Урок в 9 классе Word formation. Phrasal verb:break. Dependent prepositions по учебнику Spotlight Модуль 4f

Урок английского языка по учебнику Spotlight, Модуль 4f, 9 класс
Автор: учитель английского языка 1 категории МОАУ СОШ№13 ФАТХУЛЛИНА АЛЬМИРА РАФИТОВНА
Lesson 43
Тема: Word formation. Dependent prepositions. Phrasal verb:break. Закрепление навыков письма: эссе.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель: организовать деятельность учащихся по изучению и активизации нового лексического материала, совершенствование слухопроизносительных навыков.
Образовательные: ознакомить с новым фразовым глаголом, словосочетаниями с зависимыми предлогами, словообразованием, научить употреблять их в речи
Воспитательные: научить работать самостоятельно над новым материалом, воспитывать усидчивость и трудолюбие.
Развивающие: развивать воображение и память.
Оснащение: Презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал ( схема –тренажер для написания эссе), тематические картинки.
Ход урока
1.ОргмоментТ: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Children, please look at the blackboard and try to guess the topic of our today’s lesson.
P1: I think the topic of the lesson is phrasal verb – break, dependent prepositional phrases and word formation.
T: you are right. And I am even sure that you will be able to determine the aim of our lesson then.
P2: I think we will learn a new phrasal verb, some phrases with dependent prepositions and a word formation rule.
T: Yes, as you see we have a lot to do at the lesson so let’s get down to work at once.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Повторение слов за учителем по Презентации (слова распределены по звукам :Introduction, word formation, preposition, in addition
Introduce, view, viewpoint
Phrase, phrasal, paragraph
State, restate, main body
Present, appropriate, topic, supporting
All in all, alternatively
For instance, for example
Conclusion, consequently
3. Автоматизация ранее приобретенных знаний. Проверка домашнего задания.
Речевая зарядка:
How many paragraphs are there in the opinion essay?
What parts does the opinion essay consist of?
What are they called?
What do we write in the introduction about?
What is usually written in the main body?
And in the conclusion?Let’s fill in the table which you see on the blackboard. This scheme will help you to understand the structure of the essay better and to remember it.
На доске нарисована таблица и развешаны предложения и связующие слова в неправильном порядке. Обучающиеся должны восстановить правильный порядок и создать таблицу-тренажер для эссе-мнение.
Paragraphs Parts of the essay We write about Linking words
Para 1 An introduction We introduce the topic and clearly state our opinion. In my opinion/in my view;
I think
Para 2
A main body We present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples.
To start with, first of all;
for example/instance; such as
Secondly, in addition, What is more
Para 3
Para 4 We present the opposing viewpoint. On the other hand/alternatively
As a result/consequently
Para 5 A conclusion We restate our opinion in different words. In conclusion, all in all
It seems to me that
Who will go to the blackboard to put the parts of the essay in the correct order? Comment please: Para 1 is an Introduction, etc
What do we write in each part about? Please, put the sentences in the correct order.
What linking words do we use in the introduction? In paragraph 2,3,4 of the main body? In the conclusion?Thank you, children. I see you learnt the structure of the essay very well and I hope you will cope with this task at the exam.
I will recommend you using the trainers when preparing for your exam. I have made them up myself for you.
Учитель раздает тренажеры 1 и 2 каждому обучающемуся в качестве раздаточного материала. Тренажеры в 10 и 11 классах будут дополняться новыми словами и выражениями.
4. Физкультминутка.
Т: Let’s have a little rest now and dance to the music. I have found the video in the net that matches the topic of our module very well. (Technology song)
5. Введение нового материала:
T: The opinion essay is one of the tasks in the Russian National examination, so you have to be able to write it correctly. Our today’s lesson will help you to enrich your vocabulary which you can use in your written tasks as well. For example phrasal verbs can be used in informal letters, phrases with dependent prepositions will be useful in many other tasks, as well as the word formation rules which you are going to learn today.
Т: To begin with, please, repeat after me the words you see on the blackboard to pronounce them correctly.
