Своя игра по 3 и 4 модулям учебника Traveller pre-intermediate.

Своя играУМК Traveller pre-intermediate (3 и 4 модули)Составила: учитель английского языкаГБОУ «Школа 1424» СП 296Мамаджанян Жанна Георгиевна {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Going places 1020304050Urban life1020304050 Nowadays 1020 304050 What an idea!1020304050The English-speaking world1020304050 The answerGoing straight up or down The answerexcitement thrill The answerNot letting water in waterproof surelyThe answer definitely The answer quite and calm peaceful The answer Very old ancient The answerNot dangerous safe The answerLiked by a large number of people popular The answerComfortable and warm cozy The answerVery silly ridiculous The answerUnhappy, becausesomething didn’t happen disappointed The answer Very large and important major The answer full of people crowded The answerWhen you think something will happen so… Make a predictions The answerсontrariness annoying The answerIn my mind… In my opinion… The answeramong other things… by the way… The answerhurt do harm The answerЭто наименее целесообразно. This is the least appropriate. The answerФильм, который я смотрел вчера вечером, был ужасным. The film I watched last night was terrible. The answerHow many meters tall isthe Stature of Liberty 93 m The answerWhen did the ancientBritons build Stonehenge? 5000 years ago The answerWhich two countries doesHadrien’s WallSeparate? England and Scotland The answerThe Beatles came from… Liverpool The answer What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel? through the Channel Tunnel