Сценарий занятия на английском языке Мне нравится, что вы больны не мной… (по творчеству М. Цветаевой)

Разработка занятия на английском языке по теме «Мне нравится…», посвященного творчеству М. Цветаевой.
Ход мероприятия:
Начало, подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи
Hello dear students! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Hope you are fine, aren’t you. We have an unusual but traditional day at school when you can learn something new about a certain period.
Сообщение темы и цели урока, введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
Let’s begin. I want you to watch a video and answer the questions:
What is the name of the person we are going to speak about today?
What age period shall we speak about?
What film was the video taken from? Why?
Who sings the song?
Учащиеся смотрят видео на музыку к кинофильму «Ирония судьбы» в исполнении А. Пугачевой. Учитель задает вопросы и выясняет, почему именно прозвучала именно эта мелодия. Учитель объясняет, что стихотворение, которое было положено на музыку и исполняется в фильме, принадлежит известной поэтессе.
What is the name of the person we shall speak about? Дети стараются назвать имя. Если правильный ответ никто не называет, учитель сам сообщает его. Это- Марина Цветаева. Знакомое имя? Учитель задает вопрос о том, что дети знают о биографии и творчестве поэтессы.
Учащиеся формулируют цели и задачи урока: узнать факты из биографии М. Цветаевой и познакомится с ее творчеством.
There are many people in Russia and abroad who like and enjoy her poems. The literary critics also highly praised her works.
Look at the puzzle. Find three adjectives to describe the works by Marina Tsvetaeva according the literary critics’ opinions.
These adjectives are «eternal, famous, wonderful” Вызвать учащегося, который обведет три прилагательных.
Let’d translate these words: eternal –
Famous wonderful
I hope that today after reading some poems by Tsvetaeva you say the same words.
Tsvetaeva’s works were translated into English and many people all over the world like her works.
Look at the slides and comments that I found on youtube about Marina Tsvetaeva’s works.
I need one person to help.
Me gusta mucho, he leido (э леидо ) algunas de sus obras. Interesante!(Spanish) which means мне действительно очень нравится. А прочитал некоторые из ее работ. Интересно.
So we can say that she is known and read in Spain and is read in Spanish-speaking countries.
Ученик отмечает Испанию.
I love her poetry: it forced me to live! Says someone from the USA or another English-speaking country.Mark the US, GB, Australia.
Wunderbar! Which is German. So Tsvetaeva’s works are known in Germany. Find Germany and mark it.
Look at the map. There are really many places in the world where people read the poems by M. Tsvetaeva.
Our aim today is to get information about her.. I hope that you will become her admirers.
There will be a lecture now on Tsvetava’’s life. You get the pepers to mark the correct answers. Let’s find the expert in listening and the life of Marina Tsvetaeva.
Marina Tsvetaeva was born on the 8th of October 1892. She was a Russian and Soviet poet. Her works are considered among the greatest in the 20th century.
She was born to Ivan Vladimirovich and Maria Alexandrovna. The faher was a professor of Fine Arts at the University of Moscow. He was the founder of what is now the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum.
The mother was a concert pianist. Marina had a sister called Anastasia. Marin was good at writing poems but her mother wanted her to become a pianist. Marina’s mother had some health problems and
The family moved to France to cure the disease. It didn’t help and Maria Alexandrovna died when Marina was only 14. Marina Tsvetaeva got profound education, she learnt some languages like Italian, French, German.
In 1908 she studied literary history and soon started writing. She came back to Russia. Her first own collection was Vecherny Album was published in 1910. She met the poet Maximilian Voloshin and they became friends. She spent much time at Voloshin’s home in the Black sea resort of Koktebel.
The other people who came to that place said that inspiration was born there.
Here Marina Tsvetaeva met her future husband Sergei Efron. She was 19, he was a year younger, they fell in love and got married. They gave birth to two kids, two daughters, Ariadna and Irina.
M.T. witnessed the Russian revolution which she didn’t like. After the revolution Marina’s husband joined the White army. Because of that Tsvetaeva was trapped in Moscow for 5 years.
