Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы для студентов заочной формы обучения
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Заместитель директора
по учебной работе
_________ О.Г. Сердюкова « ____» _________ 2015 г.
для студентов заочной формы обучения
специальности 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
Разработал преподаватель иностранного языка
_________ С.В. Лазуренко
Рассмотрено и одобрено
на заседании цикловой комиссии
филологических дисциплин
Протокол № ___ от « ___» _____ 2015 г.
Председатель цикловой комиссии
_________ З.Ф. Гурьянова
Феодосия, 2015 г
Пояснительная записка
Контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с рабочей программой для
3- го курса специальности 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий».
Объектом контроля являются элементы языка ( лексика, грамматика) и речевая деятельность ( чтение, говорение).
Целью работы является контроль усвоения изученного материала, а также овладение студентами предусмотренных программой курса навыков и умений по применению грамматического и лексического материала, работу с текстом.
Перевод предполагает самостоятельное чтение иноязычных источников по специальности. Перевод (письменный) используется как средство обучения, контроля понимания прочитанного, в качестве возможного способа передачи полученной при чтении информации. Приступая к переводу текста необходимо отдавать себе отчет в том, что перевод- это задание, требующее определенных творческих усилий. Недопустимо использование электронных программ- переводчиков.
Выполнение лексических , грамматических упражнений
Упражнения выполняются в соответствии с заданием контрольной работы. При выполнении лексических и грамматических упражнений следует строго придерживаться нумерации задания.
Учебным планом предусмотрено выполнение двух контрольных работ в конце каждого семестра, номер варианта которой определяется преподавателем. Работа, выполненная не по своему варианту не зачитывается.
Выполнение контрольной работы является обязательным условием для допуска обучающегося к учебному зачету.
Критерии оценивания
Оценка « 5» - Задания выполнены полностью.
- Работа выполнена последовательно и аккуратно.
- Перевод текста выполнен стилистически правильно и отображает полный смысл текста в оригинале.
- В лексических и грамматических заданиях не допущены ошибки по изученному материалу.
Оценка « 4»- Задания выполнены.
- Работы выполнена аккуратно с незначительными замечаниями.
- Перевод текста выполнен стилистически правильно, но содержит незначительные несоответствия с оригиналом.
- В лексических и грамматических заданиях допущены незначительные ошибки в применении изученного материала.
Оценка « 3»- Задания выполнены не полностью.
- Работы выполнена не аккуратно и не последовательно.
- Выполнены не все задания или существуют незаполненные пробелы для дальнейшего исправления и доработки.
- Перевод текста не полностью передает смысл текста в оригинале, искажены реалии, или текст переведен не до конца.
- В лексических и грамматических заданиях допущены значительные ошибки в применении изученного материала, или задания выполнены не до конца.
Оценка « 2»- Задания выполнены не полностью.
- Работа выполнена не аккуратно и не последовательно.
- Обучающимся выполнены не все задания.
- Ошибки в переводе, а именно искажение реалий, затрудняют понимание текста, текст переведен не до конца.
- В лексических и грамматических упражнениях допущены грубые ошибки в применении изученного материала.
- Не соблюдаются правила, или задания выполнены не до конца.
Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ
1.Количество контрольных заданий, выполняемых обучающимися на каждом курсе, устанавливается учебным планом образовательного учреждения.
2.Каждое контрольное задание предполагается с переводом текста, соответственно отрасли, выполнением лексических и грамматических заданий, творческого задания на выражение собственного мнения к поставленной проблеме, используя свой личный опыт.
3.Для обучающегося учебного заведения установлен вариант, который он должен выполнить. Все остальные варианты можно использовать в качестве материала для дополнительного чтения и для подготовки к дифференцированному зачету.
4.Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует на листах формата А4. На титульном листе напишите название учебного учреждения, свою фамилию, номер контрольной работы.
5.Контрольные работы должны выполняться синими чернилами, аккуратно, четким почерком. При выполнении контрольной работы оставляйте широкие поля для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний рецензента.
6.Материал контрольной работы следует располагать по следующему образцу:
Левая страница Правая страница
Поля Английский текст Русский текст Поля
7.Контрольные работы должны быть выполнены в той последовательности, в которой они даны.
8. В каждом контрольном задании предлагается чтение и перевод текста на русский язык, выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем, выполнение грамматических заданий, выполнение творческого задания с практической направленностью а также и выражением собственного мнения к представленной проблеме.
9. Выполненные контрольные работы направляйте для проверки и рецензирования в учебное заведение в установленные сроки.
10.Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения указаний или не полностью, она возвращается без проверки.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
Development of Electricity
Even in ancient times, many different sources of power have been used such as the controlled burning of wood, crops or animal wastes, and various types of coal.
The Greeks and Romans utilized the power from the water in their windmills. The power of steam became available with the development of steam engines. As early as the 19th century, gas lamps became available but were later replaced by incandescent bulbs.
When generators were invented in the 20th century, the use of electricity to supply power in multitude of applications has started. Although electrical effects have been known since the time of ancient Greeks, the development of electricity as a usable power really happened only in the last twenty decades.
Luigi Galvani discovered animal electricity after he made the muscle of a frog twitch by touching the nerve with various types of metals without a source of electrostatic charge. He found out that the best reaction of the frog’s muscle was obtained when two kinds of metals were used.
Contrary to the idea of “animal electricity”, Alessandro Volta demonstrated the production of electricity with inanimate materials alone. He believed that the electricity produced by Galvani did not come from the frog’s muscle but from the interaction of dissimilar metals. With this, he invented the first battery called the voltaic pile, which provided continuous electric current source.
What is the nature of electricity? Some experimenters speculated that electricity was like a fluid flowing as a result of its interaction with other objects. This stemmed from the earlier discovery that certain materials would mysteriously attract or repel each other after being rubbed. With this, Benjamin Franklin concluded that there was only a single fluid exchanged between the rubbed objects, and that the two different “charges” were nothing more than an excess or deficiency of such a fluid. After experimenting with wax and wool, he suggested that the coarse wool removed some of the fluid from the smooth wax. The resulting disparity of fluid content then causes an attractive interaction between the two objects as the fluid tries to regain its former balance.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий.
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Experimenters, electricity, effects, gas lamps, materials, sources, generators, production, decades.
2. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных путем прибавления суффиксов –ic, -al, -ous и переведите их на русский язык.
science, basis, economy, technique, industry, origin, number, variation
3.Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова
incandescent ,constituent, scientific, deficiency, probably, property, various, smooth, ancient, made, controlled, an excess.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий.
