Работа с личностными тестами на уроках английского языка

Выступление на ШМО по теме: «Работа с личностными тестами на уроках английского языка как прием повышения эффективности занятий»
Учитель: Чернякова Т.М.(II полугодие 2013-2014 уч. года)
Не секрет, что одной из задач, которые ставит преподаватель перед собой, является повышение мотивации у студентов и развитие интереса к тому, чем они занимаются, в особенности, если речь идет об изучении иностранного языка.
Эффективность занятий зачастую зависит от того, насколько разнообразны и привлекательны те формы, методы, приемы, которые применяются преподавателем в своей работе.
Всем известно, какой положительный результат приносит использование на уроках иностранного языка игр, конкурсов, викторин и т.д. Такие формы не часто удается применять в аудиторное время, поэтому гораздо большую ценность они имеют как элементы правильно организованного внеклассного занятия или факультатива. Свободное же время, оставшееся, к примеру, в конце аудиторного занятия, вполне можно провести рационально, эффективно и одновременно с этим увлекательно, если использовать в частности, работу с так называемыми личностными тестами (personality tests).
Такие тесты могут различаться как по форме, так и по содержанию, рассчитаны на студентов разного возраста с различным уровнем подготовки. Тесты помогают представить себя в определенной роли и скорректировать свое поведение в случае необходимости.
Подобные психологические тесты можно использовать на занятиях для диагностики личностных качеств, манеры поведения в различных ситуациях, а кроме этого, для тренировки речевых образцов, лексического и грамматического материала.
Формы работы с тестом абсолютно вариативны. Это зависит от многих факторов, например, возраста учащихся, уровня их владения языком, темы занятия, целей и задач, преследуемых преподавателем, вида речевой деятельности, который является приоритетным, навыков и умений, отрабатываемых в ходе урока и т.д.
Самое элементарное – ответить на вопросы теста и подвести итоги тестирования. Материал при этом подается либо устно (преподавателем, студентами), либо письменно (на индивидуальных карточках, на доске). Данная форма работы с тестом полезна при тренировке навыков аудирования, чтения (вслух, про себя), переводе, письма.
Подсчет баллов, последующая оценка результатов тестирования, вполне вероятно, вызовет чье-то согласие или несогласие, одобрение или неодобрение. В ходе дискуссии формируются и развиваются навыки устной речи (монологической, а чаще диалогической) с использованием коммуникативных формул и т.д.
Тесты вызывают у студентов большой интерес, они с энтузиазмом работают при этом с разными грамматическими конструкциями и лексикой, сами составляют подобные тесты, переводят уже готовые с русского языка на английский, и наоборот, вносят свои варианты ответов на вопросы, предлагают новые трактовки полученных результатов. Так как тесты, в основном, носят шутливый характер, то на уроках царит атмосфера веселья, доброжелательности.
Предлагаемые в Приложении тесты различаются по тематике, по форме и объему, и станут удачным дополнением эффективного занятия и ярким примером, того, как можно совместить приятное с полезным.
Personality tests
1. A Love Test
Answer the questions (honestly!) and then read the explanations.
1. You are walking to your boy/girlfriend's house. There are two roads to get there. One is a straight path to take you there quickly, but is very boring. The other is much longer but is full of wonderful sights and interesting things. Which one do you take to get to your boy/girlfriend's house, short or long?
2. On the way you see two rose bushes. One is full of red roses, the other is full of white ones. You decide to pick 20 roses for your boy/girlfriend, of any colour combination. What number of white and red roses do you pick? (You can pick all of one or any combination of the two).
3. You finally get to their house. A family member answers the door. You can ask them to get your boy/girlfriend or you can go get him or her yourself. Which do you do?
4. You go up to you boy/girlfriend's room, but nobody is there. You decide to leave the roses. Do you leave them on the windowsill or on the bed?
5. Later, it's time for bed. You and your boy/girlfriend go to sleep in separate rooms. In the morning, when it's time to get up, you knock at your sweetheart's room. Is s/he awake or asleep?
6. Now it's time to go back home. Do you take the short, plain road or the longer, more interesting one?
1. The road represents your attitude towards falling in love. If you take the short road, you fall in love quickly and easily. If you take the long road, you take your time and do not fall in love easily.
