Презентация по английскому языку на тему- Пасха.
Jesus Christ
What do people celebrate on Easter day?
What traditions of the celebrating Easter do you know?
What are the main symbols of Easter?
What Easter words do you know, beginning with letters E, A, S, T, E, R?
Find the Russian equivalents for these proverbs Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow (Italian)
Цыплят по осени считают Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе Don’t put all your eggs in one basket (English) Don’t count your eggs before they are laid (Italian) He клади всех яиц в одну корзину (т. е. не рискуй всем, что у тебя есть). Easter in Great Britain Everyone know something about the life of Jesus. As a boy he lived in the
small town of Nazareth. When he was about thirty years old he began teaching
and preaching and healing the sick. His fame spread quickly.
Soon he had twelve disciples or followers. Most of them were fishermen. They
went with Jesus and learned from him as he walked through the countryside
talking to the people.
Crowds gathered to hear Jesus preach. They found new hope and strength in
the words he spoke. Many people began to say that he was the king or
Messiah; they had been waiting for.
Questions: Easter Crossword