Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме Professions 6d УМК Spotlight

Form : 9
Date: 27.02.2017
Topic of the lesson: Professions. Speaking
By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
- actuate the knowledge of lexics on topic;
- understand the main contents of the audio text (dialogue);
-practice Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns ;
-talk about the incident you witnessed .
Equipment: student’s book “ Spotlight 9”, different handouts, presentation, notebook , a short video.
Procedure of the lesson
Organization moment
T: Hello, everybody! I’m glad to see you. Take your seats. Well, let’s start our lesson.
I won’t announce the topic. Now you will watch a fragment from the song and tell me the topic of the lesson.
Video- Jobs Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdvTlQzsaYIYes, you are right. It’s PROFESSIONS. You know, there are many different professions in our big world, and By the end of the lesson you ‘ll be able to role-play the incident you witnessed. How do you think does our aim have any practical use? ______________( students answer)
And how will we work? Let’s discuss the plan of our lesson. (teacher discusses the plan and writes down the points proposed by the students on a Whatman paper)
Warming up
T: Now let’s play our game “The Weakest Link”
I name the profession and throw the ball, you do the same and throw the ball to your classmate…
T: Now we’ll listen to an interview between the policeman and the witness and fill in the missing information. Exercise 5 page 97.
____________( students do the task)
And now exchange your copybooks , and we’ll check if you were right…
By the way, if you want to know more about the profession of a policeman, I advise you to watch this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTYe9vi2VBMIt’s about Elise , police constable. The presenter shows one day in the life of a Police Officer.

For the reading activity divide into two groups. You’ve got the stripes from the dialogue “ A policeman is asking a witness questions”
Make it up, please.


-451485127000Pretend that you are a clown. It’s also a profession! You have to blow balloons, breath out and counting: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Breath in and counting: 5, 6, 7, 8.
T: Work in pairs. Act out the situation-exercise 6 page 97.

T: You already know reflexive pronouns. Now let’s play the game “Finish the sentence ” to recollect them.
I am angry with __________.
He fell down and hurt __________.
Tell me more about __________.
She believes in __________.
We are sure of __________.
They did everything __________.
Лицо Единственное число Множественное число
1    myself - себя, сам(а)    ourselves - себя, сами
2    yourself - себя, сам(а), сами    yourselves - себя, сами 
3    himself - себя, сам   herself - себя, сам   it'self - себя, сам, сама, само    themselves
T: But when do we use them? Let us read the theory and do exercise 7 on page 97. (students do sentences 1-5, the rest is for home assignment.)
e) Lexics + Speaking Practice
T: We continue working in groups. Now three students from each group in turn will go to the blackboard, take the stuck sheet of paper, look at the picture, name the profession and try to tell as much as he/she can about it. The usage of Reflexive pronouns is greeted!


T: Good for you, my clever boys and girls. Now repeat our aim, our motto. By the end of the lesson you ‘ll be able to role-play the incident you witnessed. Have we reached the aim? What about the plan? Have we achieved all the points of our plan?
Introspection, mark for the lesson
Was the lesson useful and interesting for you? Choose one of the smiles…

Моя самооценка
ФИ______________________________________________ Отметка товарища Отметка учителя Hometask
Group 2: Do EX.7, 8 on page 97
Group 1: make your own sentences with idioms from Ex. 8