Презентация по английскому языку на тему « Subculture»

СОГБПОУ «Рославльский многопрофильный колледж».Учебный ресурс по английскому языку для проведения урока по теме « Subculture»Составитель - преподаватель иностранного языка Е.В. Ветрова 2017 "Subculture"Today we are going to speak about different subcultures. What is a subculture? A subculture is a group of people with a distinct style and identity. Each subculture has its own beliefs, value systems, fashion and favourite music. Today we’ll summarize everything you know about subculture Teacher: Agree or disagree with me.Russian teens think about love just like teens all over the world.Student 1: That’s right.Teacher: Russian teens, like British teens, listen to techno music.Student 2: That’s right.Teacher: You listen to classical music as your parents do.Student 3: That’s wrong.Teacher: American children, like Russian children, read a lot.Student 4: That’s wrong.Teacher: A biker in Russia prefers a heavy bike like a Harley Davidson.Student 1: That’s right.Teacher: Russian teenagers prefer to wear bright clothes today as British teens do.Student 2: That’ right. Look at the screen and try to translate these set phrases from English to Russian.to get depressed to express themselves to reject everything to change the world for the better to have their own values and beliefs to try out all sort of options to get depressed – впадать в депрессиюto express themselves – выразить себяto reject everything – отвергать всеto change the world for the better – изменить мир к лучшемуto have their own values and beliefs – иметь собственные ценности и веруto try out all sort of options – попробовать все Punks. Young people who dress in a shocking way to express their identity. They have brightly coloured hair and wear metal chains. They are rebelling (protesting)against society or the older generation. Their music is aggressive. They reject (say “no” to) everything. Many well established fashion designers – such as Vivienne Westwood and Jean Paul Gaultier – have used punk fashion in their creations. Hippies. Sometimes these people are as classified as drug takers and rock- and-roll fans since their behavior and attitudes differ from current social norms. They want to change the world for better. Their slogan is: “Make love, not war”. They choose brightly-coloured clothing. Both men and women wear jeans and long hair. The favourite accessories are Native American jewellery, head scarves and long necklaces. Today’s hippies are more socially active, joining charity projects. Ravers. These are young people who use computer-made, synthesized music and drugs to create massive all night dance parties in empty warehouses. They like to participate in a collective. They want to try out all sorts of options and are thought to be violent and rebellious. Bikers. The bike subculture appeared in Russia with the coming of the Moscow motorbike club “Night Wolves”. Officially it was founded on May 31, 1989. They are the ones who ride two- or sometimes three-wheeled, motorized vehicles and who identify themselves with a special subculture. They usually wear leather jackets and army boots. Some people think that they are aggressive because of their threatening appearance. Bikers like Harley Davidsons. Skinheads. This group are extremely nationalistic, aggressive, and violent. They don’t conform to social norms; they reject everything. They wear tight trousers and heavy boots and often shave their heads. They are football fans, yet interested in politics, Skinheads in Russia hate teens who prefer rap music because rap is mostly sung by black musicians. EmoEmo is a subculture characterized by a dark way of dressing, and a cynical view of the world. They tend to be quick to view a situation as hopeless. The term “Emo” comes from the English word “emotion” and it translate as emotional. Emo music is characterized by strong emotions or the vocalist and chaotic music. They dress up in a similar way to the punks and goths. Characteristic are the long, slanting bangs covering their face, tousled hair dye mostly in black, pale make up strongly highlighted eyes. They wear pants tubes, old sneakers and T-shirts. Favorite color is black, of course, but also purple, red and pink. It is a necessity to have painted nails. hipsterThe hipster subculture is stereotypically composed of affluent or middle class youth who reside primarily in gentrifying neighborhoods It is broadly associated with indie and alternative music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility, vintage and thrift store-bought clothing, generally progressive political views, organic and artisanal foods, and alternative lifestylesThe subculture typically consists of white millennials living in urban areas It has been described as a "mutating, trans-Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior" GEEKГик (англ. geek, IPA giːk) — человек, чрезвычайно увлечённый чем-либо; фанатИзначально гиками именовали людей, увлечённых высокими технологиями (обычно компьютерами и гаджетами) В 2000-е годы распространилось другое значение слова: человек, увлечённый популярной культурой, член фэндома Есть также точка зрения, что гики образуют единое сообщество поклонников фантастики и технологий.Существует близкое по значению к «гику» слово «нерд» (nerd) — замкнутый интеллектуал, увлекающийся чем-то узкоспециальным и непонятным большинству Идут горячие споры и проводятся целые исследования об отличиях этих двух понятий Большинство сходится на том, что «нёрд» оторван от общества, в отличие от «гика», которому его хобби не мешает общаться Кроме того, слово «гик» ближе к понятию «фанат», а «нерд» — к понятию «умник, интеллектуал» THANKS :)))