2. The number of red roses represents how much you give in a relationship, while the number of white represents what you expect in return. For example, if you chose 18 red and 2 white roses, you give 90% and expect 10% in return.
3. This question represents your attitude towards handling relationship problems. If you asked the family member to get you your sweetheart, then you like to avoid problems and hope that they will solve themselves. If you went to get him or her yourself, then you are a more direct person and like to work out problems immediately.
4. The placement of roses determines how much you like to see your boy/girlfriend. Placing them on the bed means you like to see them a lot, while placing them on the windowsill means that you are alright with not seeing them very often.
5. This is representative of your attitude towards their personality. If you find them asleep, you love your boy/girlfriend the way they are. If you find them awake, you expect them to change for you.
6. If you chose the short road, you fall out of love easily. If you chose the longer one, you usually stay in love for a long time.
2. How courageous are you.
Do this quiz and find out. What would you do if.You heard a strange noise in the middle of the night?
a) I would tell my parents and go back to bed.b) I would hide under the bed.c) I would get up and have a look.
You were on a desert island?
a) If I could swim, I'd escape.b) If I couldn't swim, I'd build a boat.c) If I didn't have a friend, I would be frightened. I would explore the island.
You saw a ghost?
a) I wouldn't believe my eyes — I don't believe in ghosts.b) I would faint.c) I would speak to it nicely — it might be shy or lonely.
An alien spaceship landed in your garden?
a) I would keep calm and phone the newspapers.b) If I were alone, I'd panic. I would be terrified.c) I would wait for the aliens to come out, and I'd take a picture.
You found an enormous spider in your bed?
a) I would remove it carefully — it might be poisonous.b) I would scream and call for help.c) I would pick it up and put it in a bottle — it might interest my Science teacher.
2 points for every a) answer1 point for every b) answer3 points for every c) answer
5-7 pointsOh dear, you aren't very brave at all!
8-11 pointsYou are brave and very cool. Well done.
12-15 pointsYou are very, very brave — or crazy!
3. Are you good conversationalist.Answers: “Yes” - 0
“No” - 1
1. I can only talk to people who I consider pleasant.
2. I can keep up a conversation only when its theme is interesting to me.
3. I'd rather speak to someone else than listen.
4. I don't care whether I am listened to.
5. I like to argue.
6. I don't care what my listener thinks of me.
7. I keep on insisting on my view even if I am wrong.
8. It's not important to me whether the theme of the conversation is interesting to my listener or not.
9. I can never imagine myself in my listener's place.
10. If the conversation is not interesting to me, I can interrupt my partner.
11. I can easily break into any conversation.
Check up your score:
"11-8" - You are a very good conversationalist, you always respect your listener, and people enjoy talking to you.
"7-5" - You listen to people only when the topic is interesting to you. Try to find out other people's interests, and you might make more friends.
"Less than 5" - You prefer to talk yourself rather than listening to other people. Keep in mind that if you are a good listener you can make friends easier.
4. Are Parents Friends or Enemies?
Is it hard to find a common language with your parents? Are your relations clouded with irritation and despair? You do not obviously know what to do, do you? Replying to the test given below will help you to overcome family disagreements and as a result improve your relations with parents.
