Планирование внеклассного мероприятия для начальной школы по теме по теме “ANIMALS”.

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия в начальной школе
по теме “ANIMALS”
познавательный аспект: ознакомление со сказкой на английском языке;
развивающий аспект: формирование способности воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух, развитие воображения;
воспитательный аспект: повысить интерес учащихся к изучаемому языку; углублять и расширять знания, воспитывать бережное отношение к животным и природе;
учебный аспект: совершенствовать умения и навыки по предмету.
Оборудование: магнитофон, декорации к сказке “Three Little Kittens”
Ход мероприятия
(звучит музыка, входят ведущие)
Ведущий №1: Dear girls and boys, teachers and guests! We are glad to see you at our party. We don’t often meet together here. We’ll dance, play games, recite poems, sing songs, show plays for you. We hope you all will enjoy our English party.
Ведущий №2: This time we are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know?
(дети поднимают руки и называют по одному животному)
Ведущий №1: That’s enough. You know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know a few poems about them. What poems do you know?
(дети по очереди читают стихи о животных)
P1. I have a dog,
His name is Jack,
His head is white,
His nose is black.
I take him out
Every day. Such fun we have,
We run and play.
P.2 I have got a pet,
It’s a cat.
His name is Fred.
I love my cat.
P.3 Little monkey in the tree
This is what she says to me.
They, they, they,
Thee, thee, thee.P.4 The friendly cow all red and white
I love with all my heart.
She gives me cream with all her might
To eat with apple tart.P.5 One, one, one
Little dogs run.
Two, two, two
Cats see you.
Three, three, three
Birds in the tree. Four, four, four
Rats on the floor.
P.6 I love my cat
It’s warm and fat.
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.
P.7 Harry has a little dog
Such a funny fellow,
But his day is made of wood.
P.8 I saw, I saw, I saw
A lion at the Zoo. I saw, I saw, I saw
A baby tiger too.I saw, I saw, I saw
A big grey kangaroo.I saw, I saw, I saw
I saw them at the Zoo.
(звучит музыка, устанавливаются декорации)
Ведущий 1: Good, I see you really know a lot of poems about animals. Now, our little plays. So, “Three Little Kittens”.(декорация: домик, стол, стулья)
Автор: Three little kittens
Lost their mittens,
And they began to cry.
1-st kitten: Oh, Mother, dear
2-nd kitten: Oh, Mother, dear
We very much fear.
3-d kitten: That we have lost our mittens.
Cat: Lost your mittens
You naughty kittens
Then you will have no pie.
Автор: Three little kittens
Found their mittens
And they began to cry.
Three kittens: Oh, Mother, dear
1-st kitten: See here
2-nd kitten: See here
3-d kitten: See here
Cat: Oh, you are good kittens!
Put on your mittens
And you will have some pie.
But I smell a mouse, close by.
Three little kittens: We smell a mouse close by.
Good -bye!
(музыкальная композиция, смена декораций, работа с залом, дети рассказывают стихи по желанию)
Ведущий №2: And now “Puff-the Ball and his Friends” (см. Приложение в книге для учителя)Ведущий №1: Well, girls and boys. It is very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home and that you take care of them. But you must remember that animals and birds are our friends. Let’s sing a song “My chickens all together”
Song “My Chickens”
Хор 2 р. Chuck, chuck on, my chickens.
Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck on, my chickens. Little, lovely, fluffy chickens. White and yellow little chickens.Соло 2 р. I am waiting: come, come, come.
Grass for you will be like plum.
Oh, you my lovely chickens.
Oh, you my fluffy chickens.
Хор 2 р. Little, lovely, fluffy chickens!
Chuck, chuck on, my chickens.
Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck on, my chickens. White and yellow little chickens.Ведущий: Our party is over, thank you. Good-bye!