Ашы? саба? презентация 5 сынып My flat

Theme of the lesson :My Flat.Form: 5 “b” Мақсаты: Оқушыларға ағылшын тілінде үй, пәтер тақырыбына байланысты сөздерді үйрету;Оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде ойлау және сөйлеу қабілеттерін арттыру;Оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттырып, шығармашылықтарын дамыту. MY FLAT New words Presentation of vocabulary New words: B E D R O O M B A T H R O O M Nursery Study TOILET TABLE PICTURES CHAIR CARPET FIRE A R M C H A I R Clock S O F A T A B L E B O O K S H E L F M I R R O R Терезе W A L L TV Plant Exercise-4. Look at the picture. Write the names of the rooms. a living room B. __________ C. ___________ D. ___________ E. ___________ А В С D E Which room is this? Which room is that? Write the words into 3 groups: bathroom, arm-chair, cottage, hall, sofa, kitchen, table, castle, study, wardrobe, flat, living-room, book-case, palace, log cabin, bedroom, house-boat, fire-place, children’s room houses furniture rooms Houses palace castle cottage Block of flats Log cabin caravan House boat igloo wigwam 1. 5. ROOMS 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Furniture a sofa a bed a bookcase a chair a carpet a picture a clock a fire-place a mirror a bookshelf a table a wardrobe an arm-chair in the box on the sofa Under the table In front of TVset Behind the table At the table There is/are Егер заттың белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын білдіру қажет болса сөйлем орамынан басталады.Мысалы :There is a mirror in the living room.Қонақ бөлмеде айна бар. There are two chairs in the kitchen.Ас бөлмеде екі орындық бар. There is\are There are is a chair chairs at the table. There 1.There is a… on the wall2.There are ten books on the …3.There is a cup of coffee on the…4.There is a… in the…5.There are five children on the…6. There are four … at the table. Fill in the necessary words : 1. 2. 3. My room is not very big. There is a desk near the window. The computer is on the desk. There are 2 pictures above the sofa. There is a green sofa in the corner of the room. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a guitar on the sofa. 1. 2. My room is not very big. There is a desk near the window. The computer is on the desk. There are 2 pictures above the sofa. There is a green sofa in the corner of the room. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a ball near the sofa. 3. My room is not very big. There is a desk near the window. The TV-set is on the desk. There are 2 pictures above the sofa. There is a green sofa in the corner of the room. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a guitar near the sofa. CHOOSE THE RIGHT VERB: There is/are a bookcase in the room. There is/are two tables in the room. There is/are ten books on the desk. There is/are a bag under the desk. There is/are a clock near the sofa. Make up sentences of the given words: Chair, is, corridor, there, a, the, in- Floor, carpet, is, on, there, a, the- Is, bed, on, there, a, bedroom, the- Are, armchairs, living room, three, there, in, the- Conclusion In this room there is a table and beds. We sleep in it. In this room there are chairs, armchairs, sofa, television, and a carpet. In this room there is a desk, chair, computer. You may do your homework there. Children play. In this room you wash your hands and face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower. There is a dishwasher, a fridge, plates and cups there. We usually cook in this room. To write an essay about the flat of your dream and draw a scheme of it. Ex: 6 Write.