Конспект урока по английскому языку в 9 а классе раздел 2 «Путешествие, как способ познать мир».Тема: Жизнь и путешествие Беринга.
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 9 а классе
раздел 2 «Путешествие, как способ познать мир»
Подготовила: учитель
английского языка
Кадырова Гузелия Альбертовна
Класс: 9 а Дата проведения: _______ Учитель: Кадырова Г.А.
Раздел 2: «Путешествие, как способ познать мир» (УМК «Enjoy English» Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Морозова А.Н..)
Урок №4
Тема: Жизнь и путешествие Беринга. Говорение. Монологическая речь: - кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях, используя такие коммуникативные типы речи, как описание/характеристика, повествование/сообщение, эмоциональные и оценочные суждения; Аудирование. Восприятие на слух и понимание несложных текстов с разной глубиной и точностью проникновения в их содержание (с полным пониманием, с пониманием основного содержания, с выборочным пониманием) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи и стиля текста.
повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививать интерес к путешествиям;
развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия;
овладеть лексическим материалом и расширить кругозор по теме “Путешествие”;
формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения, обучать умению строить высказывания по модели.
Формы и способы применения ИКТ на данном уроке: Используется учебная презентация, которая демонстрируется на большом экране с помощью проектора.
Используемые методы обучения: Объяснительно - иллюстративный метод, частично - поисковый метод, репродуктивный метод, диффериционный подход к обучению английского языка.
Используемые приемы обучения: Показ, перевод, объяснение, работа с текстом.
Ожидаемые результаты: Ученики должны познакомиться с новой лексикой, использовать её употребление в диалогической и монологической речи.
Способы контроля: Контроль и коррекция учителя, самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль учащихся.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент:- Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! It`s time to start our lesson. Sit down, please. How are you? Who is absent? What date is it today? What is the weather like today? Are you ready to work? (Слайд ).
Сообщение темы урока:- What’s the best way of understanding, exploring the world? (Reading, Watching TV, Travelling). Well, we’ll continue to speak about travelling. Answer my questions. (Слайд ). - Why do people travel? (People like to travel because it is exciting and useful).
- Do you like to travel and why? (Yes, I do). - Why? (I like to travel because I visit a beautiful places and I can see many interesting things).
- What’s your favourite kind of travelling? (My favourite kind of travelling is by car).
- What countries have you just visited? (I have just visited Turkey. I have not visited any country. He has visited to Egypt).
-Have you ever been to the UK? (No, I have not been to the UK).
3. Фонетическая зарядка: -Look at the slide and listen to me. I’ll read a short poem about travelling. Is everything clear for you in this poem? Answer the question how do you like to travel? Please, all together. (Слайд ).
I like to go by car
We go by car and we go by train
We go by boat and we go by plane
We go by land and sea and air
We go, go, and go from here to there.
4.Повторение грамматического материала: «Употребление артикля the с географическими названиями». - Когда употребляется артикль the?
- O’key. Let’s check up your knowledge, how you learnt our grammar rules. (Слайд ). Open your exercise books and write down the date.
The 1st variant. The 2nd variant.
Asia 1. Europe
Pacific Ocean. 2. White Sea.
Black sea. 3. Indian Ocean.
Everest. 4. Elbrus.
Alps. 5. Urals.
Nile. 6. Volga.
- I’ll give you 2 minutes fill in “the” if it’s necessary and then change your exercise books, your neighbor’ll check up your work.
5. Развитие навыков аудирования: -We all like to travel, but what are reasons we leave home? What is the most popular reason for travelling? Education, getting away from problems, health problems, job, holiday making. If you study foreign languages, you shall travel around the world. (Слайд )But today we are going to talk about people whom do we call travelers. Can you name me Great or Famous Explorers or Travelers? (Yes, Marco Polo, Thomas Cook, Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus, Chokan Valikhanov and others).
You know, the 18th century was reach in geographical researches. Russian sailors took part in them too. Look at the map of the Northern part of Russia, at the portrait of the famous Russian traveler V. Bering. Listen to the story about him ,try to guess about the given dates.
- Let’s pay your attention to the blackboard and read the dates
1681,1725,1741,1728,1703 Make notes about what happened during the dates or periods indicated in your book (ex. 24) ( Заполняют фактическую информацию из прослушанного текстa)
7.Физминутка: - It’s time to have a rest now. Sand up please and repeat after me: (Слайд 6)
Stand up and look around Shake your head and turn around Stamp your feet upon the ground Clap your hands and than sit down
Listen to Vitus Jonassen Bering’s biographical facts and check if your notes are correct. (Ex. 25) (Слайд )in 1681 - Vitus Jonassen Bering was born in 1703 - Bering joined the Russian fleet in 1725 - Bering headed his first expedition to Siberia
in 1728 - the Bering Strait was discovered in 1741 - the town of Petropavlovsk was founded on August 12th, 1741 - Bering died
8.Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием: -We’ve spoken that we can travel by the different ways but how do you think what means of transport is more dangerous by ship, by plane, by car, by bus?
- Open your book at the page 66, ex.19. Let’s read a text about the great tragedy of the Titanic and answer the questions. ) Have you seen the film about it? What do you know about the film?
1 ) The film was shot it the USA.2) The director of the film was G.Cameron.
3) There starred L.Dicaprio, K.Winslet. 4) The film was awared by some «Oscars».
5) The film is very romantic. It has many special effects. It empressed me very much. I liked the music of the film. (Слайд )
1.Why can icebergs be dangerous for ships?
2.How did an iceberg cause the tragedy of the Titanic?
3.What have you learnt about the Titanic’s sisters?
9. Итог урока: -Now, tell me, please, what have we done during our lesson, what have you learnt? I want you to take your self-control cards, analyze your work during the lesson and make your notes…. Do you have any questions? Thank you for the lesson.(Слайд )
Articles I can use the articles I can use the articles but with some difficulties I can’t use the articles at all
The dates I can read the dates I can read the dates but with some difficulties I can’t read the dates at all
The story of V. Bering travelling I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
the tragedy of the Titanic I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
My work during the lesson I was very active during the lesson I was not very active during the lesson I do nothing during the lesson
10. Домашнее задание: p.67, ex.22 (Слайд )ФИО_______________________ Класс:______ Дата:__________
Articles I can use the articles I can use the articles but with some difficulties I can’t use the articles at all
The dates I can read the dates I can read the dates but with some difficulties I can’t read the dates at all
The story of V. Bering travelling I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
the tragedy of the Titanic I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
My work during the lesson I was very active during the lesson I was not very active during the lesson I do nothing during the lesson
ФИО_______________________ Класс:______ Дата:__________
Articles I can use the articles I can use the articles but with some difficulties I can’t use the articles at all
The dates I can read the dates I can read the dates but with some difficulties I can’t read the dates at all
The story of V. Bering travelling I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
the tragedy of the Titanic I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
My work during the lesson I was very active during the lesson I was not very active during the lesson I do nothing during the lesson
ФИО_______________________ Класс:______ Дата:__________
Articles I can use the articles I can use the articles but with some difficulties I can’t use the articles at all
The dates I can read the dates I can read the dates but with some difficulties I can’t read the dates at all
The story of V. Bering travelling I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
the tragedy of the Titanic I understood everything I understood almost everything I understood nothing
My work during the lesson I was very active during the lesson I was not very active during the lesson I do nothing during the lesson