Входной контроль для учеников 3 класса по английскому языку

Входной контроль по английскому языку
3 класс (сентябрь 2016)
Pupil`s name ____________________
Максимальное кол-во баллов = 45 б.
45– 41 баллов – «5»
40 - 34 баллов – «4»
33 – 23 баллов – «3»
0 – 22 баллов – «2»
Аудирование. (10 баллов)
Базовый уровень. (5 баллов)
Прослушай пять небольших высказываний и соотнеси каждое высказывание с картинкой. Впиши номер высказывания в пустой квадратик.
Повышенный уровень. (5 баллов)
Отметь являестя утверждение верным true (T) или неверным false (F).
My grandparents live in a big house. True / False
The horse is big and black. True / False
The boy can’t ride a bike. True / False
The chick can run and jump. True / False
The flowers are pink, orange, yellow, and light blue. True / False
Чтение. ( 10 баллов)
Базовый уровень . Прочитайтексты и подбери заголовки к ним. Запиши номера заголовков в таблицу. Один заголовок лишний. (5 баллов)
I like this bike. It is new. I can ride it in the park. I like this English book. It is very thick. I read it in the evening. I like my dool. I like to play with the doll. It is very cute.
Rostov is small. It is very old. It has a tall old tower and small low houses. The streets are short and narrow. We have three schools in our town. They are new and big.
I am a school girl. I am twelve years old. I go to school in the morning. We read and write at school too. I like English and I like school.
We have two dogs. They are black and white. My grandmother feeds the dogs in the morning and in the evening. The dogs like to run in the park. They can swim in the lake. My School
My Town
What I like
Our Pets
My Bike
Повышенный уровень. (5 баллов)
Прочитай текст и утверждения после него. Отметь галочкой верные утверждения.
Mark is a pupil. He is from Boston. He is ten years old. In the morning he is at school. The school is new. He likes his school.
He can read English books. He wants to speak Russian but he can’t speak Russianvery well. He can sing Russian songs.
He can run and jump very well. He runs with his dog Rex in the park. Rex is big and strong. It is old but it can run and jump well. They are happy together.
Mark has a nice bike. It is dark brown. Mark can ride his bike well but he can’t ride a horse.
Mark is a pupil. (П Р И М Е Р) +
Mark is from London. Mark is at school in the afternoon. Mark can speak Rusian very well. Rex can run and jump. Mark can ride a horse but he can’t ride a bike. 2.Лексико – грамматический контроль. (20 баллов)
Базовый уровень. (10 б)
Задание 1. Закончи предложения, используя слова в табличке. (5 баллов)
Stadium a driver a present ski teacher
What is his job? – He is a______________.

The boys ______________________in the wood.
This is a ___________________for sister.
My friends are in the ______________________.
Mrs. Rodinson is an English________________.
Задание 2. Выбери нужные фрмы глаголов в скобках и обведи их. (5 баллов)
My grandmother (have/has) big house.
My parents (help / helps) my grandparents.
Fred and Mary (like / likes) to read books.
Henry can (play / to play) tennis.
Bob (is, am, are) nine years old.
My sister (go / goes) to bed.
Повышенный уровень. (10 баллов)
Задание 3. Найди лишнее слово и вычеркни его. (5 баллов)
Ann, Sue, Bill, I, Bob
Football, hockey, swimming pool, tennis, badminton
Doll, cat, dog, bear, frog
Economist, teacher, camel, businessman, pilot
Five, seven, nine, too, two
Задание 4. Задай общий вопрос к предложениям. ( 5 баллов)
Bill likes to play tennis.________________________________________________
His children are good singers.___________________________________________
Sam has got a sister.___________________________________________________
Kate can swim._______________________________________________________
They like to read English books._________________________________________
Письмо. (5 баллов)
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