Lets play.
1 Класқа арналған сабақ.
The theme: Let’s play.
Objectives: Оқушылардың алған білімдерін бегіту, қорытындау. Оқушылардың ойын ретінде білім
дерін тексеру ,сөйлеу, айту, есту, көру қабілеттерін дамыту.
Оқушыларды бір бірін сыйлауға тәрбиелеу, ойыншықтарды ұқыпты ұстауға тәрбиелеу.
Сабақтың түрі: Ойын сабақ.
Құрал жабдықтар: Компьютер, флэш карталар, сүреттер,магнитофон.
Procedure of the lesson
IOrganization moment.
Good morning , good morning !
Good morning to you!
Good morning , good morning
I’m glad to see you!
{We are glad to see you !}Sit down , please.
How are you?{I’m OK. I’m great. I’m fine.}
Let’s sing a song « Hello «
II Сабақтың тақырыбын, мақсатын хабарлау.
III Phonetic drills: Who is this ? Mr. Wise Crow . Listen and repeat in Chorus.
[ ei]- plane, train, name.
[ae] –bag,cat.
[a:] –car.[b] – book, boy, ball.
IV Let’s begin our travelling ! [звучит гудок паравоза]
1 Station. What’s your name?
What’s your name?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
2Station. Shapes .
What is it? [ It’s a circle. It’s a triangle . It’s a square.]
Yes or No
Is it a circle? Yes , it is
Is it a square? No,it isn’t.
Is it a triangle? Yes, it is.
Show me a circle. Show me a square. Show me a triangle.[Балалар сары, кок,жасыл түсті фигураларды корсетеді ]
Draw pictures with shapes.
3 Station. Colours.What colour is it? [It’s blue . It’s red. It’s yellow. It’s green.]
Is it blue? Yes , clap.
Is it green ? No, it’s red.
Is it red? Yes, clap.
Is it yellow ? No, it’s blue.
Поездымызды тауға шығуға көмектесейік.
Show me blue. Show me red. Show me yellow . Show me green.
4 Station Toys.
1.What is it ? It’s a doll. It’s a train. It’s a ball. It’s a kite.
What is it ? It’s a car. It’s a plane. It’s a robot.
2.Is it a car? Yes, it is.
Is it a doll? No, It isn’t.
3.Name the toys : Look at the blackboard.
A train, a car,a ball, a doll, a plane, a robot, a kite.
Close your eyes ! Open your eyes! Look at the blackboard. What toy is away?
It’s a doll.
4.What’s your favourite toy?
My favourite toy is …………
5. Let’s play a game. Бір оқұшы тақтаға шығады . Бір ойыншықты таңдап алады. Қалған оқұшылар
сұрақ қояды.
Is it a plane? No
Is it a car? NO
Is it a Robot ? Yes.
V. Let’s have a rest.
Stand up!Hands up
Hands down! Clap, clap!
Turn left , turn right.
Turn around.Hop,hop. Stop!
6.Station :Numbers
Count from 1 to 10.How many toys ?
5dolls, 6 trains , 5 cars, 2balls.
7Station: The ABC.
What letter is it? Letter Aa ,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee.
Match the letters with words.
C ball
A egg
B doll
E apple
D car
VI. Conclusion.
Thank you for your work . Well done!
I get you good and excellent marks.
Surprise for you .Balloons. Name the colour and take.
Stand up ! The lesson is over .Good bye.