах и т.д.
Имеются предания легендарного характера, среди них страшные, таинственные легенды о великих удаганках и шаманах, об их чудесах; или о душах умерших людей, блуждающих среди людей. В этих легендах много вымышленного, фантастического и мифологического. Но, как правило, речь идет о реально существовавших людях и в них сохранены старинные обычаи, нравы, взгляды наших предков на природу, жизнь и смерть. Поэтому все предания сегодня представляют большой познавательный интерес для современных людей. Вас ожидает много интересного, чудесного, неизведанного в этом сказочном мире, имя которому - фольклор.
Пособие призвано обеспечить учащихся и учителей не только учебным, но и справочным материалом и содержит:
- 25 текстов;
- учебные задания, способствующие усвоению и запоминанию устойчивых выражений из текста, сложных для перевода и отраженных в послетекстовых примечаниях;
- задания на развитие навыков чтения, свертывания и развертывания информации;
- упражнения на освоение грамматических явлений;
- контрольные вопросы к каждому тексту;
- англо-русский словарь.
Каждый текст сопровождается шестью заданиями. Методически продуманная последовательность упражнений позволяет организовать учебную деятельность учащихся и наметить программу формирования результатов в разных видах речевой деятельности. Задания № 2, 3, 4 и 5 предназначены для письменного выполнения. Устное воспроизведение и обсуждение содержания преданий помогает учащимся передать особенности национального характера на иностранном языке. Контрольные вопросы после каждого текста помогают организовать диалоговую деятельность во время занятия.
Художественный по форме и познавательный по содержанию материал пособия дает широкие возможности творческого подхода со стороны преподавателя и самих учащихся, открывает широкое поле деятельности для учителя английского языка во внеклассной работе по предмету.
В качестве автора-составителя выступила учитель английского языка МОБУ "СОШ №16" г. Якутска Республики Саха (Якутия) А.И. Васильева-Рязанская. В книге использованы иллюстрации воспитанников детской школы искусств п. Батагай Верхоянского района.
В качестве примера приводим четыре текста из пособия и задания к ним. Для наилучшего понимания якутских реалий в конце материала мы поместили словарь якутских понятий.

Цыбекжапова Нина (10 лет)
Kylaastyyr Nikolay lived in the village of Sartan in Arylakhsky nasleg. He had three sons: Khachygyr Innokentiy, Yrya Mikhail and Cholohun Nikolay.
Khachygyr Innokentiy was very hard-working. Yrya Mikhail was a great singer and toiuksut. Cholohun Nikolay was a perfect runner and hunter.
Cholohun grew up a big and a tall man. He brought his wife from Moma. They had nine children: five sons and four daughters. They did not live in poverty, but were not rich. Cholohun travelled all over Yakutia. He usually hunted with his sons in their own hunting territory called Kyalaakh.
Cholohun could tirelessly hunt wild deer for three days. During the Great Patriotic War he gave his bag out to the villagers. He also saved the inhabitants of the village of Stolby from hunger.
In the 1930s Cholohun escorted a merchant to Abyi. There he stayed with another merchant who was a native of Verkhoyansk. The host was very happy to see his fellow-villager and he said to Cholohun:
“You are famous for being a perfect runner. Let's hold a contest between you and the best runners of Abyi.”
The merchant tried to persuade Cholohun for three days and he agreed. The contest started near a big and wide lake. Cholohun left Abyisky runners far behind and won.
Cholohun could foresee the future. Being seriously ill, he killed an elk and said:
“This is the last gift of Baianay.”
His wife Evdokiya was a tall beautiful woman. She also had a gift of clairvoyance. For example, once she said:
“Our sonny Kolyushka is riding a horse at the mountain and will be at home in two days.”
Or :
“Children, our father has hunted successfully.”
She ran faster than her husband. Before the war, during the haymaking a big elk passed by their house. At that moment all guns were at home.
Cholohun asked his son Kostya to bring a gun.
“While Kostya walks, an elk will run away,” said his wife.
She jumped over the fence and brought a gun.
Their another son Khristofor ran as fast as his parents. In 1946 he became a champion of our republic and he took the seventh place in the All-Union contest in Moscow.
(I.N.Yumshanov (Cholohun’s son) and A.P. Tomsky)
travelled all over Yakutia – объездил всю Якутию
bag - (охот.) добыча
Let's hold a contest ['kɒntest] – Давай проведем соревнование
far behind – далеко позади
Baianay - Байанай (дух-покровитель охотников и рыболовов)
For example [ɪɡ'zɑ:mpl] – например
1.Agree or disagree.
