Тест по английскому языку в 3 классе к УМК Английский в фокусе (Модуль №3)
Тест по английскому языку в 4 классе к учебнику «Английский в фокусе» (Модуль №3)
Translate into English
Сливочное масло
Банка джема
Complete the sentences with there is/there are
1 …cakes on the dish.
…apples on the apple-tree.
… milk in the cup.
…knives and forks on the table.
… butter for tea.
3 Complete the sentences with some/any
1 Give me…water, please.
2 Are there … boys un the class?
3 Is there… flour at home?
Take … books from the table.
5 Are there … flowers in the vase?
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences
1 animals, in, many, there, are, forest,the.
2 is, much, jam, tea, for, there?
3 much, glass, there, is, milk, the, in?
plate, the, oranges, there, are, on.
5 there, boys, any, are, class, your, in?
Translate into English
1 Можно мне войти?
2 Им можно войти.
3 На столе есть немного молока.
Им можно почитать.
У неё есть сколько-нибудь карандашей?
6 Complete the sentences with how many/how much
1…potatoes are there in the bag?
2…butter is there in the fridge?
3 …cheese is there on there table?
4…pineapples are there in the kitchen?
5…pupils are there in the street?