Презентация по английскому языку на тему Свободное время
What kind of leisure activities do you know?
What do you prefer to do in your free time?
Are hobbies the same in different countries? Hobbies Less popular more popular Less expensive More expensive Old fashioned Up to date 1.Playing computer games 2.Keeping pets
3.Reading books
4.Taking photos
5. Collecting postcards 6.Fishing
7. Growing flowers 8.Going to disco
10.Doing crosswords 11.Doing shopping 12. Go skateboarding 13. travelling
14.Watching videos There are a lot of hobbies in the world.
What are the most/ less popular hobbies among young and old people.
Tick the names of the hobbies you have chosen and give your opinion ENGLISH PROVERBS 1. Work done, have your fun.2. The most wasted day is that in which we did not laugh.3. There is no time to lose.4. Lost time is never found again.5. If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.Сделал дело – гуляй смело. Напрасно потраченный день тот, в котором мы не смеялись.Нельзя терять ни минуты.Потраченного времени не вернешь.Если не имеешь лучшего, используй лучшим образом то, что имеешь. Hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Leisure activities are different. Let’s start. DOING SPORTS Many people, especially those who take care about their health, are doing different kind of sports: playing games, jogging, skating and others. TRAVELLING Travelling is one of the most interesting hobbies for both young and senior people.Its a good opportunity to get acquainted to new places and new people PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES Without a doubt, nowadays there are a lot of people both kids and adults enjoying this way of spending free time. GROWING FLOWERS It’s really an art to grow flowers, trees and bushes by your own hands for keeping your garden beautiful. KEEPING PETS It’s a nice feeling to take care about our small friends who really need it. COLLECTING THINGS People can collect different things- from small things to huge ones MAKING THINGS Some people have “golden hands” We say it when someone is very good at making things by own hands. And often it is a kind of hobby SPARE-FREE-LEISURE TIME I`m fond of…-мне нравитсяI get pleasure from…-я получаю удовольствиеI`m keen on…-я увлекаюсьI`m crazy(mad) about…-я увлечен/помешан на…I prefer…-я предпочитаюI`m interested in…It`s relaxingIt`s enjoyableIt`s change from…It`s amusingI get a lot out of it THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!HOPE YOU HAD NICE TIME !GOOD LUCK