1.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе
lamp, month, achievement, word, branch, theory, industry, contribution
2.Напишите существительные в единственном числе
tools, societies, territories, industries, theories, technologies, countries
3.Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого.
1.As early as the 19th century, gas lamps became available but were later replaced by incandescent bulbs. 2. The Greeks and Romans utilized the power from the water in their windmills. 3. When a lightning strikes a tree, the tree can explode in flames.4. Precise measurement of electrical charges was carried out by Charles Augustus Coulomb using a device called the torsion balance.
IV. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.
Over the years, our society has become increasingly dependent on electricity as a
source of power. Now, it is almost unthinkable how electricity has made life easier and more comfortable. Almost all facets of modern living depend on electricity – lighting, heating or cooling, food preparation, transport, communication, manufacturing of goods and materials, entertainment, data storage, medical applications, household cleaning tasks, building and construction of industries, to mention a few.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
Static Electricity
Everything we see is made up of tiny parts called atoms. Atoms are composed of even smaller, sub-atomic particles, namely, electrons, protons and neutrons.
They are different from each other in many ways. One of the ways they are different is their charge. Protons, which are located in the nucleus of the atom, have positive charge. Electrons, which are located and revolving around the nucleus, have an equal but negative charge as protons. Neutrons which are located inside the nucleus have no charge. Usually, atoms have the same number of protons and electrons. Such atoms are called neutral atoms. Otherwise, they are called ions. The electrons located outside the nucleus may be attracted or repelled by other electrons of different atoms. Electrons can then move from one atom to another. As a result, some atoms can get extra electrons and acquire a net negative charge. Other atoms lose electrons and acquire a net positive charge. When charges are separated like this, static electricity is produced as the electrons regain their former state of balance. The transfer of electrons creates charges that also interact with other charges. If two materials have different charges, they attract or pull towards each other. If two things have the same charge, they repel or push away from each other.
What about the interaction of charged and uncharged materials? Quite surprisingly, a neutral object always has an attractive interaction with charged material. When objects are rubbed against each other, the electrons of their atoms have the tendency to move from one atom to another. The manner by which electrons move depends on the electron affinity of the atoms. Some objects like metals share electrons easily while some like plastic and rubber don’t. Objects that share electrons easily are conductors and those that do not share electrons easily are insulators. Materials that may or may not share electrons are called semiconductors. Semiconductors are often used in electronics.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий.
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Material, former, electrons, metals, former, negative, transfer, neutrons, atoms, negative, positive, balance.
2.Определите, к какой части относятся производные слова и переведите их.
Invent- inventor- inventive- invention
Transform- transformer- transformation
Effect- effective- effectively
Possible- impossible- possibly- possibility
Vary- variety- various
3. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных
industry, magnet, independent, absence, weight, preparation, variety
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий.
1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных
little, small, simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important, bad, much, far
2.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to have, to use, to compose, to locate, to cause, to do, to call, to attract, to produce, to form, to charge.
3. Определите функцию выделенных слов в следующих предложениях
1. The electrons located outside the nucleus may be attracted or repelled by other electrons of different atoms.2. Other atoms lose electrons and acquire a net positive charge.3. What about the interaction of charged and uncharged materials?
IV. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.
Think about this and explain in terms of the concept on static electricity: Why does
your hair stand after you take your hat off?
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
Energy Saver
Energy Saver provides homeowners with tips for saving money and energy at home and on the road. You can make your home more comfortable and easier to heat and cool -- while you save money. We bring you the latest information on energy-saving, efficient technologies. We even give tips for using clean, renewable energy to power your home. Right in your own home, you have the power to save money and energy. Saving energy reduces our nation's overall demand for resources needed to make energy, and increasing your energy efficiency is like adding another clean energy source to our electric power grid.
This guide shows you how easy it is to cut your energy use at home and also on the road. The easy, practical solutions for saving energy include tips you can use today -- from the roof and landscaping to appliances and lights. They are good for your wallet and for the environment -- and actions that you take help reduce our national needs to produce or import more energy, thereby improving our energy security.
Some of the tips are simple to do. Others require more effort and investment, but promise big savings over the years. Check out the tips and make improvements that will contribute to your energy bottom line and make our planet healthier and cleaner! An energy-efficient home will keep your family comfortable while saving you money. Whether you take simple steps or make larger investments to make your home more efficient, you'll see lower energy bills. Over time, those savings will typically pay for the cost of improvements and put money back in your pocket. Your home may also be more attractive to buyers when you sell. The 115 million residences in America today collectively use an estimated 22.5% of the country’s energy. Unfortunately, a lot of energy is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances, or inefficient heating and cooling systems. When we waste energy in our homes, we are throwing away money that could be used for other things.
The typical U.S. family spends at least $2,200 a year on home utility bills. You can lower this amount by up to 25% through following the Long Term Savings Tips in this guide. The key to these savings is to take a whole-house approach -- by viewing your home as an energy system with interdependent parts. For example, your heating system is not just a furnace -- it's a heat-delivery system that starts at the furnace and delivers heat throughout your home using a network of ducts. Even a top-of-the-line, energy-efficient furnace will waste a lot of fuel if the ducts, walls, attic, windows, and doors are leaky or poorly insulated. Taking a whole-house approach to saving energy ensures that dollars you invest to save energy are spent wisely.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Дайте исходную форму следующих прилагательных
more comfortable, best, least, easier, latest, less, worse, higher, much, healthier, cleaner
2. Дайте исходную форму от следующих слов
improving, needs, lower, viewing, dollars, saving, steps, residences, renewable
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Past Participle от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to save, to make, to pay, to do, to become, to throw, to waste, to practice, to have, to be, to cut, to bring
2.Напишите следующие числа и даты на английском языке$2,200 , 80 %, in 19 th century, in 2015 ,the 115 million residences.
3.Определите время и залог сказуемого
1.An energy-efficient home will keep your family comfortable while saving you money.2. The typical U.S. family spends at least $2,200 a year on home utility bills.3. Unfortunately, a lot of energy is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances, or inefficient heating and cooling systems.