T:Dear children, today we will work in groups. Each group will have its own task and work with one exercise to study carefully the new lexical units and to explain them to the others afterwards.
You may choose the exercise yourselves. Let group 1 take ex1,…(Дети работают в группах. Выясняют перевод слов, вставляют пропущенные слова, придумывают свои предложения)Проверка выполненных работ.
Т: now it’s time to check how well you coped with your tasks. Please share your knowledge with the others, children. Let them also write down the correct answers.
Group 1:
Ex.1 Verbs -> nouns
-ment move-movement attach-attachment entertain-entertainment
Equip-equipment Develop-development
-ing train-training spend-spending school-schooling
-tion create-creation invent- invention introduce-introduction
-ssion transmit-transmission permit-permission discuss-discussion omit-omission
-ery recover-recovery deliver-delivery discover-discovery
-ation organize-organisation inform-information
Group 2:
Write about - писать о
Start with - начинать с
Apart from - кроме
In practice – на практике
In theory - теоретически
Rely on – надеяться на
Cater for – заботиться о чем-лPhrases with dependent prepositions Translation Examples
Write about Писать о John wrote to his cousin about the new website.
Start with Начинать с Every new invention starts with an idea.
…to start your day with a smile.
Apart from Кроме Kate has every electrical gadget available apart from a games console.
Very few of us enjoy mornings, apart from during the weekend.
In practice, in theory На практике, теоретически Creating a robot is much more difficult in practice than in theory.
In theory, morning should be a happy time, but in practice many people say it is a stressful time of the day.

Rely on Надеяться на She relies on her PC to keep informed about global events.
But at least you can rely on the Toaster Radio…
Cater for Заботиться о He doesn’t like shopping so he uses the Internet to cater for most of his shopping needs.
The Toaster Radio is a kitchen appliance that caters for all the family.
Group 3:
Break out start happening
Break down stop working
Break into go into a building by force to steal something
Break up stop having a relationship with somebody
Break out of escape from a place
Phrasal verb Postposition Explanation /translation Examples
break Out start happening
(внезапно начаться,разразиться) They think the forest fire broke out because of a loose electric wire.
Fighting broke out between opposing football fans after last night’s game.
Into go into a building by force to steal something
(врываться куда-либо) Burglars broke into Dad’s office last night and stole his computer.
The police are looking for two men who were filmed as they were breaking into an electrical shop last night.
Down stop working
(сломаться) What’s wrong with the washing machine now? It’s always breaking down!
When her car broke down she called a local garage to ask for help.
Up stop having a relationship with somebody
(прекратить отношения с кем-либо) James and Mandy had a terrible argument and then they broke up.
The couple broke up but got back together a month later.
Out of escape from a place
убегать) They broke out of prison and escaped.
The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had broken out of the local prison.
Group 4:
Ex.4Words often confused
Suggest – to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about - предлагать
Offer – to say that you are willing to do something for somebody or give something to somebody – предлагать (свою услугу)
Affect – to produce a change in somebody/something - влиять
Effect – to make something happen –совершать, осуществлять, вызывать действие
Download – to get data from another computer, usually using the Internet - скачать
Access – a way of entering or reaching a place – иметь доступ, достигать
Machine – a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. The power used to work a machine may be electricity, steam, gas, etc.or human power.- машина, станок
Engine – the part of a vehicle that produces power to make the vehicle move - мотор
Electric – connected with electricity; using, produced by or producing electricity – электрический
Electronic – (of a device) having or operating with components such as microchips and transistors that control and direct electric currents – электронный, безбумажный
Experiment – a scientific test that is done in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge – опыт, эксперимент
Research – a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it.- исследование
Discover – to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists – открыть, обнаружить, делать открытие
Invent – to produce or design something that has not existed before - изобрести
Учащиеся читают предложения, работают на доске. Другие группы записывают.
6. Объяснение домашнего задания. Ex. 4,5 p.68.
7. Самооценка учащихся. (Схему самооценки смотрите в Приложении)
8. Рефлексия.