1.Kylaastyyr Nikolay had three sons: Khachygyr Innokentiy, Yrya Mikhail and Cholohun Nikolay.
2.Cholohun Nikolay was a perfect singer and toiuksut.
3.He brought his wife from Yakutsk.
4.Cholohun travelled all over Russia.
5.During the civil war he gave his bag out to the villagers.
6.In the 1930s Cholohun escorted a merchant to Abyi.
7.The merchant tried to persuade Cholohun for three days and he agreed.
8.Evdokiya also had a gift of clairvoyance.
9.Cholohun asked his son Kostya to bring a pistol.
10. In 1946 Khristofor became a champion of our republic.
2.Fill in the blanks with the following words:
lake, son, faster, hard-working, host, foresee, poverty, territory, guns, perfect
1.Khachygyr Innokentiy was very __________.
2.Cholohun Nikolay was a __________ runner and hunter.
3.They did not live in __________, but were not rich.
4.He usually hunted in his own hunting __________ called Kyalaakh.
5.The __________ was very happy to see his fellow-villager.
6.The contest started near a big and wide __________.
7.Cholohun could __________ the future.
8.She ran __________ than her husband.
9.At that moment all __________ were at home.
10. Their another __________ Khristofor ran as fast as his parents.
3.Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
1.Kylaastyyr Nikolay lived __ the village __ Sartan __ Arylakhsky nasleg.
2.Cholohun grew __ a big and tall man.
3.He usually hunted __ his sons.
4.He also saved the inhabitants __ the village __ Stolby__ hunger.
5.There he stayed __ another merchant who was a native __ Verkhoyansk.
6.“You are famous __ being a perfect runner,” said the host.
7.He left Abyisky runners far __ and won.
8.“Our sonny Kolyushka is riding a horse __ the mountain and will be __ home __ two days,” she said.
9.She jumped __ the fence and brought a gun.
10. He took the seventh place __ the All-Union contest __ Moscow.
4.Find in the text the sentences in which the following word-combinations are used. Use them in your own sentences.
He usually hunted; gave his bag; for three days; at the mountain; ran faster; during the haymaking; took the seventh place.
5.Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in your own sentences.
Работящий; без устали; добыча; спас от голода; купец; уроженец; соревнование; пытался уговорить; широкое озеро; предвидеть будущее; будучи тяжелобольным; дар ясновидения; во время сенокоса; другой их сын бегал так же быстро, как и его родители; занял седьмое место.
6.Answer the following questions.
1.Where did Kylaastyyr Nikolay live?
2.What can you tell about his sons?
3.How many children did Cholohun have?
4.What was the name of their own hunting territory?
5.What did Cholohun do during the Great Patriotic War?
6.When and where was the contest of runners?
7.What did Cholohun’s wife look like? What gift did she have?
8.Who became a champion of the republic? When?

Старостина Анна (16 лет)
Every summer we went to the saiylyk. There was a small cemetery near the saiylyk. There were sixty graves, in forty of them children were buried. Nobody knew why so many children died.
When I was 6-7 years old, I was playing with a syotyuekke. The Grigorievs lived not far from us. They had a daughter named Maaia. She was my friend and I often went to them. We played all day long.
One day we saw how a girl climbed out of the gopher’s hole. I remember it clearly. She was wearing an old printed cotton dress, barefoot. Her hair was red and she had no front teeth. The girl looked the same age as Maaia. That is why I called her Toothless Maaia. Both girls were shorter and weaker than me.
The girl did not come into the house of Maaia and said that she was afraid of an old woman. She waited for us, sitting on a larch not far from the house. When we played in my house, the girl felt the approach of adults and ran away through the khoton. Then we ran outside and saw people, coming nearer to the house. We walked to the hole and called her to play:
“Maaia, come out. We are here.”
And the little girl came out of the hole. Now I wonder why we were not afraid to play with such a strange girl. That spring a shaman, Jaralyk Khabyrylla, visited us (I don’t remember that). And the shaman said to my parents:
“Your child plays with a syotyuekke. Move and never come back here.”
After that we left for good.
The old woman Kristina said:
“Never approach to this tree. Shamans "tied" a child’s spirit to it.”
Indeed, we saw the rope by which the larch was wound round.
I wrote a story about the events, I had gone through myself, and saw everything with my own eyes. And you decide whether you believe it or not.