IV.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме
Saving energy reduces our nation's overall demand for resources needed to make energy, and increasing your energy efficiency is like adding another clean energy source to our electric power grid.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
Light and Sound Waves
We think of light as something we can see. Let’s look a little further. We’ll find that some things we didn’t think of as light, at first, turn out to be closely related to it. Pass some sunlight through a prism to get the spectrum. What wonderfully gay colors- from red to violet! Each wave length of light appears to us as a color we can see. But we can also detect its presence in another way. Hold a sensitive thermometer in the spectrum. The mercury rises, which shows that it is receiving heat. The light is heating the body on which it falls. Now move the thermometer into the dark region just beyond the red. You can’t see any light here, so you would expect the thermometer to fall again. Instead, it rises even higher. This shows the presence of a part of the spectrum that cannot be seen- a part that was hidden in the sunlight all the time. Because it is beyond the red, it is called infra- red light. Its wave length is longer, and its frequency is lower than that of red light. Because infra- red rays can be detected by their heating effect, they are sometimes referred to as heat waves. Doctors use infra- red lamps to provide heat in certain medical treatments. Since we found something in the spectrum beyond the red, let’s try our luck beyond the violet. Here we can find more invisible light. Since this hidden light is beyond the violet, it is called ultra- violet light. Its wave length is shorter and its frequency is higher than that of violet light. Ultra- violet light is responsible for sunburn in summer. That visible light is only one member of a large family, the family of energy radiation. Each member of this family is a wave that travels through space at the same speed light does, and each has its own wave length and frequency.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий.
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Lamps, energy, thermometer , radiation , medical ,space, speed, the violet, light.
2.Дайте исходную форму следующих прилагательных
More invisible , best, least, easier, latest, less, worse, higher, much, healthier
3. Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова
Wonderfully, the same, each, length, does, since, beyond, lower, heating, sunburn.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий.
1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных
Wonderful, invisible, small, high, simple, good, difficult, important, bad, much
2.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
To appear, to rise, to receive, to move, to think, to see, to relate, to show, to found, to provide, to call
3.Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого.
1.We’ll find that some things we didn’t think of as light, at first, turn out to be closely related to it. 2. Doctors use infra- red lamps to provide heat in certain medical treatments.3. That visible light is only one member of a large family, the family of energy radiation.4. The light is heating the body on which it falls. 5. Because infra- red rays can be detected by their heating effect, they are sometimes referred to as heat waves.
IV.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме
What do you understand by the radiation of heat?
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
Electric current
When the question is asked, “ what is electricity?” the answer is often given that “ no one knows”. This all too frequent answer is far from being correct. Science knows a great deal about electricity. It is possible to explain its behavior under numerous and varied conditions, to design electrical equipment like motors, generators, and transformers with great precision and efficiency, and to even say of what electricity is composed.
Electrostatic induction. A charged body induces temporary charges in a conductor. The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive electricity is called the proton.
Electric current is a flow of electricity. Conventionally it is always regarded as a flow of positive electricity; in fact, it is believed to be a flow in the opposite direction of negative electricity, in the forms of electrons. Matter consists of atoms, or groups of atoms called molecules. Atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus containing protons ( and usually some neutrons) round which revolve electrons. When a substance is charged by rubbing, some of outer electrons of the atoms of the rubbed substance ( or the rubber) are removed, with the result that the substance has a deficiency ( of excess) of electrons; hence its charge.
Conductors allow electricity to pass through them; insulators do not. The best conductors are metals and carbon. A conductor owes its conducting powers to the presence inside it of free electrons which have broken away from their atoms.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий
Переведите следующие интернационализмы.
Conductor, electricity, electron, metal , atom, substance, neutron, proton, motor, generator, transformer.
2.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам.
to design, to explain, to allow, to call, to consist, to remove, to charge
3.Определите к какой части речи относятся следующие слова.
Called, positively, broken, inside, revolve, conducting ,usually, consists, free,
deficiency, containing, called, believed, electrical, behavior, great, numerous.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to charge, to be, to compose, to make, to know, , to see, to give, to find
2.Определите функцию глагола to be в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
1. It is possible to explain its behavior under numerous and varied conditions, to design electrical equipment like motors, generators, and transformers.2. Conventionally it is always regarded as a flow of positive electricity; in fact, it is believed to be a flow in the opposite direction of negative electricity, in the forms of electrons. 3. When a substance is charged by rubbing, some of outer electrons of the atoms of the rubbed substance ( or the rubber) are removed, with the result that the substance has a deficiency ( of excess) of electrons; hence its charge.4. The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive electricity is called the proton.
IV.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме
What happens when a conductor is charged a) positively b) negatively by induction.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
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Контрольная работа № 1
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для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
Electricity power is generated at power stations. How is the current transmitted to the distant places? Thick wires usually carry it across the country, and still pylons hold the wires above the ground. The pylons are so high that nobody can touch the wires at the top. The wires are not usually made of copper, they are made of aluminum. Thirty wires put together from one thick cable. Aluminum is so light that the pylons can easily hold the cables up. It would not be cheap to drive very large currents through these cables. Large currents need very thick wires. If thin wires were used, they would get hot or melt, and so the currents ought to be as small as possible. Can we send a lot of electricity power if we use a small current? We can do so if the voltage is high. We need a small current and a high voltage; or a large current with a low voltage. A small current is cheaper because the wires need not be thick. The result is that the voltage has to be very high. The pressure in aluminum cables may be 132, 000 volts, and this is very high. The voltage of a small battery which we carry in our pockets is usually between 1 and 9 volts. A car battery has a voltage of 6 or 12 volts. In a house the pressure in the wires may be 230 volts, or something like that. Even 230 volts is high enough to kill a person, so what would happen if we touched one of the aluminum cables? The high voltage would drive a heavy current through the body to each. The wires are placed high up so that nobody could touch them. When they lead down to a house or a railway, the voltage is made lower. We have to separate the wires from the pylons, and we do this with insulations.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1. Переведите следующие интернационализмы
atmosphere, material, sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity
2. Образуйте производные слова от отрицательных префиксов – un, -im, переведите их на русский язык
material, limited, usual, natural, perfect, mobile, qualified, known, possible, necessary
3.Переведите следующие слова с префиксом - re
rename, reopen, renew, renewable, non-renewable, renewal
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе
lamp, month, achievement, word, branch, theory, industry, contribution
2.Найдите сказуемое в каждом предложении , переведите на русский язык.
1.The electronic industry produces several types of minicomputers. 2. The air in many cities has been polluted by traffic and industry. 3. Mankind has never experienced changes in life and work on such a scale. 4. The main tendency of our life is that computers are being used in all spheres of technology, science and everyday life. 5. Today one of the most important problems is that big cities are polluted.