1. My parents' friends:
a) irritate me, I don't like them; 5b) I like some of them but I am indifferent to others; 3c) sometimes it's interesting to associate with them; 2d) they are quite respectable people; 1e) I appreciate and trust them. 0
2. When I get into an unpleasant situation:
a) I conceal it from my parents; 4b) 1 will get nothing but nagging from my parents; 5c) my parents will help me but then they will reproach me for it for all time; 3d) they will grow nervous and scold me but will help me to get out of it; 2e) they will always give me good advice and support me in any situation. 0
3. If I have a conflict with my teachers in my parents' opinion:
a) it's always my fault; 4b) it's always my teachers' fault; 4c) it's a problem that we must solve together. 1
4. If I have a friend and my parents don't like him:
a) they ignore him; 4b) they are amiable with him but say nasty-things behind his back; 3c) they are aggressive with him; 3d) they don't disguise their feelings but allow me to make a choice by myself. 1
5. I want my future family to be:
a) quite the opposite to my parents' family; 3b) similar to my parents' family; 1c) slightly similar to my parents' family; 1d) I have not thought about it yet. 1
6. About my personal tastes and preferences:
a) my parents know nothing; 3b) know only those things that I permit them to know; 3c) know the things which it's impossible to hide; 3d) know practically everything and they share with me some of them. 1
7. My leisure time:
a) I never spend it with my parents; 4b) I spend it with my parents because they want it but I hate it; 3c) I willingly spend free time with my parents, if I am not busy. 1
8. I quarrel with my parents:
a) practically everyday; 4b) once a week; 3c) once a month or less. 1
9. My quarrels with my parents end:
a) with mutual enmity; 4b) when one of us yields to another; 3c) with a quiet talk. 1
10. If I need some money but I don't want to tell my parents for what:
a) I'll never ask them for it; 4b) I'll invent a more or less plausible version; 4c) I'll tell them the truth, only in case they give me the money; 2d) they trust me and will give me the money without any questions. 0
11. If my parents have problems:
a) most likely I won't hear about it from them; 4b) I'll help, if they ask me; 3c) I'll put my work off and help them if it is in my power; 1d) we'll solve them together. 0
12. When my friends have problems, my parents:
a) are the last to be informed; 4b) will say that it is none of their business; 4c) will be ready to help them but with some conditions; 1d) will help in any case. 0
13. At family celebrations with my parents:
a) I behave as/ if I were in prison; 4b) I sit for half an hour out of respect and try to slip away; 3c) I behave differently. It depends on who our guests are; 2d) I have fun with others. 1
14. When my mother's or father's Birthday comes:
a) I don't worry - we never give presents to each other; 4b) I always find it difficult to choose a good present and end up giving a souvenir; 3c) I'll buy something useful for them or for the house; 2d) I always know which present my parents are eager to receive. 0
15. If I have problems of an intimate character:
a) I'll never tell my parents about it; 4b) it is a closed theme for our family; 4c) it is easier for me to appeal to other adults than to my parents; 2d) it's possible to discuss some details with my parents. 1
16. If my mother buys a fashionable expensive thing for herself:
a) I think that such things are more necessary for me; 4b) I'm quite indifferent; 2c) I'm happy for her. 0
17. In regard to my image and looks:
a) I can do whatever I like since my parents are indifferent to it; 4b) I often hear sneers and critical remarks; 3c) Sometimes my parents give me good advice; 1d) They often say “You look fabulous!" 0
The Result
50-72 pointsThe atmosphere in your family is practically always aggressive. Don't forget that the relationship with patents is your responsibility too. You ought to take the first step as you are younger and stronger.
25-49 pointsIt won't do you any good to quarrel with your parents, you will have to make up in the end." As soon as you take into consideration that your parents have feelings, wishes and needs, they will recognize you as their equal.
15-24 pointsSometimes misunderstanding, irritation and despair darken the, relationships with your parents. There are no ideal families you know but practically all people try to improve their relations with family members' by seeking different ways. It's worth discussing and solving problems together.
Under 15 pointsIf you have answered the questions honestly, you can conclude that your relationship with your parents is rather happy. But sometimes such an idyll can hide your weakness, dependence on parents and disinclination to become an independent person.
5. Are you a super saver or an energy waster.Are you doing your bit to help the planet?Try our fun quiz and find out if you're a Super Saver or an Energy Waster.Tick any of the following statements that you agree with.
I walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible.
I remember, I turn off the TV, lights and heaters when I'm not using them.
I take old newspapers, bottles and cans to the recycling center regularly.
I love fast food so I get my parents to buy pizzas and hamburgers instead of locally-grown food.
I encourage my parents to buy energy-efficient products.
I sometimes put on an extra sweater if I'm feeling cold but it's easier to turn the heating up.
I get my parents to drive me to school and the shops whenever possible.
I prefer reading a book to playing computer games or watching TV.
I like to leave all the lights in the house — it looks much cosier.
I sometimes buy energy-efficient batteries for my Discman and computer games.
I throw empty drink cans in the bin.
I always have a shower, not a bath, to save water.
Quiz Interpretations
If you ticked mainly red buttonsOh, dear! You're not a Super Saver at all — yet! Just stop to think how much pollution you're creating to supply your energy needs. Start NOW! Help stop dangerous climatic change.
If you ticked mainly yellow buttonsHmmm, you know all about the problems of wasting energy, but there's still room for improvement. With just a little more effort, you could really be a Super Saver and help cut pollution. Together we can make a difference.
