Письменная работа по английскому языку на тему Great Britain

Письменная работа по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык»
по теме «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Common Facts»
a) The English come from England, the Scots from Scotland, the Welsh from Wales and the Irish from Ireland. Think of as many European countries as you can. What are the people called? What language do they speak?
b)Explain the differences between these expressions: Great Вritain, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the British Isles. What did "the United Kingdom" originally refer to?
Which of these people are British: an Englishman, a citizen of the Irish Republic, a Scot, a Welshman?
Which of these capital cities are the capitals of independent states: Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin, Cardiff, London?
Which of these expressions describe highland Britain: drier, more difficult to reach, more thinly populated, better for farming, more mountainous?
The British Isles: Population
Country Area (km2) Population Density per km2
England 130,439 47,112,000 361
Scotland 78,772 5,137,000 65
Wales 20,768 2,812,000 135
Northern Ireland 14,12]1,558,000 110
Republic of Ireland 70,283 3,552,000 51
a) Which is the biggest country of the British Isles?
b) Which is the most densely populated country? Why?
1) What invasions has your country suffered in the past 2,000 years? What effects have these invasions had?
Are there any immigrants in your country? Have there been any problems associated with immigrants? If so, what should be done to solve these problems?
Do many people from your country go to live and work in other countries? Are they treated well?
4)What parts of your country have the highest and the lowestdensities of population? Why?
What do you know about the flag of your country?
What is the climate of your country? How does it differ from the climate of the United Kingdom?
Are there any plants and animals in your country that have become symbols?
What do you know about the monetary system of your country? How does it differ from that of the United Kingdom?