3.Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого.
1.The wires are not usually made of copper, they are made of aluminum.2. A car battery has a voltage of 6 or 12 volts. 3. The wires are placed high up so that nobody could touch them. 4. A small current is cheaper because the wires need not be thick. 5. In near future these high-capacity units will be used more and more at our power stations.5. The transformer was invented and the first electric lines and networks were set up at the end of the 19 th century.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.We need a small current and a high voltage; or a large current with a low voltage. A small current is cheaper because the wires need not be thick. The result is that the voltage has to be very high.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
Telegraph and Telephone
The telegraph is a method of transmitting messages over a distance by means of electrical impulses sent through wires. By pressing a key at the transmitting end, a circuit is closed and a current flows through the conducting wire or cable to the receiver; the dots and dashes of the Morse code being obtained by varying the length of time for which the current flows. At the receiving end, the feeble electrical impulses are made to operate a relay, which then closes a local circuit carrying a larger current. This current either sounds a buzzer, or causes the dots and dashes to be automatically recorded. The telephone consists essentially of a transmitter and a receiver connected by an electrical conductor. The transmitter is usually a carbon microphone, by means of which variable electrical impulses, depending on the nature of the sounds made into the microphone, are caused to flow through the circuit. In the telephone- receiver these impulses flow through a pair of coils of wire wound upon soft iron pole- pieces attached to the poles of a magnet; an iron diaphragm near these coils experiences variable pulls, and thus vibrates so as to produce sounds corresponding to those made into the microphone.
Radio telephony. Communication between distant points not directly connected by an electrical conductor may be accomplished by electromagnetic waves radiated through space. The radio transmitter emits a continuous carrier wave of a definite frequency. The sound impulses are converted into electrical impulses my means a microphone; the carrier wave is modulated by having these impulses superimposed upon it. The receiver is tuner to the carrier wave. This received signal can then be amplified and gives, after rectification, a direct current which varies in amplitude in accordance with the sound impulses applied to the carrier wave.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1. Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Telegraph, impulses, amplitude, signal, electromagnetic, space, conductor, radio telephony, experiences, operate, Morse code, cable, messages.
2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов de-, in-,dis-, un-, ex- :include, known, possible, cover, definite, form, explained, visible
3.Дайте исходную форму следующих слов
Transmitting, experiences, vibrates ,carrier, applied, superimposed, continuous
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных
little, small, simple, good, difficult, great, early, large, important, bad, much, far
2.Определите время и залог глагола- сказуемого
1.This current either sounds a buzzer, or causes the dots and dashes to be automatically recorded. 2. The telephone consists essentially of a transmitter and a receiver connected by an electrical conductor. 3. The receiver is tuner to the carrier wave.
3. Напишите следующие предложения в утвердительной форме.
1. Did you begin to study the theory of the structure of mater? 2. He did not understand the importance of this work. 3. Will you use the results of this discovery in your work? 4. This scientist does not experiment on this substance.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме. Benjamin Franklin, an American published ideas about electricity. Scientists wanted to know the electricity be used of long- distance communication.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
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«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
I.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
It known that much is being done in the world today for the development of non- traditional sources of energy. Without them the Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century. Now we are using traditional power sources, that is oil, natural gas, coal and water power with the consumption of more than 50 billion barrels per year. It is evident that these sources are not unlimited. That is why it is so important to use such renewable sources of energy as the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others. Research is being carried out in these fields. One of the most promising research is the development of power stations with direct transformation of solar energy into electricity on the basis of photo- effect. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric battery of 32, 000 volts and effective area of only 0,5 sq.m which made it possible to concentrate solar radiation. This idea is now being intensively developed in many countries. However, the efficiency of a solar power station is considerably reduced because of the limited time of its work during the year. But it is possible to improve the efficiency of solar power stations and traditional ones- thermal, atomic and hydraulic. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing electric power stations with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle. In Kamchatka there are geothermal power stations operating on hot water- steam mixture from the depths of about a kilometer. That different wind energy plants are being developed is also well- known. It is important that all these advances in new sources of energy and improving the old ones help to solve the energy problem.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Energy, kilometer, non- traditional, energy, stations, photoelectric, sources.
2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- include, known, possible, cover, definite, form, explained, visible
3.Определите, к какой части относятся производные слова и переведите их.
Invent- inventor- inventive- invention
Transform- transformer- transformation
Effect- effective- effectively
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения и переведите их на русский язык
1.At the end of the nineteenth century scientists discovered most of the chemical elements. 2. The word “ atom” came from the Greek word “ indivisible”. 3. Atoms make up all the elements and compounds in the world.
2. Образуйте предложения в соответствующей временной форме страдательного залога.
1. Heat ( to be radiated) by the sun to the earth, by the land, the sea, and the air ( to be affected) differently by this radiation. 2. The positive particle in the nucleus ( to be given) the name of the “ proton”. 3. We ( to be shown) a number of experiments illustrating the presence of high- energy particles in the cosmic radiation.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к проблеме. The Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century. So scientists find not- traditional renewable source of energy.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод.
A Family of Waves
Born of electricity and magnetism, all forms of light are electromagnetic radiations or waves. If we line them up in order of wavelength, we get an enlarged spectrum of which Newton’s spectrum is only a part. Starting with the shortest waves, we find them in this order : cosmic rays, X- rays, ultra- violet rays, visible light ranging from violet to red, infra- red rays, and radio waves.
By studying their characteristics we have learned how to use each of them. Cosmic rays, because of their high energy, are used by physicists in their atom- smashing experiments. X- rays are used by doctors not only for taking pictures of the inside of your body, but also for destroying harmful growths in the body. Ultra- violet light, obtained from “ sun lamps”, can be used for helping your body manufacture the vitamin D it needs. Infra- red rays, besides being used for heat treatments, are also useful for taking photographs through haze and fog. Radio waves carry radio and television broadcasts from the station to receives in our homes and elsewhere. And of course, you remember the many uses of visible light already described.
Sound Waves. Sound consists of longitudinal waves in some medium. Each particle of the medium vibrates backwards and forwards in the direction of travel of the wave and passes on the disturbance to the adjacent particle, which vibrates a little out of phase with its neighbor.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем.