(Veteran of labour and war worker G.M. Starostin, born in 1930)
printed cotton ['kɒtn] – ситцевый
the same age – ровесница
for good – навсегда
by which the larch was wound round [waʊnd] - которой была обмотана лиственница
had gone through [ɡɒn] – пережил
1.Agree or disagree.
1.Every summer we went to the village.
2.Nobody knew why so many animals died.
3.The Grigorievs lived very far from us.
4.We played all day long.
5.She was wearing an old printed cotton dress, barefoot.
6.Her hair was black and she had no teeth.
7.The girl felt the approach of an old woman and ran away through the khoton.
8.We walked to her house and called her to play.
9.After that we left for good.
10.“Never come near this hole,” said the old woman.
2.Fill in the blanks with the following words:
people, spring, named, graves, larch, little, called, syotyuekke, decide, friend
1.There were sixty __________, in forty of which children were buried.
2.When I was 6-7 years old, I was playing with a __________.
3.They had a daughter __________ Maaia.
4.She was my __________ and I often went to them.
5.That is why I __________ her Toothless Maaia.
6.Then we ran outside and saw __________, coming nearer to the house.
7.And the __________ girl came out of the hole.
8.That __________ a shaman, Jaralyk Khabyrylla, visited us.
9.Indeed, we saw the rope by which the __________ was wound round.
10.And you __________ whether you believe it or not.
3.Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
1.There was a small cemetery __ the saiylyk.
2.One day we saw how a girl climbed __ __ the gopher’s hole.
3.The girl looked the same age __ Maaia.
4.The girl did not come __ the house __ Maaia.
5.She was afraid __ an old woman.
6.She waited __ us, sitting __ the larch not far __ the house.
7.Then we ran outside and saw people, coming nearer __ the house.
8.Now I wonder why we were not afraid to play __ such a strange girl.
9.And the shaman said __ my parents: “Your child plays __ a syotyuekke.”
10.The old woman Kristina said: “Never approach __ this tree.”
4.Find in the text the sentences in which the following word-combinations are used. Use them in your own sentences.
Climbed out; was afraid of; not far from; I wonder; that spring; after that; saw everything.
5.Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in your own sentences.
Недалеко; целыми днями; однажды; нора суслика; четко; зубы; поэтому; сидя на лиственнице; убегала через хотон; мы выбегали на улицу; выходила из норы; той весной; я этого не помню; действительно; видел своими глазами.
6.Answer the following questions.
1.Where did the family go every summer?
2.How old was the boy?
3.Who lived not far from them?
4.What did the strange girl look like?
5.Why did the boy call her Toothless Maaia?
6.What did that girl climb out of?
7.What did the shaman advise the boy’s parents?
8.What did Kristina say about that tree?

Иволга Анастасия (9 лет)
In Soviet times there lived a man called Pavel Sleptsov. Since his childhood he had liked singing. Elderly people did not like that because he worked a little but sang a lot. People said that he was a bad singer and they were afraid of his songs because in his songs he predicted the future. His songs were very long and difficult to understand for an ordinary man. Pavel's father was a black shaman.
One day he was invited to the feast where there were toions from all over the nasleg. The chairman of a collective farm Zhirkov Alexey asked Pavel to sing. He had been singing until the chairman did not stop him. Pavel sang about local toions who shared income, meat and cattle with each other. He called the names of all toions and even described their appearance. Toions were embarrassed, and people amused themselves. Yrya Pavel ate and drank a lot. He was glad and went home. People who had heard that song passed it by word of mouth. Soon the chairman, his wife and children died.
Yrya Pavel did not have a beautiful voice. During yhyakh he described the nature, tyuhyulge and animals in his songs very colourfully. But the words of his songs became scary and prophetic, when he sang about people.
He also sang about people he did not know. One autumn day he stayed in the house of an 80-year-old woman Melaniya who was a native of Bytantay.
“You are famous for singing. Spend the night at our place. We will feed you well. I have salamat and sour cream,” she said.
Pavel did not know those people. In Soviet times the old woman's husband - Kyoyojyoryo Konstantin - hid men and bandits from Red Army. But militiamen caught him and made to join the collective farm by force. The old woman asked her guest to sing. In his song Pavel told about her ancestors, she had only heard of. Melaniya was very surprised and asked:
“How did you know about my ancestors in such detail? Did you specially ask old residents about my ancestors before your arrival?”
