Урок-презентация по английскому языку на тему Почта. Письмо другу (3 класс)
Открытый урок английского языка
в 3 классе на тему:
« Письмо другу»
Урок разработала учитель английского
Языка Гриднева Г.И.
План-конспект урока английского языка в 3 классеТема урока: Post Office – Почта. Письмо другу.
Ход урока
Орг. момент
T: - Good morning, children!
I’m glad to see you!
Greet each other. (Учащиеся приветствуют друг друга)
High five!
Sit down, please!
T: Answer on my questions, please.
What season is it now? - It is winter now.
What day is it today? – It is Thursday today.
What is the date today? – It is the 13th of February.
What are the winter months? – December, January and February.
T: Thank you! Well done!
Let’s begin our lesson! Today we shall do many things. We shall learn some new words, read and write, play and dance. As you see we have parking and you have 2 smiles, at the end of the lesson you have to stick your smiles. If you like the lesson stick happy smile, but if you don’t like stick the sad smile.
Please, let’s remember the poem “In the morning at eight o’clock”, who wants to relate?
Very good, thank you! As you understand, we’ll continue our lesson “Post-office”.
Boys and girls tell me please who is the famous postman in Russia? (postman)
Ролевая игра «Почтальон».
Раздаётся стук в дверь.
-Все вместе: Who are you?
- Заходит почтальон: Good day, pupils! I am a postman.
-Teacher: Come in, postman. We are glad to see you!
-Postman: I have got letters.
What is your name? – I have got a letter for you. Here you are.
How old are you? - I have got a letter for you. Please.
Where do you live? - I have got a letter.
Do you like to get a letter? – I have got a letter.
Do you like to read a letter? - ….
Do you like to write a letter? –
Good buy, children!
Let’s heck up your H.w.
Проверка домашнего задания.
So, your homework was to make an envelope. I see you made good and colourful envelopes. Then I’ll collect your envelopes and I’ll put your marks. Ok?!
Почтальон раздаёт письма. Дети открывают конверты и пишут письмо Тайни по образцу.
But now, open your envelopes, there are letters inside, you must ride a letter for Tiny. I’ll give you 3 minutes, The sentence are easy for you, you must know these words.
Write a letter to Tiny. Напиши письмо Тайни.
Dear Tiny,
My name is__________________________________________
I am________________________________________________
I go to ______________________________________________
I live in _____________________________________________
I am______________________ and ______________________
I have got ____________________________________________
My favourite season is__________________________________
My favourite colour is __________________________________
I like ________________________________________________
I can ________________________________________________
My birthday is on _____________________________________
Please write back.
Your friend ___________________
Развитие навыков аудирования.
Т: Open your books – ex.1 p. 75
Look, listen and repeat, please.
Учащиеся : - слушают аудиозапись, повторяют за диктором.
Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи
Now, you are at the Post office, you want to buy an envelope, a stamp and paper. It’s time to act out the dialogues. Don’t forget to be polite. Use the model at the board. Обратите внимание на образец диалога на доске (учитель разыгрывает диалог с одним из учеников):
T. Hello! Can I help you? Здравствуйте! Чем могу помочь?
St. Hello! Have you got an envelope? Здравствуйте! У Вас есть конверт?
T. Here you are. Да.
St. Have you got any paper? У Вас есть бумага?
T. Yes, I have. Here you are. Да, пожалуйста.
St. Thank you. Bye. Спасибо. До свидания.
T. Bye-bye. До свидания.
T. Who wants to do the shopping? Who wants to be a shop assistant? Кто хочет быть продавцом, покупателем? (учащиеся разыгрывают диалог)
Развитие навыков письма (раздаются карточки, где ученики должны выделить нужное слово) Think – Write – Round RobinP-s: по очереди выделяют и зачитывают слова
T: Thank you! Fine!
VII. Зарядка для глаз.
- Our eyes are tired, they need a rest. Let΄s help them to be strong.
• Look left, look right, (смотрим влево – вправо )
• Look up, look down, ( смотрим вверх– вниз)
• Look around. (делаем круг глазами)
• Look at your nose, ( смотрим на свой нос)
• Look at that rose, ( смотрим вдаль)
• Close your eyes, (закрываем глаза)
• Open, wink, оpen and smile. ( открываем глаза, моргаем, улыбаемся)
• Your eyes are happy again.
Формирование навыков письма.
And now let’s write a little once again. It’s a letter. Mr. Greenwood gives us a rule for writing a letter and which we must remember.
Задание повышенной сложности на восстановление текста с подстановкой пропущенных слов.
Complete the sentences. Вставь пропущенные слова.
write, address, paper, post office, envelope, stamp, post, letterbox
Take clean ……………………………... and a pen.
Sit down and ……………………………... a letter.
Put the letter into an …………………………….. .
Put a ……………………………... on the envelope.
Write an …………………………. on the envelope.
Take your letter and go to the ………………….
Find a ……………..... and ………..…… the letter.
Формирование навыков монологической речи. Inside-outside circle.
Выполнение ex. 6 p.76
T: What can you buy on the Post Office? (Что ты можешь купить на почте)
To make sentences after the example. Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу. (Образец на доске)
P1…P4: I think I can buy… (a stamp, a postcard, …)
(краткое высказывание с заданной ситуацией)
Thank you, take your seats.
Take off – Touch down! (встали – сели)
Устная речь по теме. Answer my questions.
What words on our topic do you know?
Do you like to write letters?
What do we need to write a letter?
Do you like to get letters?
Have you got letters from your friends?
What can we buy at the post office?
Do you collect stamps or something else?
Open your diaries and write down your H.w. ex. 3 p. 48 (WB) письменно
Ex. 5 p. 76 (читать)
XI. Подведение итогов. Оценки.
T: Today we have learnt a lot of things about Post Office, remembered new words, write letters, read the dialogues, listened songs and played.
Well done! Fine! Thank you for the lesson! See you soon! Good luck! Don’t forget your smiles!
(Учащиеся прикрепляют смайлики к парковке).
Write a letter to Tiny. Напиши письмо Тайни.
Dear Tiny,
My name is_________________. I am_______________. I go to _________________.
I live in ___________________. I am_________________ and ___________________.I have got _________________. My favourite season is_________________________.My favourite colour is _____________. I like ________________. I can __________________.
My birthday is on ____________________________.
Please write back.
Your friend ___________________