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Magnetism, sound, physicists, experiment, lamps, photographs, vitamin radiation, electricity, medium, station, radio, television.2.Найдите слова с отрицательным значением и переведите их на русский язык
true, unusual, important, incapable, usual, untrue, detected, intention, imagine, disadvantage, disappearance, unimportant, include, impossible
3.Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова
Longitudinal, destroying , obtained ,wavelength, passes, are used, harmful, scientific, probably, vibrates, described, growths, adjacent, helping, besides.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to be, to make, to know, to pass , to broadcast , to find
2. Определите время и залог сказуемого
1.Born of electricity and magnetism, all forms of light are electromagnetic radiations or waves.2. Radio waves carry radio and television broadcasts from the station to receives in our homes and elsewhere.3. Sound consists of longitudinal waves in some medium.4. The many uses of visible light already described.5. Cosmic rays, because of their high energy, are used by physicists in their atom- smashing experiments. 6.Ultra- violet light, obtained from “ sun lamps”, can be used for helping your body manufacture the vitamin D it needs.
IV. Дайте свои идеи к следующей проблеме.
Networks can be linked together by telephone lines or fibre – optic cables. These cables require little physical space, they are safe as they don’t carry electricity, and they avoid electromagnetic interference.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
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«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
The Concept of Electrical Current
In the beginning of the 17 th century Sir William Gilbert discovered that many substances could be electrified by friction. Gilbert named this effect “electric” after the word “ electron”- the Greek name for amber. In 1756 the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov was the first to make theoretical analysis of electrical phenomena. At present the nature of electrification is explained by the electron theory.
According to the modern theory all mater is composed of atoms or tiny particles. There are many kinds of atoms. Not all substances are good conductors of electricity, as a general rule metals are good conductors of electricity, whereas nonmetals are poor conductors. The poorest of conductors are commonly called insulators or nonconductors. There are a large number of substances that are neither good conductors of electricity non good insulators. These substances are called semi- conductors. An electric circuit is a path through which an electric current flows. This is a complete path along which electrons can transmit their charges. An electric circuit includes a battery, generator, or magnetic means for producing current flow. Some portion of the circuit is made to do useful work. The circuit is said to be open when no charges can move due to a break in the path. The circuit is said to be closed when no break exists- when switches are closed and all connections are properly made. Special symbols are used to show electrical systems. There is a wide range of these symbols.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем.
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Atom, electricity, symbols, battery, generator, magnetic , metals, systems
2.Определите синтаксическую функцию выделенных слов в словосочетаниях
A science based, units used to measure, an electric circuit, for producing current flow, the poorest of conductors.
3.Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова.
1.At present the nature of electrification is explained by the electron theory.2.
The poorest of conductors are commonly called insulators or nonconductors.
3.Some portion of the circuit is made to do useful work.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to discover, to close, to use, to name, to be, to make, to explain, to pass
2. Определите время и залог сказуемого
1.In 1756 the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov was the first to make theoretical analysis of electrical phenomena. 2. At present the nature of electrification is explained by the electron theory.3. Some portion of the circuit is made to do useful work.4. The circuit is said to be closed when no break exists- when switches are closed and all connections are properly made. 5. Special symbols are used to show electrical systems.
IV. Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме.
The recent achievements of science in nuclear physics are truly brilliant. The discoveries of physicists have a very great effect on science and on the life of mankind. In many countries scientists are experimenting on nuclear fusion reactions in controlled installations.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity: economic and social progress will be turned to the past and our daily lives completely transformed. Electrical power has become universal. Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and unquestionable. With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables replaced transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys in the 19 th century workshops. And in the home a whole range of various time and labor saving appliances have become a part of our everyday lives. Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity most widely used. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator - a new compact source of electricity was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries and other devices that had been used before. Electric lighting come into wide use at the end of the last century with the development of the electric lamp of Thomas Edison. Then the transformer was invented, the first electric lines and networks were set up, dynamos and induction motors were designed. Since the beginning of the 20 th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years. Today consumption of electricity per capita is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as it has been realized that it offers improved service and reduced cost. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent technological advances such as the laser and electron beams. Truly electricity provides mankind with the future.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы.
electricity, plan, type, kilometers, electron, position, progressive, origin, unique, laser, deviation, solar system, base, radius, expert, theory, instrument, problem, interesting, circular
2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :include, known, possible, cover, definite, form, explained, visible
3.Найдите синонимы и антонимы для следующих слов, переведите их на русский язык
recent, unlikely, to apply, below, field, to result in, easy, useless, difficult, disadvantage, to get, above, sufficient, enough, latest, to lead to, likely, to use, useful, sphere, to obtain, advantage
4.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам
to design, to develop, to invent, to become, to replace, to set up, to base
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий.
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see, to give, to build, to find
2.Определите функцию глагола to be в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
1. Electronics is becoming very important to engineers in various branches of industry. 2. Automation is to be introduced into all production processes which is of decisive importance in the rapid economic development of our country. 3. The nucleus of the atom is in its center.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.
Electricity has many useful properties: it is clean and generates no by- products. It has many important applications in industry as well as in our homes.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
It known that much is being done in the world today for the development of non- traditional sources of energy. Without them the Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century. Now we are using traditional power sources, that is oil, natural gas, coal and water power with the consumption of more than 50 billion barrels per year. It is evident that these sources are not unlimited. That is why it is so important to use such renewable sources of energy as the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others. Research is being carried out in these fields. One of the most promising research is the development of power stations with direct transformation of solar energy into electricity on the basis of photo- effect. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric battery of 32, 000 volts and effective area of only 0,5 sq.m which made it possible to concentrate solar radiation. This idea is now being intensively developed in many countries. However, the efficiency of a solar power station is considerably reduced because of the limited time of its work during the year. But it is possible to improve the efficiency of solar power stations and traditional ones- thermal, atomic and hydraulic. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing electric power stations with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle. In Kamchatka there are geothermal power stations operating on hot water- steam mixture from the depths of about a kilometer. That different wind energy plants are being developed is also well- known. It is important that all these advances in new sources of energy and improving the old ones help to solve the energy problem.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
atmosphere, material , sphere, practical, activity, experiment, radioactivity
2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :include, known, possible, cover, definite, form, explained, visible
3. Заполните пропуски антонимами выделенных слов
1. There is a limited supply of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal on the earth, but a supply of natural uranium is….
2. Cheap impure coal produces much more CO2 than …. coal of high quality.
3.It is evident to all that an old inefficient power station is more dangerous to the environment than a …. power station.
4.Определите, к какой части относятся производные слова и переведите их.