“Your question is right. But I don’t know how myself. The words are born in my songs by themselves,” he said.
How did he know about the ancestors of Melaniya and about her life? That was astonishing.
(An honorary citizen of Verkhoyanye and a veteran teacher V.P. Nogovitsyn)
by word of mouth [maʊθ] – из уст в уста
Spend the night at our place – Оставайся ночевать у нас
made by force [fɔ:s] – заставили силой
collective farm [kə'lektɪv] - колхоз
1.Agree or disagree.
1.In Soviet times there lived a man called Pavel Sleptsov.
2.In his childhood he liked hunting.
3.In his songs Yrya Pavel predicted the future.
4.Pavel's father was a white shaman.
5.Zhirkov Alexey asked Pavel to dance.
6.People who had heard that news passed it by word of mouth.
7.Yrya Pavel did not have a beautiful voice.
8.Melaniya was a native of Bytantay.
9.But militiamen caught him and made to join the Communist Party by force.
10.In his song Pavel told about her future.
2.Fill in the blanks with the following words:
ancestors, income, described, bandits, singer, glad, born, embarrassed, worked, died
1.Old people did not like that he __________ a little but sang a lot.
2.People said that he was a bad __________.
3.Pavel sang about local toions who shared __________, meat and cattle with each other.
4.Toions were __________, and people amused themselves.
5.He was __________ and went home.
6.Soon the chairman, his wife and children __________.
7.During yhyakh he __________ the nature, tyuhyulge and animals in his songs very colourfully.
8.In Soviet times Kyoyojyoryo Konstantin hid men and __________ from Red Army.
9.Melaniya only heard about her __________.
10.“The words are __________ in my songs by themselves,” he said.
3.Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
1.__ his childhood he had liked singing.
2.People were afraid __ his songs because __ his songs he predicted the future.
3.His songs were very long and difficult to understand __ an ordinary man.
4.One day he was invited __ the feast where there were toions __ all __ the nasleg.
5.The chairman __ a collective farm, Zhirkov Alexey, asked __ Pavel to sing.
6.He called the names __ all toions.
7.He also sang __ people he did not know.
8.One autumn day he stayed __ the house of an 80-year-old woman Melaniya.
9.“You are famous __ singing,” she said.
10.“How did you know __ my ancestors __ such detail?” asked Melaniya.
4.Find in the text the sentences in which the following word-combinations are used. Use them in your own sentences.
Worked a little bit; was invited; shared income; by word of mouth; scary and prophetic; made by force; about her ancestors.
5.Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in your own sentences.
Люди говорили, что он плохой певец; предсказывал будущее; праздник; доход, мясо и скот; внешность; красочно; пророческие; однажды осенью; мы тебя накормим сытно; красноармейцы; вступить; гость; предки; так подробно; удивительно.
6.Answer the following questions.
1.Why didn’t old people like Yrya Pavel?
2.Why were people afraid of his songs?
3.What was Pavel’s father?
4.What did Pavel sing about local toions?
5.What did he describe during yhyakh?
6.When did he stay at Melaniya’s place?
7.What happened to Kyoyojyoryo Konstantin in Soviet times?
8.How did Pavel know about Melaniya’s ancestors?

Слепцова Олеся (12 лет)
Mountain Yynnaakh is a mystery of nature. It seems that some great master skilfully carved strange outlines of stone. From far away they seem to be a crowd of people. This mountain has several names: Kisilyakh, Yynnaakh, and our ancestors called it Arghaa Taas. There are some legends about a spirit of mountain Yynnaakh. We heard one of them from elderly residents of Borulakhsky nasleg: Neustroyeva M.V. and Bozhedonov E.N.
Once a rich man lived in the area of Billeekh. It was his elder daughter who became the spirit of the mountain. Once before going to bed his daughter said:
“Father, tomorrow I will be forty years old, and I am not married till now. Tomorrow at 4 o'clock in the afternoon you will see my new face.”
The next day, after morning milking the woman put on all her jewelry, the smartest dress and took a calf’s muzzle. Then she went to Bulgunnyakh and hung a calf’s muzzle on a dry rose willow. She turned over several times, lying on the snow and turned into a she-bear. After that the she-bear went to the mountain. It was winter - a time of bear’s hibernation.
In the spring the daughter of a rich man turned into a woman again and did her housekeeping. Her one footprint on the snow was that of a woman and the other one – of a bear.
