Londons Places of Interests

Урок-путешествие: London’s Places of Interests
Цели и задачи:
Расширить знания учащихся о достопримечательностях Лондона;
Сформировать представление учащихся о Лондоне как об одной из культурных столиц мира с богатой историей и традициями;
Расширить лексический запас учащихся;
Развивать речевые умения учащихся;
Развивать умение логически вести рассказ по теме
Развивать интерес учащихся к английскому языку.
Компьютер с доступом в интернет
Ход урока
Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, our guests. Today we will have a very interesting lesson. We will learn much information about the capital of Great Britain. Please, open the London map and look around. Our virtual tour is begin.
Основная часть.
Teacher: London is the capital of United Kingdom and of England. It’s one of the world’s major business, political and cultural centres. London is very large city. More than 7 million people live here. It was founded by Romans more than two thousand years ago. First it was a small town on the banks of the river Thames. London was destroyed many times. London is a beautiful city. There are many interesting places in it.
Stop 1.
Teacher: Now we are near Westminster Palace.
P 1: Westminster Palace is the seat of the British Parliament. This palace covers an area of about 3 hectares; it contains 1,100 rooms, 100 staircases and 11 halls.
The Palace is really impressive with its three massive towers: the highest of them is the Victoria Tower. It is 102 m high, then there is the Middle Tower and St. Stephen Tower. St. Stephen Tower is the most known tower in London because it houses the clock that people called Big Ben. This tower is one of the most symbols of London. “Big Ben” is not the nickname of the tower or the clock. This is the bell we call Big Ben. Listen peal of Big Ben! It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Stop 2.
Teacher: Welcome to Westminster Abbey.
P 2: Westminster Abbey is the oldest and the most important church in England. It is the most beautiful church in the country and it is 31 meters high. Westminster Abbey is the official church of British Monarch. In the main hall of the Abbey – the nave, you can see the rows of chairs, the stained glass windows that are really impressive. At the end of the hall you see the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. It’s a memorial to British who died in military conflicts.
And this is Coronation Chair. All kings and queens sit on this chair when they crown. It has been used since 1307. It is a very important symbol of Monarchy.
Else you can see in the Abbey the Royal Tombs and the monuments to famous people: the scientist Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, The writers Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling.
Stop 3.
Teacher: Our next stop is Buckingham Palace.
P 3: Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British Monarch. It is certainly one of the most buildings in the world. The Palace is a busy administrative cetre. Present Monarch of the United Kingdom, Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II stay there on weekdays.
The Palace is very large building with 400 rooms, a swimming pool, a tennis court, and a large garden with a lake. 550 persons work in the Palace, they help The Queen in her job as Head of State. They also keep the Palace clean.
The Throne room is one of the largest rooms in London. There are two thrones in this room. The second one is for the Queen’s husband. The Queen uses this room to meet very important guests. The Prime Minister comes to see her every week when a foreign Head of State visits Britain, the Queen also welcomes him/her in the Throne Room. The State Dining room used for States Banquets/ On the walls you can see pictures by Rembrandt, Rubens. There are very many States Banquets every year. About 50000 people visit the Palace every year as guests of Queen.
Stop 4.
Teacher: Welcome to the Hyde Park.
P 4: Hyde Park is the largest park in London. In the 18 and 19 centuries it was a place where kings and queens walked. The park was founded in 1536, now it is a popular place for recreation. People come here to enjoy sports: football, cycling, roller-skating. There is a large lake, called Serpentine, you can rent a boat and enjoy rowing.
The most popular attraction in the park is The Diana, Princess of Wales, memorial fountain. It was built in 2004 in the memory of Princess Diana
Stop 5.
Teacher: We are approaching St. Paul’s Cathedral
P 5: St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of the symbols of London. There has been a Cathedral on this site for 1,500 years. The first church was built in 604, but burnt down in 1136. The building was reconstructed in the 14th century and became the largest church in England. But it was destroyed by fire in 1666. The present Cathedral is not very old, it was completed in 1710. It did take about 35 years. The work began in 1675 under the supervision of a great English architect Christopher Wren. The Cathedral is 175 m long and 111 m high.
One of the most famous places in London and in the world is the Whisper Gallery. It’s famous for its unique acoustic. If you whisper anything on the side of the gallery, your words will be heard very clearly on the other side.
Stop 6
Teacher: Now we are near The Natural History Museum.
P 6: The Natural History Museum is the most famous museums in London and one of the most famous museums in the world. At this museum you can learn about the history of plants, animals, and minerals. They have the best collection of dinosaurs in the world.
Stop 7.
Teacher: We are in Trafalgar Square.
P 7: Trafalgar Square is the largest square is central London. It is the most famous square in the world. This place famous not only for it size. It is the point of mass meetings and various events.
In the centre of the square is Nelson’s Column. This impressive monument was created in the memory of the victory of Admiral Nelson over the Spanish fleet in 1805. The battle took place at Cape Trafalgar in the Straits of Gibraltar on October 21, and became a turning point in a very long war. The column is 50 m high. There are statues of four lions around the column. They symbolize courage and bravery, this lions each 6 m long and 4 m high. They were made of bronze.
Stop 8
Teacher: We are crossing Tower Bridge. It’s one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and one of the most famous symbols of London. This bridge has been painted on postcards, stamps and in journals.
We are going to the Tower of London.
P 8: The Tower of London’s history is long and sometimes tragic. It is the most famous fortress in the world. William the Conqueror started to build it in 1076. The internal court of the fortress is surrounded by high walls with 18 towers and 2 gates. Each tower has its name, for example, the Bloody Tower.
First of all it was a royal residence from the 13 century until the 16 century. Then it became a prison for enemies of the Monarch. Many people were executed here. Now it is a museum. Do you see these men in colorful uniform? They are the Beefeaters, the guardians of the Tower. Their uniform was designed some centuries ago and has never changed since then. In the Tower of London you can see the ravens, one of the most famous symbols of England.
Teacher: Our tour has finished. I hope very much you have enjoyed this tour of London. Thank you.
And now I want to give you a small test.
The Queen lives in …
The Tower of London
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
Where is the Coronation Chair?
In Westminster Palace
In The Natural History Museum
In Westminster Abbey
The Houses of Parliament also known as …
Westminster Palace
Big Ben
Trafalgar Square
They have the best collection of dinosaurs in the world
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London
The Natural History Museum
Who built St. Paul’s Cathedral?
Christopher Wren
William Shakespeare
Isaac Newton
Where is Diana, Princess of Wales, memorial Fountain?
In Buckingham Palace
In Hide Park
In Trafalgar Square
St. Stephen Tower is house of the clock that people often call …
London Bridge
Big Ben
St. Paul’s Cathedral
First of all it was a royal residence, then it became a prison for enemies of Monarch and now it is a museum. You can see the Beefeaters and ravens there.
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
In the centre of Trafalgar Square is …
Nelson’s Column
The Tomb of Unknown Warrior
The Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Fountain
Подведение итогов урока
Teacher: Thank you very much! I hope you have interesting time. And now our lesson is over.
Good Bye!
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