Invent- inventor- inventive- invention
Transform- transformer- transformation
Effect- effective- effectively
Possible- impossible- possibly- possibility
Vary- variety- various
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов
to do, to be, to make, to know, to read, to write, to see, to go, to give, to find
2. Определите время и залог глагола сказуемого
1.Now we are using traditional power sources, that is oil, natural gas, coal and water power with the consumption of more than 50 billion barrels per year. 2. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing electric power stations with the use of a thermal- chemical cycle. 3. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric battery of 32, 000 volts. 4. Research is being carried out in these fields. 5. That different wind energy plants are being developed is also well- known.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к проблеме. The Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century. So scientists find not- traditional renewable source of energy.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
Words like watt or volt have become part of our language so completely that we sometimes forget that these are the names of famous scientists. Let us recall a few such units. An ampere is the unit of electric current in common use. It is that current which when passed through a solution of silver nitrate in water will
deposit water (0,0001118 gram per second). The unit is made after Andre-Marie Ampere (1775-1836), the famous French physicist and mathematician. A bell is a unit for comparing two values of power. It is10 times the size of the more frequently used decibel, which is used as a measure of response in all types of electrical communication circuits. The unit is named after Alexander Graham Bell (1877-1922), the American inventor of telephone. A coulomb is a unit of electric charge equal to the quantity of electricity transferred in one second by a current of one ampere. It is named after Charles Agustin de Coulomb (1736-1806),
the prominent French physicist. A curie is the unit of the measurement of radioactivity. It is named after Pierre and Marie Curie, French physicists.
A farad is a unit of electrical capacitance. It is named after Michael Faraday (1791-1867), the famous English physicist. A gal is a unit of acceleration used in describing the effects of gravity. It is an acceleration of one centimeter per second each second. This unit is named after Galileo Galiley (1564-1642), the prominent Italian scientist. A volt is the difference of potential between two points, if one
joule of work is required to transport one coulomb of charge from one
point to the other. It is named after Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), the Italian physicist. A watt is a unit of power. It is named after James Watt (1730-
1819), the English inventor of a steam-engine.II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Watt, gravity, second , radioactivity, physicist, electricity, transport, ampere.
2.Подберите существительные к глаголам.Wires, plates, electricity, acid solution, batteries, electrodes, dry cells
To be composed of, to produce, to connect, to conduct, to contain, to consist of, to surround, to manufacture
3.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам
To compare, to describe, to use, to recall, to transfer, to require.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов
to do, to be, to produce ,to make, to contain, to manufacture , to use, to give, to find.
2. Определите время и залог глагола сказуемого
1. It is that current which, when passed through a solution of silver
in water, will deposit silver.
It is 10 times the size of the more frequently used decibel, which
is used as a measure of response in all types of electrical communication circuits.
3.Продолжите предложения:
1) We measure magnetic field intensity by ....2) Two values of power are measured in ...3) Radioactivity is measured in ...4) Electrical capacitance is measured in ...5) The difference of potential between two points is measured in ...IV.Выразите свое мнение к проблеме. Words like watt and volt have become part of our language so completely that we sometimes forget that these are the names of famous people.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
Information revolution
Technology has made modern society possible. It has added to leisure
time and reduced the long hours of work. Technology can allow the world
to feed itself. It has reduced the effects of natural catastrophes. The world
is now a smaller place where people can communicate with each other and travel rapidly everywhere. The establishment of the assembly line by Henry Ford in 1913 made automobiles inexpensive enough.
Technology has raised the standard of living. The 20th century has become the century of many inventions. New materials (e.g. synthetic rubber, artificial fabrics and plastics) have affected the ways of life and fashion.
Electronics was ushered in when Marconi sent the first transatlantic
radio message in 1901. Radio and television changed communications and
entertainment habits. In 1948 the transistor was invented, and the era of
modern computers was started.
In 1957 the Space Age began, when the first Earth-orbiting satellite –
Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union. Medical technology was expanded by the use of new medicines and new equipment.
New technologies in biology led to genetic engineering, in which living cells can be altered. In 1996 a lamb called Dolly has become the first large animal which was cloned from the genetic material extracted from the adult cell.
Technology keeps advancing at a rapid rate. It can only be guessed
what the “information revolution” of the late 20th century will bring about.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Information ,revolution, technology, automobiles, transistor, medicines, engineering, space, radio, radio, message.
2.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим глаголам.
To allow, to launch, to invent, to clone, to guess, to bring, to expand, to affect.III. Выполнение грамматических заданий.
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов
to bring, to allow, to launch, to expand, to affect.
2.Определите функцию глагола to be в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
1.The world is now a smaller place where people can communicate with each other. 2.It can only be guessed what the “information revolution” of the late 20th century will bring about.3 .In 1948 the transistor was invented, and the era of
modern computers was started.
3. Определите время и залог глагола сказуемого
1.Technology has made modern society possible.2. The world is now a smaller place where people can communicate with each other and travel rapidly everywhere.3. Technology has raised the standard of living.4. Technology keeps advancing at a rapid rate.5. In 1948 the transistor was invented, and the era of
modern computers was started.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к проблеме.Over the years, our society has become increasingly dependent on electricity as a
source of power. Now, it is almost unthinkable how electricity has made life easier and more comfortable. Almost all facets of modern living depend on electricity – lighting, heating or cooling, food preparation, transport, communication, manufacturing of goods and materials, entertainment, data storage, medical applications, household cleaning tasks, building and construction of industries, to mention a few.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
When was the first television station built?
John Logie Baird (1888-1946) applied for a patent for a mechanical
television in 1923. He made successful experiments in transmitting images
in 1926, and in 1930 he worked with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to begin mechanical television broadcasting. He also tried, rather unsuccessfully, to mass market his television transmitter.
In 1923 Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) also applied for a patent. His was for a television camera that converted optical images into electric pulses. On November 18, 1929, at a convention of radio engineers, Zworykin demonstrated a television receiver containing his “kinescope”, a cathode-ray tube. That same year Zworykin joined the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in Camden, New Jersey. As the director of their Electronic Research laboratory, he was able to concentrate on his system and to improve it.
Zworykin’s “storage principle” is the basis of modern TV. Meanwhile, in Japan, Kenjiro Takayanagi was developing electronic television, too. He was ahead of Zworykin, but better publicity gave Zworykin the nickname “father of television”. Takayanagi transmitted an image electronically in 1926, with a 40-line resolution and film running at 14 frames per second.