Seven years passed. Once the Evens who lived seven versts away from the terrain of Billeekh arrived there. They found a bear’s den. Suddenly the she-bear appeared and said in a human voice:
“Don't kill me, I am a woman.”
Then she showed her gold jewelry. The Evens did not obey and killed her by stabbing a spear in her back. In a few years all of them perished. It is said the calf’s muzzle hung on a rose willow for a very long time just where the woman hung it.
(Veteran of labour P.A. Rozhin, born in 1929)
carved strange outlines [ka:vd] – выточил странные очертания
I am not married ['mærɪd] – я не замужем
rose willow [rəʊz 'wɪləʊ] – тальник
1.Agree or disagree.
1.Mountain Yynnaakh is a miracle of nature.
2.From far away they seem to be a crowd of people.
3.It was his elder daughter who became the hostess of the mountain.
4.“Tomorrow at 4 o'clock in the afternoon you will see my new face,” she said.
5.Then she hung her gold jewelry on a dry rose willow.
6.After that the she-bear went to the forest.
7. On the snow was that of a woman and the other one – of a wolf.
8.Once the Evenks who lived seven versts away from the terrain of Billeekh arrived there.
9.Then she showed her gold jewelry.
10. In a few years all of them were punished.
2.Fill in the blanks with the following words:
ancestors, snow, rich, woman, residents, den, outlines, married, kill, seven
1.It seems that some great master skilfully carved strange __________ of stone.
2.Our __________ called it Arghaa Taas.
3.We heard one of them from elderly __________ of Borulakhsky nasleg.
4.A __________ man lived in the area of Billeekh.
5.“Father, tomorrow I will be forty years old, and I am not __________ till now,” she said.
6.She turned over several times, lying on the __________.
7.In the spring the daughter of a rich man turned into a __________.
8.__________ years passed.
9.They found a bear’s __________.
10.“Don't __________ me, I am a woman,” she said.
3.Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
1.There are some legends __ a spirit __ mountain Yynnaakh.
2.Once __ going __ bed his daughter said.
3.__ morning milking the woman put __ all her jewelry.
4.Then she went __ Bulgunnyakh.
5.She turned __ a she-bear.
6.It was winter - a time __ bear’s hibernation.
7.__ the spring she did her housekeeping.
8.Suddenly the she-bear appeared and said __ a human voice.
9.The Evens did not obey and killed her stabbing a spear __ her back.
10.The calf’s muzzle hung __ a rose willow __ a very long time.
4.Find in the text the sentences in which the following word-combinations are used. Use them in your own sentences.
It seems; the next day; turned over; in the spring; on snow; in some years; for a very long time.
5.Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in your own sentences.
Загадка природы; издалека; есть несколько преданий; стала духом горы; до сих пор; самое нарядное платье; намордник; тальник; несколько раз; медведица; занималась хозяйством; берлога; сказала человеческим голосом; копье; все они погибли.
6.Answer the following questions.
1.How did our ancestors call the mountain?
2.Where did the rich man live?
3.What did his daughter say before going to bed?
4.Where did she go the next day?
5.What did she hang on a dry rose willow?
6.What did she do every spring?
7.Who arrived in seven years?
8.Why did the Evens perish in a few years?
Словарь якутских понятий:
- Baianay – Байанай (дух-покровитель охотников и рыболовов),
- Evens – эвены (сибирский тунгусо-маньчжурский народ, родственный эвенкам),
- Khoton – хотон (хлев, коровник),
- Kyalaakh – Кыалаах (название охотничьей территории),
- Moma – Мома (сокращенно от Момский район),
- Nasleg – наслег (мелкая административная единица в Якутии),
- Saiylyk – сайылык (летнее жилище, летник),
- Salamat – саламат (кушанье из муки и сливочного масла),
- Syotyuekke – сётюёккэ (домовой; якутский дух в образе рыжеволосого ребенка, очень просто одетого, часто с грязным личиком, но очень веселым и проказливым),
- Toion – тойон (господин; начальник),
- Tyuhyulge – тюсюлгэ (место для проведения ысыаха),
- Yhyakh – ысыах (якутский национальный праздник летнего солнцестояния),
- Yrya – ырыа (в переводе с якут. «песня»). Здесь: Певец Павел.
Библиографический список
Иванов М.С. – Багдарын Сюлбэ. Предания и легенды старины. – Якутск: Бичик, 2004.
Потапова Е.Н. Фольклор Верхоянья (былины и легенды). – ГУП РС(Я) «Верхоянская улусная типография», п. Батагай, 2006.