Презентация по англисскому языку на тему The name of Angel . Mothers day.

Архангельск 2010 The name of my Angel Выполнила :Соловьева Ж.В.МОУ ОГ №25 A day before the birth a child asked the God:I don’t know, why I go to this world. What should I do?The God answered:I will meet you an Angel who’ll always be nearby you. He will explain all to you. But how shall I understand him if I don’t know his language?-The Angel will teach you the language. He will protect you from all troubles. -How and when should I return to you? -Your Angel will tell you. Ресурсы: http://miranimashek.ucoz.ru http://zdesvsyo.ru/photo http://pritchi.castle.by http://www.fun4child.ru www.melomanu.ru