In 1932 the BBC launched the first regularly broadcast programs using Baird’s mechanical equipment. The first special-purpose television was built in Germany in 1935 in preparation for the Berlin Olympic Games the following year. That Olympic year, NBC experimented with electronic broadcast from the top of the Empire State Building. In 1937 BBC began the first regular, high quality broadcasting service using an electronic system.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим глаголам.
To apply, to begin, to use, to launch, to transmit, to join, to demonstrate
2.Определите синтаксическую функцию выделенных слов в словосочетаниях
1.John Logie Baird made successful experiments in transmitting images
in 1926. 2. Zworykin demonstrated a television receiver containing his “kinescope”, a cathode-ray tube.3. As the director of their Electronic Research laboratory, he was able to concentrate on his system and to improve it.
3.Определите к какой части речи относятся исходные слова
Longitudinal, destroying , obtained ,wavelength, passes, are used, harmful, scientific, probably, vibrates, described, growths, adjacent, helping, besides.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to be, to make, to know, to pass , to broadcast , to find
2. Определите время и залог сказуемого
1.In 1923 Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) also applied for a patent. 2.The first special-purpose television was built in Germany in 1935 in preparation for the Berlin Olympic Games the following year.3. In 1937 BBC began the first regular, high quality broadcasting service using an electronic system.
4. He made successful experiments in transmitting images
in 1926, and in 1930 he worked with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to begin mechanical television broadcasting.
IV. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.
Over the years, our society has become increasingly dependent on electricity as a
source of power. Now, it is almost unthinkable how electricity has made life easier and more comfortable. Almost all facets of modern living depend on electricity – lighting, heating or cooling, food preparation, transport, communication, manufacturing of goods and materials, entertainment, data storage, medical applications, household cleaning tasks, building and construction of industries, to mention a few.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
Electric current
When the question is asked, “ what is electricity?” the answer is often given that “ no one knows”. This all too frequent answer is far from being correct. Science knows a great deal about electricity. It is possible to explain its behavior under numerous and varied conditions, to design electrical equipment like motors, generators, and transformers with great precision and efficiency, and to even say of what electricity is composed.
Electrostatic induction. A charged body induces temporary charges in a conductor. The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive electricity is called the proton.
Electric current is a flow of electricity. Conventionally it is always regarded as a flow of positive electricity; in fact, it is believed to be a flow in the opposite direction of negative electricity, in the forms of electrons. Matter consists of atoms, or groups of atoms called molecules. Atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus containing protons ( and usually some neutrons) round which revolve electrons. When a substance is charged by rubbing, some of outer electrons of the atoms of the rubbed substance ( or the rubber) are removed, with the result that the substance has a deficiency ( of excess) of electrons; hence its charge.
Conductors allow electricity to pass through them; insulators do not. The best conductors are metals and carbon. A conductor owes its conducting powers to the presence inside it of free electrons which have broken away from their atoms.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы.
Conductor, electricity, electron, metal , atom, substance, neutron, proton, motor, generator, transformer.
2.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам.
to design, to explain, to allow, to call, to consist, to remove, to charge
3.Определите к какой части речи относятся следующие слова.
Called, positively, broken, inside, revolve, conducting ,usually, consists, free,
deficiency, containing, called, believed, electrical, behavior, great, numerous.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to charge, to be, to compose, to make, to know, to see, to give, to find
2.Определите функцию глагола to be в следующих предложениях.
1. It is possible to explain its behavior under numerous and varied conditions, to design electrical equipment like motors, generators, and transformers.2. Conventionally it is always regarded as a flow of positive electricity; in fact, it is believed to be a flow in the opposite direction of negative electricity, in the forms of electrons. 3. When a substance is charged by rubbing, some of outer electrons of the atoms of the rubbed substance ( or the rubber) are removed, with the result that the substance has a deficiency ( of excess) of electrons; hence its charge.4. The ultimate particle of negative electricity is called the electron; that of positive electricity is called the proton.
IV.Выразите свои идеи к следующей проблеме
What happens when a conductor is charged a) positively b) negatively by induction.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
Following Maxwell’s studies, Heinrich Hertz, a German scientist, produced some electromagnetic waves of a wavelength much longer than infra- red. These are known as radio waves, and they are the foundation of radio broadcasting. As everybody knows, radio waves carry messages that our radio receives can convert into human voices. You can’t see radio waves, but they let us know they are there by talking us. Radio today is radio telephony, television, radar, and many other developments based on semiconductors and other techniques.
Radio Telephony. Communication between distant points not directly connected by an electronic conductor may be accomplished by electromagnetic waves radiated through space. The radio transmitter emits a continuous carrier wave of a definite frequency. The sound impulses are converted into electrical impulses by means of a microphone; the carrier wave is modulated by having these impulses superimposed upon it. The receiver is tuned to the carrier wave. This receiver signal can then be amplified and gives, after rectification, a direct current which varies in amplitude in accordance with the sound impulses applied to the carrier wave. This current usually after further amplification, is passed through a telephone receiver or loud- speaker, causing mechanical vibrations which produce sounds corresponding to those injected at the transmitter.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Radio, amplitude, vibrations, signal, microphone, television, messages.2.Найдите синонимы и антонимы для следующих слов, переведите их на русский язык
recent, unlikely, to apply, below, field, to result in, easy, useless, difficult, disadvantage, to get, above, sufficient, enough, latest, to lead to, likely, to use, useful, sphere, to obtain, advantage
3.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам
To carry, to give, to apply, to accomplish, to pass, to receive, to cause.III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to charge, to be, to produce, to make, to charge, to carry, to convert, to find, to modulate, to turn, to receive, to cause.
2.Определите время и залог сказуемого
1. Heinrich Hertz, produced some electromagnetic waves of a wavelength much longer than infra- red. 2. Radio waves carry messages that our radio receives can convert into human voices.3. The sound impulses are converted into electrical impulses by means of a microphone.4. This current usually after further amplification, is passed through a telephone receiver or loud- speaker.5. The carrier wave is modulated by having these impulses superimposed upon it. 6.The receiver is tuned to the carrier wave.
IV. Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.
Explain why the filament of a lamp becomes white- hot while the leads remain quite cool.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
A term covering a variety of electronic systems of direction- finding and navigation. The basic characteristic of all such systems is very high frequency radio transmitter which sends out a beam of electromagnetic waves of very small wavelength, in the range of from a few centimeters to 1 meter, in the form of short pulses. Distant objects, e.g airplanes, in the path of the beam reflect these pulses back to the transmitter where they are received. The direction in which the beam is being transmitted when this reflection is observed gives the direction of the object. The time taken for any one pulse to travel to the object and back is measured electronically. A knowledge of the velocity with which electromagnetic waves travel in air gives the distance of the object from the transmitter.
