План внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me»

КГУ ОШ № 184Учитель английского языкаКулбосинова Лиза Жаулыбаевна
План внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
«I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me»
Воспитывать любовь , дружелюбие уважение, милосердие друг к другу и друзьям.
Развивать навыки речевого этикета.
Развивать личностную активность.
Оборудование: Использование ТСО, презентации.1. About President2. About Mukagali Makataev3. About Abai Kunanbayev4. About Flowers5. About Independence Kazakhstan
Ход урока:
Ведущая ( Janashova Arujhan): Good morning smiling faces! You are welcome dear children and our guests. We’ll have a wonderful together . You’ ll feel happy. We are going to have a very interesting lesson today ««I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me». We are going to speak about love, about our country today. Ведущий (Zaur)
Dear guests and students, we can be proud of the country that passed with flying colors all the difficulties of statehood, came today's economic and political leader of the former Soviet Union, has become the standard of inter-ethnic harmony.
Ведущая ( Janashova Arujhan):
In Kazakhstan there are more than 17 million population of more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups. Kazakh, Russian, Uigur, German, Korean, Tatar published books and newspapers operate national theaters. We are all united by one thing:
ХОРОМ: Мы народ Казахстана.
Презентация – становление независимости Казахстана.
Ведущий (Zaur Aliyev): - Arujhan, do you know, in our school many young talents?
Ведущая( Janashova Arujhan): Yes of course And what it is rich you learn from the poems.. Let’s listen poems.
1 pupil. Onalbek Elmira “My President” Presentation about President
Ведущий (Zaur Aliyev): -2 pupil. Janashova Arujhan “Three of my happy” Presentation about M. MakatayevВедущий (Zaur Aliyev): -
Arujan Do you like dancing or singing?Ведущая( Janashova Arujhan)-Zaur I like dancing and what about you?
3. pupil 7 th form.Shakira. Rays Amina is singer. Berdigani Moldir is dancer.
Ведущая( Janashova Arujhan)
Zaur Do you read poems by Abai Kunanbayev?Yes, of course, listen to meBlack of my eyeFrame of my mindDrink never dryLove of my love
4 pupil. Kalabayeva Arujan “ My black eyes” Presentation about A. KunanbayevВедущая( Janashova Arujhan)
Zaur do you know how I like flowers?And our girls like too!
5 pupil. Amirdinova Malika “ Flowers” Presentation about flowers Ведущий (Zaur Aliyev): -
Aruzhan do you watch cartoon “Ice heart”? I very like Elza.
Song . Ice heart. Pupils 5 th Grade. Ведущая ( Janashova Arujhan):: And now let's see what can do our little stars.
Song “Daddy finger” 3 form
Песня In my bag 2 form
Ведущая ( Janashova Arujhan): My flag is blue
My flag is bright
I like it very much
The yellow sun, the blue, blue sky And the eagle is flying high
О Казахстан! О Родина моя! Смотрю на степи и не вижу им конца. Любуюсь я красотами природы. И нет на родине моей плохой погоды.
Слайд: Об ассоциации народов Казахстана.
Ведущий (Zaur Aliyev): -
вальс. Amut Kamilla is singer.
Ведущая ( Janashova Arujhan)::
Do you know Zaur Kazakhstan is more nationality Republic?
Ведущий (Zaur Aliyev): -
Of course Aruzhan we live brightly in our country!
Flesh mob pupils 6 Bth grade

Song “Көк ту” Абенов МConclusion. Песня “My flag ” хором. Сопроваждается слайдом.Dear children, dear guests, I am glad to see that you were very active. Thank your for your attention. Good luck and good bye.