Презентация по английскому языку к УМК Spotlight-8 Ways of cooking.
Ways of cookingWays of cookingby Julia Aleynikova
Ways of cookingscrambled eggs
Ways of cookingpoached eggs
Ways of cookingboiled eggs
Ways of cookingfried eggs
Ways of cookingbaked potatoes
Ways of cookingroast potatoes
Ways of cookingboiled potatoes
Ways of cookingmashed potatoes
Ways of cookingpickled vegetables
Ways of cookingboiled vegetables
Ways of cookingsteamed vegetables
Ways of cookingroast chicken
Ways of cookingfried chicken
Ways of cookingbaked chicken
Ways of cookinggrilled chicken
Ways of cookingboiled rice
Ways of cookingsteamed rice
Ways of cookingfried rice
Ways of cookingbaked fish
Ways of cookinggrilled fish
Ways of cookingpoached fish
Ways of cookingfried fish