Презентация по англ. языку на тему Environmental protection

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБОРОНЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФГКОУ «СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКОЕ СУВОРОВСКОЕ ВОЕННОЕ УЧИЛИЩЕ» Выполнила:преподаватель английского языкаАгузарова Светлана ВалерьевнаEnvironmental protection Module 4a Reduce (уменьшить)amount of waterколичество водыenergy consumptionпотребление энергииpaper consumptionрасход бумагиburning of oil & coalсжигание нефти и угляrubbishмусорexcessive packagingчрезмерная упаковка Reuse (вторично использовать)a tinконсервная банкаa jarфляга, банкаa bottleбутылкаvegetable peelingsовощная шелуха (очистки)a towelполотенцеa sheetпростыняRecycle перерабатывать, утилизировать ex.2, page 65stuffвещество, вещь, всякая всячинаeliminate избавиться, ликвидироватьwasteотходы, мусорto releaseосвободитьto harmвредитьto come up withпридумать, предлагать идеюto throw awayвыкинутьto switch offвыключитьto turn downуменьшитьto put onодетьto cut down onсокращать Three Rs QuizIt’s a bit chilly in your living room. Do you …put on a sweater?turn up the heating?You are watching TV when your friend arrives. You and your friend decide to play a board game. Do you…leave the TV on while you play?switch off the TV?You have just finished writing an important composition for school. Do you… proofread it on your computer screen?print it out to proofread it? You have finished a drink from a glass bottle. Do you…rinse the bottle and keep it to reuse later?throw it away?You want to buy something new. Do you…buy the thing at once?try the 30-day rule?You are cooking dinner. You will switch off the cooker:a few minutes earlieronly after you finish cooking At the supermarket you buy…everything you want, even if you don’t need it.things from your shopping list.If you have already read the book or magazine you…throw it awayswap with your friends.Your jeans have got holes in the knees. You will…make shorts out of themthrow them away ex.3, page 66a zooan enclosureзоопарквольерconservation programmeпрограмма по сохранению окр. средыto donateжертвовать деньгиendangered speciesвымирающие видыmodern lifestyleсовременный образ жизниnatural habitatsестественная среда обитанияto adoptпринимать (под опеку)adoption certificateсертификат о принятии под опеку Match the words with their definitions:conservation programmethe environment in which animals live in natureendangered speciesplanned actions to protect sthmodern lifestyletake into your carenatural habitatsa piece of paper proving that you have adoptedto adopttypes of animals that are at risk of disappearingadoption certificatean enclosurea place where animals are keptour way of life these days

ReflectionHave you remembered any new words?What were we speaking about at the lesson?What have you learnt today?What is the 3Rs?