If you ticked mainly green buttonsYou are a dedicated Super Saver, that's for sure! You're keen to save energy at every opportunity. Keep up the good work, and tell your friends about what you do!
6. Everybody's good at something
Do this personality test and find the right career for you.
1. A friend is having problems with a school project. She asks you to help her. What would you do?
a) Help her after school. Tell her to phone you if she has any more problems.b) Give her a plan of how you would do the project. Tell her the names of books where she can find information.c) Suggest ways of making her project attractive and interesting.d) Ask her to organise a work timetable so she finishes the project on time.
2. You are working for a charity in a village in Colombia. Your boss tells your team to repair an old bridge across a river. What would you do?
a) Ask the villagers what they want. Ask them to give you advice.b) Choose a specific job that you think you could do well, such as collecting wood. Then plan how you could do the job efficiently.c) Try to improve the design of the bridge. Look at the river and see if there is a better place to build the bridge.d) Ask everybody in your team to do specific jobs. Make sure they know what to do. Choose one of the hardest jobs yourself to set an example.
3. You are on a school trip when the coach has an accident. No one is hurt, but you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic. It is getting dark and it has started to snow. What would you do?
a) Talk to anybody who looks afraid or worried. Tell them not to worry.b) Keep calm. You know that the situation is not really dangerous and somebody is going to get help.c) Tell your friends a story, while you are waiting for help.d) Take control of the situation. Tell everybody not to panic. Ask a small group to go to the nearest village to get help. Tell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes to keep warm.
4. Last week your teacher asked your class to perform a short play for the school. So far, nothing has been done and there are only ten days before the performance. What would you do?
a) Offer to take part and ask others to do the same. Help people to learn then" lines.b) Organise some of the practical things, such as costumes, scenery and sound effects.c) Think of ideas for the play. Write the dialogue and show it to the class.d) Offer to direct the performance. Choose people for different roles.
If most of your answers were:
a: You are helpful, patient, generous. Your ideal job is one in which you work with people — helping, training or curing them, e.g. doctor, nurse, teacher, social worker.
b: You are reliable, organized, logical, careful. You are good at practical things. You are a good person to work with figures, computers, machines, plants or animals.
c: You are emotional, creative, flexible. You are imaginative and creative and you would be good as a journalist, designer or artist of some kind.
d: You are strong, confident, motivated. You are a natural leader and would be a good manager of other people in a business.
If your answers were mixed, you are probably suited to a job in which you can use your different skills and abilities. Example: manager of a computer company which combines practical abilities (b) and leadership (d).
7. Are you a successful person.People want to be successful.Success in life, getting what you want depends on what we say and how we say it.Answer the questions, and see how you would do.
1. You've left your watch at home. You want to ask a stranger what time it is. What do you say?
a) What time is it?b) Excuse me, what time is it?c) Excuse me, I am so absent-minded. I've left my watch at home. What time is it?
2. You go to buy your favourite magazine, 'Speak out!'. The shop assistant gives you 'Cool' by mistake. What do you say?
a) You've made a mistake. I need 'Speak Out'.b) I think there is a mistake. Could you change this for me, please?c) Excuse me, I've made a silly mistake. Will you be so kind to change this for me?
3. Your friend invites you to the theatre. You are busy writing a report. What do you say to your friend?
a) It's out of the question. I am busy.b) I'm so sorry, I can't. I'm busy working. Try to invite Ann, she dreams of seeing this play.c) Excuse me, I'm so busy. Don't be cross with me. I'm so sorry, I've spoiled your evening, but next time...
4. You want to buy a ticket to Kiev. What do you say to the clerk in the booking office?
a) Give me a ticket to Kiev.b) A single to Kiev, please.c) Would you mind selling me a ticket, please. I'm going to Kiev. My aunt lives there.
5. You enter a railway carriage. There is little room left. You can sit down if another passenger moves up. What do you say?
a) If you were not sc stout, I could sit down.b) Would you move up, please?c) Excuse me, would you mind moving up a little. I'm not well.
6. Your neighbour wants to borrow some money from you. You know that he never gives it back in time. What do you say?
a) If you were not so lazy, you would be a millionaire.b) No.c) I'm so sorry, I've just lent it to my friend. Next time maybe...