Transistor. A device which may be used to amplify currents and perform other functions usually performed by the thermionic valve. Consists essentially of a small block of germanium or silicon which are semiconductors with two closely spaced metallic point electrodes on the upper surface, and a plane electrode of large area on the opposite surface. The emitter is maintained at a positive potential, and the collector, at a large negative potential, which respect to the base. The signal to be amplified is introduced into the emitter circuit and the amplified signal appears in the collector circuit.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Electrodes, airplanes, centimeters, system, meter, signal, electronic.
2. Дайте исходную форму следующих прилагательных
more comfortable, best, least, easier, latest, less, worse, higher, much, healthier, cleaner
3.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам
To give, to travel, to introduce, to use, to perform, to receive
4.Определите к какой части речи относятся следующие слова.
Basic, amplified, collector, few, which, potential, essentially, being, variety, thermionic, upper, electronically, reflect, centimeters.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to charge, to be, to compose, to make, to know, to see, to give, to find
2.Определите функцию глагола to be в следующих предложениях.
1.The direction in which the beam is being transmitted when this reflection is observed gives the direction of the object. The time taken for any one pulse to travel to the object and back is measured electronically.3. A device which may be used to amplify currents and perform other functions usually performed by the thermionic valve.4. The signal to be amplified is introduced into the emitter circuit and the amplified signal appears in the collector circuit. 5.Consists essentially of a small block of germanium or silicon which are semiconductors.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к проблеме. The Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people and probably 8 billion people in the 21 st century. So scientists find not- traditional renewable source of energy.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity: economic and social progress will be turned to the past and our daily lives completely transformed. Electrical power has become universal. Thousands applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and unquestionable. With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables replaced transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys in the 19 th century workshops. And in the home a whole range of various time and labor saving appliances have become a part of our everyday lives. Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity most widely used. The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator - a new compact source of electricity was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries and other devices that had been used before. Electric lighting come into wide use at the end of the last century with the development of the electric lamp of Thomas Edison. Then the transformer was invented, the first electric lines and networks were set up, dynamos and induction motors were designed. Since the beginning of the 20 th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years. Today consumption of electricity per capita is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as it has been realized that it offers improved service and reduced cost. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent technological advances such as the laser and electron beams. Truly electricity provides mankind with the future.
II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы.
electricity, plan, type, kilometers, electron, position, progressive, origin, unique, laser, deviation, solar system, base, radius, expert, theory, instrument, problem, interesting, circular
2.Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов de-, in-,dis-, un-, im-, ex- :include, known, possible, cover, definite, form, explained, visible
3.Найдите синонимы и антонимы для следующих слов, переведите их на русский язык
recent, unlikely, to apply, below, field, to result in, easy, useless, difficult, disadvantage, to get, above, sufficient, enough, latest, to lead to, likely, to use, useful, sphere, to obtain, advantage
4.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам
to design, to develop, to invent, to become, to replace, to set up, to base
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий.
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов и переведите их на русский язык
to call, to be, to make, to know, to write, to see, to give, to build, to find
2.Определите функцию глагола to be в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
1. Electronics is becoming very important to engineers in various branches of industry. 2. Automation is to be introduced into all production processes which is of decisive importance in the rapid economic development of our country. 3. The nucleus of the atom is in its center.
IV.Выразите свое мнение к следующей проблеме.
Electricity has many useful properties: it is clean and generates no by- products. It has many important applications in industry as well as in our homes.
Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Республики Крым
«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»
Контрольная работа № 1
по дисциплине « Иностранный язык»
для студентов 2 курса заочной формы обучения
Специальность 08. 02. 09 « Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация
электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий»
1.Прочитайте текст, дайте его письменный перевод
Words like watt or volt have become part of our language so completely that we sometimes forget that these are the names of famous scientists. Let us recall a few such units. An ampere is the unit of electric current in common use. It is that current which when passed through a solution of silver nitrate in water will
deposit water (0,0001118 gram per second). The unit is made after Andre-Marie Ampere (1775-1836), the famous French physicist and mathematician. A bell is a unit for comparing two values of power. It is10 times the size of the more frequently used decibel, which is used as a measure of response in all types of electrical communication circuits. The unit is named after Alexander Graham Bell (1877-1922), the American inventor of telephone. A coulomb is a unit of electric charge equal to the quantity of electricity transferred in one second by a current of one ampere. It is named after Charles Agustin de Coulomb (1736-1806),
the prominent French physicist. A curie is the unit of the measurement of radioactivity. It is named after Pierre and Marie Curie, French physicists.
A farad is a unit of electrical capacitance. It is named after Michael Faraday (1791-1867), the famous English physicist. A gal is a unit of acceleration used in describing the effects of gravity. It is an acceleration of one centimeter per second each second. This unit is named after Galileo Galiley (1564-1642), the prominent Italian scientist. A volt is the difference of potential between two points, if one
joule of work is required to transport one coulomb of charge from one
point to the other. It is named after Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), the Italian physicist. A watt is a unit of power. It is named after James Watt (1730-
1819), the English inventor of a steam-engine.II. Выполнение лексических заданий, работа со словарем
1.Переведите следующие интернационализмы
Watt, gravity, second , radioactivity, physicist, electricity, transport, ampere.
2.Подберите существительные к глаголам.Wires, plates, electricity, acid solution, batteries, electrodes, dry cells
To be composed of, to produce, to connect, to conduct, to contain, to consist of, to surround, to manufacture
3.Найдите в тексте существительные, соответствующие следующим словам
To compare, to describe, to use, to recall, to transfer, to require.
III. Выполнение грамматических заданий
1.Образуйте Participle II следующий глаголов
to do, to be, to produce ,to make, to contain, to manufacture , to use, to give, to find.
2. Определите время и залог глагола сказуемого
1. It is that current which, when passed through a solution of silver
in water, will deposit silver.
It is 10 times the size of the more frequently used decibel, which
is used as a measure of response in all types of electrical communication circuits.
3.Продолжите предложения:
1) We measure magnetic field intensity by ....2) Two values of power are measured in ...3) Radioactivity is measured in ...4) Electrical capacitance is measured in ...5) The difference of potential between two points is measured in ...IV.Выразите свое мнение к проблеме. Words like watt and volt have become part of our language so completely that we sometimes forget that these are the names of famous people.