План урока на темуThe British Royal Family
Тақырыбы:Step 3 The British Royal Family
Сыныбы: 10th form
Мақсаты: Британия патшалар отбастары тақырыбында мәтін оқу,сұрақтарға
жауап беру арқылы “must ,may”модальді етістіктерін қайталау,
Көрнекіліктер: кеспе,слайд,диаграмма, кестелер,мәтін тыңдау
Сабақтың барысы: Good morning!
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
What does the word “ monarchy” mean?
What is the role of monarchy?
Who rules the UK?
Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
Who is The Queen of the UK?
When did the Queen become the Queen of the UK?
When did the President become the President of Kazakhstan?
Find the pair
She is late. I might leave it at home.
I can' t find my wallet She could have got extra job in the office.
She is tired. Someone may have stolen it.
I can' t find my key. She could have run all day long
2.Жаңа сабақ The British Royal family
1.Read the definitions
reignrule2.Learn new words Ex 1(c)
3.а ) Read the text “The Monarchy”
translate and check with the right answer
The Queen reigns but she does not rule
Патшайым ел басқарады, бірақ ол елді билемейді.
b)listen to the text “The UK state”
The Queen
a)Fill the diagram
b)Find out and read about
The House of Lords
The House of Commons
Сomplete the sentences using active vocabulary
1.Her ---------------- took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.
2.She sees Cabinet papers and -------------- of Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings.
3.During the visits to other Commonwealth countries she presents ------------ to people.
4.The members of the House of Lords are not elected ,they have --------------- their seats from their fathers.
5.Үй жұмысы Learn new words Ex 1(c)
Read and learn about The House of Lords ,The House of Commons
What does the word “ monarchy” mean?
What is the role of monarchy?
Who rules the UK?
Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
Who is The Queen of the UK?
When did the Queen become the Queen of the UK?
When did the President become the President of Kazakhstan?
Find the pair
She is late. I might leave it at home.
I can' t find my wallet She could have got extra job in the office.
She is tired. Someone may have stolen it.
I can' t find my key. She could have run all day long
Сomplete the sentences using active vocabulary
1.Her ---------------- took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.
2.She sees Cabinet papers and -------------- of Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings.
3.During the visits to other Commonwealth countries she presents ------------ to people.
4.The members of the House of Lords are not elected ,they have --------------- their seats from their fathers.
(inherited, coronation, honours , records)
Find the pair
She is late. I might leave it at home.
I can' t find my wallet She could have got extra job in the office.
She is tired. Someone may have stolen it.
I can' t find my key. She could have run all day long
Сomplete the sentences using active vocabulary
1.Her ---------------- took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.
2.She sees Cabinet papers and -------------- of Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings.
3.During the visits to other Commonwealth countries she presents ------------ to people.
4.The members of the House of Lords are not elected ,they have --------------- their seats from their fathers
(inherited, coronation, honours , records)