Majority of As
You are not a very successful person, are you? You blame it on your friends, teachers and parents. It's only your fault. Your answers sound rude. You are not very pleasant to deal with. Be careful not to treat people badly. Why not study good manners? It's never late to start a new life. Good luck!
Majority of Bs
You are rather successful. People around you think that you are friendly and easy to get along with. Your friends and parents are always ready to help. Congratulations! But don't put on airs.
Majority of Cs
Trying to be too polite is no good. Ask your close friend to read your answers aloud. Aren't they funny? Diffident people can't be successful. Stop making excuses when the problem is not worth it.
8. How is your self-image?
Answer these questions and find out.
1. Do you worry about what others think about you?
2. Are you good at what you do?
3. Do you wear what others expect you to wear?
4. Do you worry if you upset others?
5. Do you apologise to people often?
6. Do you do things that you don't want to just to keep the peace?
7. Do your classmates like you?
8. Do you find it easy to accept a compliment?
9. Do you wish you were more talented? 10. Do you keep your opinions to yourself?
Mostly yesYour self-image tends to be dictated by others. Try learning to be more assertive and stick up for yourself, and focus on things that you are good at, and you enjoy doing. Be nice to yourself, respect yourself, and others will do the same.
Mostly noYou have a strong self-image, a strong sense of purpose in life, and you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Be careful about becoming too big-headed.
Mixed answersYou feel rather positive about yourself, but you may feel a little insecure from time to time. Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements, instead of thinking about your weaknesses and insecurities.
9. What kind of politician would you make?
Answer the following questions and find out.
1. Drug addiction is a serious problem in many countries. Do you think that drug addicts should beA isolated from society?В given a medical treatment but only if they agree to it?С left alone?
2. Crime is on the increase nowadays. Do you think that the police/militia shouldA have more power?В continue to have the power they have now?С have less power?
3. Do you think that people should be free to come and go across borders, to live and work where they choose?
A No.В Maybe.С Yes.
4. Which of these statements about capital punishment do you agree with?
A All murderers should die.В It should be used only for particularly horrific murders.С It's always wrong to take other peoples' lives. Life imprisonment is enough.
5. Which of these views do you share?
A Governments should control TV, the press and the Internet in order to save the younger generation from stress, bad influence, etc.В In certain circumstances, censorship of the media, literature and films is necessary.С The freedom of the media should be absolute.
6. Aggressive football fans are in the news everywhere. Which of these statements do you agree with?
A They should be imprisoned.В They should be forbidden to attend future games.С Football hooliganism is normal. It's just youthful high spirits.
Mostly As
You're extremely authoritarian. In certain circumstances you might even become a dictator.
Mostly Bs
You have realistic attitude to life. You believe in law and order but at the same tune value individual responsibility and human rights.
Mostly Cs
Your political views are extremely liberal. You believe that anything goes, anyone should be allowed to do anything.
10. Are you a fashion victim?
Do this test and find out.
1. You are invited to a party. What would you wear?
a) Something new and fashionable.b) A traditional suit or dress.c) Does it matter?
2. How much time do you spend in front of the mirror before going out?
a) More than fifteen minutes.b) Less than fifteen minutesc) About five minutes.
3. What do you usually wear?
a) Casual clothes, for example a T-shirt and jeans.b) Whatever's in fashion.c) What I feel like wearing.
4. Why do you like your clothes?
a) Because I feel comfortable in them.b) Because they say something about the sort of person I am.c) I can't say I like my clothes.
5. You pass a clothes shop and see just the dress/suit you want. It's beautiful — but you haven't got much money. What would you do?
a) I'd forget about it.b) I wouldn't buy it, but I would dream about it.c) I'd borrow money and buy it.
6. How often do you buy fashion magazines?
a) Very often.b) From time to time.c) Never.
7. The colour in fashion this year doesn't suit you. What do you do?
a) I wear it anyway — it's in fashion!b) I don't wear it.c) I don't care about what's in fashion.
8. How would you describe your style of dress?
a) Fashionable.b) Not fashionable but 'me'.c) Style? What do you mean?
Your score:
1 a) 3 b) 2 c) 12 a) 3 b) 2 c) 13 a) 1 b) 3 c) 24 a) 2 b) 3 c) 15 a) 1 b) 2 c) 36 a) 3 b) 2 c) 17 a) 3 b) 2 c) 18 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
8 — 15: You aren't fashion-conscious at all. You think that there are more important things in life than fashion. But don't you think the world would be a dull place if there were no fashion? It adds spice to life.
