Презентация по английскому языку на тему Британия — мастерская мира

Britain -The WorkshopOf the world

What part of Great Britain is it?
What part of Great Britain is it?
What part of Great Britain is it?
What part of Great Britain is it?
Fill in the missing words:monopoly, industrialisation, workshop, industrial, is engaged in, exporter.1. The … of Great Britain began in the second half of the 18th century.2. Great Britain is a highly developed … capitalist country.3. In the 19th century Great Britain was the greatest … of industrial products: she was the … of the world.4. This industrial … came to an end before the end of the 19th century.5. At most half of Great Britain’s population … industry.

Guess what the city is it…It is the first among the country’s biggest industrial cities. Lots of things such as clothes, food, planes and cars are made there. And by the way, it’s the country’s main centre of printing.

style.rotationppt_wppt_y Guess what the city is it…It is an industrial capital of the North of England. It is the centre of cotton industry.
style.rotationppt_wppt_y Guess what’s the part of Great Britain is it …Shipbuilding is one of the most important industries there. Other industries such as heavy and light engineering and coal-mining have place in this part of Great Britain.

It’s Scotland

Match the parts of the sentences{C4B1156A-380E-4F78-BDF5-A606A8083BF9}1. The economy of Northern Irelanda. is the district around Birmingham. It is a land of factories and mines.2. Birmingham isb. is more developed in Wales – coal-mining, steel production, electronics, electrical engineering can be found there.3. Sheffield isc. a centre of the production of steel goods4. South Walesd. the second largest city in the country5. The Black Countrye. is closely connected with that of Great Britain.r
Industry of Great BritainThe history of manufacturing in Britain is unique because of Britain’s role as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. During the Middle Ages the production of woolen textiles was a key industry in Britain. In the 16th and 17th centuries, new industries developed. These included silk weaving, garment making, and the manufacturing of hats, pottery and cutlery. All of these operations were generally conducted in small craft shops and were labor-intensive.
Silk weaving – ткацкое производство шёлка;Pottery – гончарное производство;Cutlery – ножевые изделия;
style.rotationppt_wppt_y In the 18th century a number of changes in British society prepared the way for the Industrial Revolution. Colonial and commercial expansion created markets in North America, Africa and parts of Asia. An agricultural revolution in the 18th century introduced new crops and crop rotation techniques, better breeding methods, and mechanical devices for cultivation.Expansion – распространениеMarket – рынок, базарCrop – урожайRotation – оборотBreeding – разведение скотаDevices - устройства

Name these types of industry and agriculture
ppt_xppt_y Many towns throughout Britain became manufacturing centers during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. Newcastle upon Tyne in northern eastern England, became important for steel production and shipbuilding. In the 1990s it was still a transportation hub. The structure of industry changes in the last half of the 20th century. The coal mining and cotton textile industries declined. As coal production declined, oil production replaced it as a major industry. Motor-vehicle production became a significant part of the industrial base.
Britain now manufactures 40 percent of Europe’s desktop computers.Scotland is also a major producer of computers.

Scotland and Northern Ireland are still noted for their production of whiskey and textiles, especially linen from Northern Ireland and tweed from Scotland.

The leading traditional manufacturing regions of England are Greater London and the cities and regions around Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and Newcastle upon Tyne.

Find the derivations of the following words:{0505E3EF-67EA-436B-97B2-0124C06EBD24}1. IndustryA. the equipment working on microcircuits2. ManufacturingB. industrial branch engaged in construction of the ships3. Woolen textileC. all that is behind of the state4. CoalD.in general sense, the production of goods and services in an economy5. IronE. producing goods that are necessary for modern life from raw materials6. ShipbuildingF. metal used basically for manufacture of steel7. ComputerG.manufacture of products from a wool8. Electronic equipmentH. the hardened breed of charcoal9. Overseas I. the machines constructed on the arithmetic-logic device