Контрольная работа по аудированию, 6 класс, II четверть, УМК Forward
Контрольная работа по аудированию, 6 класс, II четверть
Variant I
Task 1. Listen to Maria and choose the correct answer.
Maria is from …
a)Russia; b)Canada; c)Spain; d)the UK.
Winters in Madrid are…
a)very cold and cloudy; b)cold but sunny; c)sunny and warm; d)not very cold.
Autumn in Madrid is…
a)sunny; b)warm; c)not very warm; d)hot.
Task 2. Listen to Liz and choose the correct answer.
Liz lives in …
a)Russia; b)Canada; c)Spain; d)the UK.
In Canada the average temperature in winter is…
a)-12°C; b)-20°C; c)0°C; d)+12°C.
Spring in Canada is …
a)very warm; b)lovely; c)sunny; d)rainy.
In summer the weather is…
a)bad; b)nice; c)rainy; d)wet.
Autumn is fantastic due to …
a)the weather; b)the average temperature; c)its colours; d)its festive atmosphere.
It starts getting colder in…
a)August; b)September; c)October; d)November.
Контрольная работа по аудированию, 6 класс, II четверть
Variant II
Task 1. Listen to Maria and choose the correct answer.
Maria is from …
a)the British Isles; b)Canada; c)Russia; d)Spain.
Springs in Madrid are…
a)not very warm; b)cold but sunny; c)sunny and warm; d)not very cold.
Autumn in Madrid is…
a)sunny; b)warm; c)not very warm; d)cold.
Task 2. Listen to Liz and choose the correct answer.
Liz lives in …
a)the British Isles; b)Canada; c)Russia; d)Spain.
In Canada the average temperature in winter is…
a)+12°C; b)-20°C; c)0°C; d)-12°C.
Spring in Canada is …
a)very warm; b)lovely; c)wet; d)sunny.
In summer the weather is…
a)bad; b)windy; c)rainy; d)fine.
Autumn is fantastic due to …
a)the weather; b)the average temperature; c)its colours; d)its festive atmosphere.
It starts getting colder in…
a)September; b)October; c)November; d)December .
Контрольная работа по аудированию 6 класс II четверть
Аудиозапись с диска к учебнику «Forward» под ред. М.В.Вербицкой 6 класс Часть 1 (Track 57)
Вариант 1.
Task№1. 1-c, 2-b, 3-c
Task№2.1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c
Вариант 2.
Task№1. 1-d, 2-c, 3-c
Task№2.1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-d, 5-c, 6-b
Максимальное количество баллов – 9.
«5» - 8-9
«4» - 6-7
«3» - 5
«2» - менее 5.