There was terrible hunger at that time. Marina put her daughters into an orphanage and thought that they would have food there and better life. She was wrong. Her younger daughter died of hunger. The child’s death caused great grief and regret. She wrote : God punished me.
In 1922 Tsvetaeva with her elder daughter left the Soviet Union for Berlin and then for Prague. Speaking about her literary activities Marina Tsvetaeva wrote a lot of new plays and verses at that time. She began correspondence with Boris Pasternak. The life was very poor there. At that time she gave birth to the son Georgy. She even wanted to call her son Boris after her friend Boris Pasternak but her husband was against.
Marina Tsvetaeva’s works held great nostalgia for Russia.
In 1925 the family moved to Paris where they lived for 14 years. There T. caught tuberculosis. She had difficult life. She was good at poems but started writing prose because she got much more money for that.
Tsvetaeva started working for NKVD(something like KGB). Sergey together with Ariadna moved to the USSR. Marina stayed in Europe. In 1939 she and her son at last came to the USSR. But were met with suspicion because they lived abroad. Later her husband and daughter were arrested for espionage.
M.Tsveteva had very difficult life and on August of 1941, on August 31st she hanged herself.
To it sumup, I can say that M.Tsvetaeva’s life was a difficult one. She suffered many problems. But we remember her as one of the greatest poets of Silver Age.
Tsvetaeva’s poetry was admired by Osip Mandelstam, Boris Pasternak, Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky.
Many of her poems became wonderful songs.
1)Marina Tsvetaeva was born on
a. October 18th, 1892
b. October 8th, 1892
c. October 8th, 1893
d. June 8th, 1892
2)The parents were
a. a pianist and a University professor
b. a pianist and a teacher
c. a professor at the University and a doctor
d. a pianist and a doctor
3)Tsvetaeva’s first collection of poems was published in
a. 1911
4)The number of children Marina and her husband Sergey Efron had
a.oneb.twoc. threed.four5) The greatest problem Marina Tsvetaeva had in Moscow after the Russian revolution was
a. hunger
c. lack of inspiration
d. no work
6) Marina Tsvetaeva committed suicide on
a. August 31st, 1941
b. August 21st, 1941
c. August 31st, 1940
d. August 1st, 1941
Now let’s check the material you got from the lecture.
Проверяем ответы: 1.b 2. A 3.c 4.c 5.a 6a
Now you look at those materials, I ask questions and you answer them.
Who has all the correct answers or has one mistake? You are experts and get the prize.
As I have said earlier Tsvetaeva’s works are well-known and famous.
Let’s read and discuss one of the poems. Выдать листочки. Listen to me. Answer the question: What this poem is about?
Marina Tsvetaeva by Alexander GiventalNostalgia, homesickness! Oh, whata long-denunciated longing!It matters absolutely notwhere I would absolutely lonelybe, passing by which street-name signI'd roll back home my shopping barrows –A home, yet clueless it is mine,as if a hospital or barracks.It makes no difference, whose grinsamid, to bristle like a captivebeast, nor from which fraternal ringsto be expelled – into effectiveself-insulation – where belong.I, an Alaskan floe-less bear, –where not to (try to) get along,where to abase myself – don't care!The mother-tongue, its luring pitch,too, to my hearing, risks no dangers.It couldn't matter less in whichto be misunderstood by strangers(book's readership, or gossip's ears,consumers of newspaper pages ...)They're in the nineteen-something years,and I'm yet in unnumbered ages!To me, impressionable likea log in a forgotten forest,all means the same, all looks alike,and maybe most alike, and foremostthe same – and sane – remains the past.All dates, all tags I used to bear,have been stripped off of me at last:A mortal given birth – somewhere.So thoroughly my native soilabandoned me, that – Search the groundand far and wide across my soul! –a single birthmark won't be found!Each home feels void, each temple vain,all ties are burnt, all ashes buried.But if a bush is on my way,especially a rowan-berry …
What is the poem about? If it is difficult to say then watch a video where the poem in Russian is read by the actress Yevgeniya Dobrovolskaya. The house you will see is the one where Tsvetaeva lived in near Moscow. Is it a sad poem?
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