Презентация к уроку по теме Пушистые друзья. Коалы.

Which animal has got a thick mane and big strong paws? Which animal has got a long neck and spots on its body? Which animal has got a small beak & beautiful colourful feathers on its tail? Which animal has got big paws, sharp claws & a fat body? Which animal has got a long trunk, large tusks & big ears? Pay attention to some new words from the text. don't make good pets - нельзя приручитьmost popular - самые популярныеmarsupial mammals - сумчатые млекопитающиеся liquid - жидкостьeucalyptus leaves - листья эвкалипта Write down your hometask. Tell about koalas. Use the plan. (рассказ о коалах по плану) илиSB p 71 (5 questions to the text)(задать 5 вопросов к тексту) Thank you for your work.Good-bye.