Конспект урока по английскому языку для 6 класса Leisure time

Тема “Досуг”
— освоить новые лексические единицы по теме «Досуг»;
— научить выражать свои вкусы и предпочтения, обосновывать свой выбор;
— повторить в сопоставлении грамматические времена Present Simple и Present Continuous;
— развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;
— развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения;
— воспитывать культуру поведения.
Оборудование: учебник, таблицы.
2.Warm up
T: Hobbies make our life more interesting and colourful. To understand people’s interests let’s find out the information we know about hobbies. Name your hobbies.
Associations “Free time”

3.Checking up homework (ex. 5, p.54)
4. The main part
Leхical practice
to be mad about, to be fond of, to be interested in, to be keen on, go fishing, go cycling, go windsurfing, knitting, dull, wonderful, interesting, awful, tiring, brilliant, in my opinion, to my mind, it seems to me.
Make up your own sentences:
P1: I like to go fishing with my father. It seems to me it’s very interesting.
P2: I am fond of painting. In my opinion, it’s a wonderful hobby.
Complete the gaps with the words below.
• interested • keen • mad • fond • good
1 Tony is … about football. He never misses a match on TV!
2 Are you… in History as well?
3 Jane's little daughter is very… at dancing!
4 I'm quite… of comedies. What about you?
5 Anthony is not… on classical music.
Key: 1. mad, 2. interested, 3. good, 4 fond, 5 keen
Circle the odd word out.
1 dull - tiring - awful - fun
2 dominoes - painting - backgammon - billiards
3 good - fond - keen - bad
4 rarely - quick - never – always
Key: 1 fun, 2 painting, 3 bad, 4 quick
Writing\ Grammar
Write sentences using the Present Simple and Present Continuous.
1. walk to work / take bus
I walk to work every day but today I'm taking the bus.
2. eat vegetables / eat meat
3. play volleyball / play basketball
4. go windsurfing / go skiing
5. play darts / play chess
6. read a book / meet friends
Group work
T: Your friends want to have a hobby. Help them to make a choice. Give them your advice about the best and the most useful hobby. Agree or disagree with your friends.
- What hobby would you like to choose?
- …
- What about you?
- It’s a great idea because…\ In my opinion, this hobby is not…because …
5. Summarizing
6. Homework – make up your own sentences with new words.