16 — 24: Clothes aren't the most important thing in your life. However, you know what suits you and you have a personal style. But you are a little bit conservative. Why not try a different style for a change?
25 — 32: You are a fashion victim! You go for the latest styles and spend a lot of money on clothes. But there are more important things in life than clothes — try speaking to people and you'll be surprised to find that they are nice, even if they are wearing old shoes.
11. Your jeans and your personality
Believe it or not, your jeans can indicate some of your personality traits!
Pick your favourite style of jeans and read the analysis.
• Baggy jeans• Tight jeans• Faded and worn-out jeans• Decorated jeans• Designer jeans• Standard jeans• All styles of jeans
Baggy jeansPeople who wear baggy or oversized jeans are often shy and indecisive. They lack self-confidence and tend to worry about their appearance.
Tight jeansPeople who wear tight jeans are self-confident and like to be the centre of attention. They know how to attract attention from the opposite sex.
Faded and worn-out jeansPeople who like old worn-out jeans are usually independent and sincere. They aren't interested in money or status symbols.
Decorated jeansThose who like jeans that are decorated with patches, ornaments, etc want to show that they are unique and creative. They love thinking up new ideas and like change.
Designer jeansThose who wear designer jeans, particularly from a well known designer, and love to show off that label to the world aren't really satisfied with what they currently are, and are looking for that extra recognition from people around them.
Standard jeansThose who like to wear standard blue jeans (not tight, baggy, decorated, etc) are content with their current status and lifestyle. They normally wear jeans only when it's appropriate to do so. Sounds like a real gentleman or lady, doesn't it?
All styles of jeansSome people do collect all types of jeans as listed above. This definitely shows that they also have a collection of personalities as well! One thing is for sure, these people are very adaptable, changing with the times, and probably get bored very quickly.
12. Can you stand your ground?
Do you know how to stand up for yourself? Saying what you mean and sticking to it can be a real skill when it comes to offers of drugs. Have a go at the personality quiz and see how you score.
1. You're at the bus stop, a bus comes along and someone you don't know pushes in front of the queue. Do youa) mumble something under your breath and let them on?b) say "Excuse me!" angrily and hope they get the message?c) tell them you were in front and they should wait their turn?
2. You are at a big party.. Some people you know offer you some pot. They get a bit pushy and try to persuade you to have a smoke. Do youa) tell them to "push off' and start a big row?b) pretend you have to go home?c) say "No thanks, it's not for me" and go to talk with some other friends?
3. Your mates make fun of you because you are the only one who hasn't tried smoking. Do you
a) tell them you don't care what they think — you don't want to smoke?b) try a cigarette and then say you don't like it?c) shout at them and tell them they're stupid?
4. One of your mates asks you to go into the shop to get some beer because you look older than he does. Do you
a) refuse and tell him not to ask you again?b) go in and get some but feel a bit scared?c) tell him if he doesn't stop drinking you don't want to be his friend?
5. You are eating a hamburger in a cafe and you find a hair in it. Do youDa) take it out, say nothing and throw it away?b) go and complain to the person who served you and ask for another hamburger?c) pretend you are going to be sick and make a scene?
6. Your friend wants you to try sniffing some glue.
a) Tell him to go ahead and kill himself if he wants to but not to involve you.b) Say NO and try to talk him out of doing it.c) Pretend to try it but don't actually sniff it.
Q 1.  a = 0  b = 5  c = 3Q 2.  a = 5  b = 0  c = 3Q 3.  a = 3  b = 0  c = 5Q 4.  a = 3  b = 0  c = 5Q 5.  a = 0  b = 3  c = 5Q 6.  a = 5  b = 3  c = 0
Under 18: You need to stand up for yourself more. Try to stand your ground and have more faith in yourself. Don't keep quiet just because you want to be liked. Don't do things just because your friends do!
18-25: You know how to stand your ground and speak your mind without making people angry. Your friends will respect you for this, and in the long run you may help people avoid making serious mistakes.
Above 25: You stand your ground and speak your mind — but be careful. You may run into trouble if you are too aggressive. There may be a better way of getting your point cross. Think before you speak!
