Презентация по английскому языку на тему Helping people к учебнику Кузовлева В.П.
What have you done to help people? Волкова Мария ГермановнаУчитель английского языкаЯрославль What can you do to help people? Look at the pictures, name the activities 1) To clean up neighbourhood Собирать мусор 2) To do the shopping b) Шить мягкие игрушки 3) To pick up litter c) Прибирать, приводить в порядок окрестности, район 4) To collect secondhand books d) Сгребать листья 5) To help children in the local hospital e) Помогать пожилым и одиноким 6) To do tricks f) Делать покупки 7) To rake leaves g) Смывать надписи, рисунки со стен 8) To wash off graffiti from the wall h) Собирать подержанные книги 9) To sew soft toys i) Помогать детям в местной больнице 10) To help elderly and lonely people j) Показывать фокусы Match the words with the translations Fill in the gaps, using the new wordsI think it may be boring to…I think it is great to…I think … may be useful. I think … might be interesting. I don’t think it is fun to …I think it may be important to…I think it might be exciting to…I think it is difficult to… Say what you would like to do to help your neighbourhood. Use the new wordsI would like to…. I think it is very…. I would also like to… because it may be…. But I wouldn’t like to… because I think it is (not)…. Describe your mood