Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу английского языка за III семестр

Вариант 1
I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
Russia is situated in … .
а) Europe and Asia b) America and Australia c) the West of Europe d) in the East of Asia
Russia is very rich in … .
а) deserts b)mineral resources c) icebergs
The USA is situated on the … American continent.
а) North b) South
In the south the USA have borders with … .
Canada b) Mexico c) Brazil d) Italy
In the north the USA have borders with … .
New Zealand b) Canada c) the UK d) France
The capital of the USA is … .
New York b) Washington DC c) London d) Chicago
The USA is a … .
monarchy b) a parliamentary republic c) colony of the UK
America was discovered by … .
Christopher Columbus b) Amerigo de Visputchi c) James Cook
The residence of the USA president is in … .
the White House b) Downing Street c) Petrovsky Street
The UK is situated … .
on the British Isles b) in Europe c) on the North American continent
The UK consists of … countries.
2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
The capital of the UK is … .
London b) Liverpool c) Manchester d) Newport
Great Britain is a … .
constitutional monarchy b) parliamentary republic
London is situated on the … river.
Siena b) Thames c) Moscow d) Tyne
The oldest part of London is … .
Westminster b) the West End c) the East End d) the City
II. Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге (Present Passive):
The children … to the Zoo every summer.
were taken b) are taken c) will be taken
2.This dish … by my mother for every Christmas.
a)am cooked b) is cooked c) are cooked
3. Bread … every day.
a) is eaten b) are eaten c) is eated
4. Many houses … in our town every year.
a) is built b) are built c) are build
5. A lot of interesting games always … at our PT lessons.
a) is playing b) are played c) am played
Вариант 2
I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа
The USA is washed by … .
one ocean b) two oceans c) three oceans
The United States of America is headed by … .
the President b) a monarch c) the State Duma d) by people
The climate of Great Britain is … the whole year round.
mild b) cold c) rainy d) frosty
Great Britain is a country with … cultural traditions and customs.
old b) new c) modern d) international
The oldest and the most famous universities of Great Britain are … universities.
Manchester & Liverpool b) Oxford & Cambridge c) London & Edinburgh d)Belfast & Cambridge
The President of the USA is elected for a … term.
a) 4 year b) 5 years c) 6 years d) 8 years
… is the heart of Moscow.
Manezhnaya square b) Trafalgar square c) Red Square d) Victory square
The President of Russia is elected for a … term.
4 year b) 5 year c) 6 year d) 8 year
There are … states in the USA.
50 b) 49 c) 51 d) 52
Great Britain is separated from the continent by … .
the Pacific ocean b) the Irish sea c) the Bristol Channel d) the English Channel
The head of the UK is … .
the Prime Minister b) the President c) the Queen d) the Speaker
The Union Jack is … .
the flag of the UK b) the flag of Scotland c) the flag of Wales
d) the flag of England
Christmas Day in Great Britain is celebrated on the 25th of … .
December b) January c) February d) March
A new National Emblem of Russia is a … .
two-headed eagle b) matryoshka c) a red star d) a red flag
… is the biggest bell in Britain.
the Clock b) the Clock Bell c) Big Ben
II. Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге (Present Passive):
Hockey … in winter.
were playedb) are played c) is played
2.I … at the lesson every day.
a)are asked b) am asked c) is ask
3. These cars … in Japan.
a) is made b) are make c) are made
4. Flowers … in the streets.
a) are bought b) is buy c) is bought
5. The texts … from English into Russian.
a) is translated b) are translate c) am translated