13. What kind of viewer are you?
What sort of viewer are you? What's your relationship with television? To find out, choose the answer you like best and then read what your answers mean.
1. You look up the programmes before you put the TV on.
a) Rarelyb) Sometimesc) Often
2. If there isn't a programme which interests you, you don't switch on the TV.
a) Rarelyb) Sometimesc) Often
3. You've got favourite programmes which you can't miss.
a) Noneb) Somec) A lot
4. You like talking to friends about television programmes.
a) Rarelyb) Sometimesc) Often
Majority of A answers.For you watching TV is a way of escaping from reality. TV keeps you company and doesn't ask for much in return. Be careful not to isolate yourself from others or give up more interesting things. Sometimes it's good to escape from reality, but it's important that you shouldn't do it too often.
Majority of В answers.Television isn't very important for you. It's no problem to give it up if there's something more interesting to do. But if you have to stay at home you watch whatever's on that night. So, be careful not to be too superficial in your choices!
Majority of С answers.You've got an active relationship with TV. You have a good critical sense and know how to choose programmes. Be careful not to give TV too much importance and don't let it influence your language and way of life too much. Sometimes it's better to read a book.
Here are some types of television viewers.
The absent-mindedThis type of viewer leaves the TV on all day. In the meantime, he eats, phones, reads or does his homework. For him television is really just background noise for his day.
The addictHe won't give up TV for anything in the world. He watches the programmes in silence, with great concentration. Even during commercials, he won't leave the screen for fear of losing a second of the programme. He usually chooses the programmes he wants to watch very carefully.
The boredHe puts the TV on when he's got nothing better to do. For him TV is the last resort. He only watches it when it's raining or when he's ill.
14. Tell me what you eat...
What do your tastes in food and drink reveal about your character? Read about Charlie Chilli, Suzie Sweet-Tooth, Hungry Harry and Picky Polly and see which one you identify with! The character analysis is at the bottom.
Charlie Chilli: “I love eating hot, ' spicy food. I enjoy trying foreign specialities in restaurants, and I'm also fond of preparing exotic dishes in my own kitchen. I hate eating the same thing two days running — I would rather go hungry!”
Suzie Sweet-Tooth: “I don't mind what I, eat, as long as there is some chocolate on the menu. I adore desserts: I have so many favourites I often find it difficult to choose! I like milk shakes and fizzy drinks better than tea or coffee”.
Hungry Harry: “I'm more interested in quantity than quality. I can't stand getting up from the table if I still have room in my stomach. I prefer rice or potatoes and cooked vegetables to salads, and would rather drink Coke than fruit juice.”
Picky Polly: “I'm not keen on dishes which don't look beautiful. In fact, I haven't got a large appetite. There are all sorts of things I refuse to eat at all, and even when I'm given one of my favourites I always leave half of it on the plate”.
Character Analysis
Chilli eaters are brave and adventurous; they like to shock, but they get bored and restless very easily.
Sweet-eaters are easy-going and sociable but they lack confidence. They are kind and sympathetic but not always reliable.
Hungry eaters are hard-working and generous; they aren't ambitious and hate changes of any sort. They worry about the future.
Picky eaters are artistic and sensitive but they lose their tempers easily. They set themselves very high standards and don't like to fail.
15. Are you a safe surfer?
Try this quiz and find out.
1. You've "met" someone in a chat room. Which information would you give about yourself?
a) everything (or nearly everything) they ask for (for example, your full name, home address, telephone number)b) only your first name or a nickname — and nothing else
2. There's someone in a chat room, saying she is fourteen years old. Would you automatically believe she's a young girl?
a) probably yesb) no
3. You've been chatting online to someone for a while, and they suggest a meeting. What would you do?
a) agree immediately (or after having a telephone conversation)b) tell your family and friends first, then arrange to meet in a public place, and take someone (your best friend) with you
4. What's the best way to deal with abusive messages?
a) reply and complainb) ignore them
5. If you visit a site which embarrasses you, what do you do?
a) share it with your friendsb) click on "Home" to leave that site immediately
6. Do you think it is safe to put your picture on the Internet?
a) absolutelyb) very risky (the picture could be edited in an embarrassing way and sent to others on the web; you could also be traced by someone who might wish you harm)
7. What would you do if you got an e-mail from someone offering you a quick and safe way to earn money?
a) reply quickly with your full detailsb) ignore it and delete it
Your Score
Only 'b' answers: Well done. You are an experienced Internet-user. Share your experience with everyone around you.
Mostly 'b' answers: You may know your way around the Internet, but you need to pick up more tips before you're a Safe Surfer.
Mostly 'a' answers: You are not an experienced Internet-user at all. You need to pick up much tips.
16. How Satisfied Are You?
Take this one-minute quiz to find out how satisfied you are with your life.Rate each statement according to the scale below.
- Strongly agree 6
- Agree 5
- Slightly agree 4
- Neither agree nor disagree 3
- Slightly disagree 2
- Disagree 1
- Strongly disagree 0
In most ways, my life is close to my ideal.The conditions of my life are excellent.I am satisfied with my life.So far, I've got the important things I want in life. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
Add your score to see if you are:
35 to 31 — Extremely satisfied26 to 30 — Satisfied21 to 25 — Slightly satisfied20 to 16 — Neutral15 to 19 — Slightly dissatisfied10 to 14 — Dissatisfied5 to 9 — Extremely dissatisfied
17. Your fave cookies and you
David Stevenson, an American psychologist, has discovered that the way we eat cookies can reveal our personalities.
Choose which method best describes the way you eat your favourite cookies and find out what it means.
1) The whole thing all at once.2) One bite at a time.3) Slow and methodical nibbles examining the results of each bite afterwards. 4) In little feverous nibbles.5) Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee...).6) I don't have a favourite way because I don't like cookies.
Your personality:
l. The whole thing.This means you enjoy life to the full and you are fun to be with. You are carefree and sometimes even reckless. You are totally irresponsible. No one should trust you with their children.
2. One bite at a time.You are lucky to be one of the 5.4 billion other people who eat their cookies this very same way. Just like them, you lack imagination, but that's okay, not to worry, you're normal.
3. Stow and methodical.You follow the rules. You're very tidy and orderly. Your homework is always perfect. You're so meticulous that it can drive other people up the wall.
4. Feverous nibbles.Your teachers (bosses) like you because you get your work done quickly. You always have a million things to do and never enough time to do them. Your moods change very quickly: one minute you're happy, the next minute you feel sad.
5. Dunked.Every one likes you because you are always upbeat. You avoid unpleasant situations and like to say pleasant things to the people around you.
6. I don't have a favourite way, I don't like cookies.You probably come from a rich family, and like to wear nice things, and go to upscale restaurants. You are particular about the things you buy, own, and wear. Things have to be just right. You like to be pampered. There's no pleasing you.
18. How dumb are you?
Answer these questions as best as you can and see!
1. How many birthdays does the average man have?
2. Can a man marry his widow's sister?
3. One month has 28 days. Of the remaining 11 months, how many have 30 days?
4. Ali has got ten sheep. All the sheep except nine died. How many sheep are left?
5. If the only sister of your mother's only brother has an (only child, what would be your relationship to that child?
6. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?
7. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long will it take you to take all the pills?
8. A stick must be divided into 12 pieces. How many divisions must be made?
9. There are ten fingers on two hands. How many fingers are there on ten hands?
10. A doctor has a brother who is a lawyer in San Francisco, but the lawyer in San Francisco doesn't have a brother who is a doctor. How can this be?
11. Why can't a man living in New York be buried west of the Mississippi?
12. How many times can you subtract the numeral 2 from the numeral 24?
13. What is it you sit on, sleep in and brush your teeth with?
14. How many of each kind of animal did Moses take on the ark?
1. One. 2. He can't. He's dead. 3. All 11 months. 4. Nine. 5. The person would be yourself. 6. Two. 7. 60 minutes or 1 hour. 8. Eleven. 9. Fifty. 10. The doctor is his sister. 11. He is still living. 12. Only once. After the first time, you are subtracting from 22, then 20, and so on! 13. A chair, a bed and a toothbrush. 14. Moses? It was Noah! (Noah Ной)
Your evaluationRemember, this is just for fun.
0-1 mistake: Genius2-4 mistakes: Intellectual5-6 mistakes: Normal7-8 mistakes: Slight learning difficulties9-10 mistakes: Slow11-12 mistakes: Serious learning difficulties13-14 mistakes: Completely dumb