План урока английского языка во 2 классе (УМК English 2) Cassie is not a monster.
Lesson Plan: “Cassie is not a monster”
Course-book: “English 2” (Kuzovlev V.P. and others)
Unit 1: Let’s have a parade!
Lesson 11.Aim: by the end of the lesson children will be able to name all the letters of English alphabet and use NOT in negative sentences (negative grammar structure with the form of the verb “to be” in the third person singular).
Skills: phonetic and grammar skills
New language: Oh no!, yellow, small, big, evil
Revision: English alphabet
Activity/time Procedure Comments
Teacher Does/Says Pupils Do/Say Greeting
2 min Turns on a song “Good morning”, sings together with the pupils and shows the actions.
Then the teacher says “Nice to meet you” Sing along and do the actions according to the lyrics.
The pupils answer “Nice to meet you too” Warm-up
Phonetic activities
(to revise English letters and alphabet)
5 min Names and shows alphabet letters and asks students to repeat them after her.
Then the teacher asks two-three students to say English alphabet.
After that the teacher shows different letters (not in the alphabetic order) and asks pupils to name them. Look at the letters and repeat English alphabet.
Two-three students volunteer to say English alphabet.
Pupils one-by-one name the letters the teacher shows to them. Action time: put the alphabet together
3min Divides the class into three groups (rows) and gives them a set of letters and asks them to put the letters in the alphabetic order. The pupils take the set of letters and put in the alphabetic order. The teams have to name the letters they put in the order (it is very important to match the image of the letter and to sound it in the proper way).
Introducing new material.
7 min Asks students to open their books at page 36 and asks them to read and translate the sentences (p. 36-37). Also asks pupils to see what new word they meet in these sentences and where it is placed. Read and translate the sentences and answer the teacher’s questions. The task is to help pupils to see how to form negative sentences and to complete the rule.
Relax Time
2 min Says the rhyme and show actions according to the words and asks pupils to repeat the words and actions:
One, two – look at my shoe,
Three, four – point to the door,
Five, six – pick up sticks,
Seven, eight – open the gate,
Nine, ten – a yellow hen. Repeat the words and the actions the teacher says and shows. Working with new material
Matching task
3 min
Description task
3 min
Listening comprehension
5 min
Self-work with mutual checking.
10 min Asks to complete ex. 2, p. 38 (SB): to match characters on the pictures with their description.
Asks to complete ex. 4, p.39 (SB), explains the task.
Asks to open Activity Books (AB) ex. 1, p. 19 (to listen to the description, to write in the missing words and to match the text with the picture).
Encourages pupils to complete sentences with the missing words and after (7 min) that to change their ABs with their partner and to check the sentences listening to the audio.
Read the descriptions, translate them and match with the pictures.
Read a short poem and then complete the real description of the dragon which has stolen the princess.
Complete the exercise (listen to the description write in the missing words and match the text with the picture).
Complete sentences with the missing words and after (7 min) that change their ABs with their partner and check the sentences listening to the audio. After that they mark their partner’s work.
(looking at the picture and using the helping structure)
Ending the lesson: giving marks and explaining home task, saying good-bye.
5 min Encourages pupils to say how to form negative sentences and to answer the questions: “What can you do now?”, “What do you know now?”, “Did you like to work at the lesson”, “What activity did you like most of all?”.Then evaluates each pupil’s work and says home task and explains what they should do. Pupils say how to form negative sentences and say what they can do now; what they know now; if they liked to work at the lesson; what activity they liked most of all.
Write down their home task and listen to the explanation. Post-lesson reflection
There 15 pupils in the class: 8 girls and 7 boys. 93 % of the group have got good and excellent marks. Only one girl still has got some problems with reading, remembering new words and making sentences. The group is usually very active at the lessons; they are always ready with their home tasks and like working at English classes. Though, in my personal opinion, the course book is not really good for learning English but still we do our best to make our lessons interesting and effective. We sing songs (imitate some movements to support the lyrics), play games, use cards (letter cards, sound cards, word cards), draw and colour pictures according to the task.
At our lesson we worked with negative grammar structure with the form of the verb “to be” in the third person singular like “Cassie is NOT a monster”. Also we learned some new words and phrases: Oh no!, yellow, small, big, evil and revised English alphabet.
The presentation stage was organized by using grammar-translation, audio-lingual and silent methods. The pupils were encouraged to read sentences, to translate them and see the new grammar structure. They also were encouraged to explain how to for such sentences. The teacher only tried to direct their leaning activity in the correct way.
At practice stage we used various activities to make our lesson more exciting and interesting for students: matching task, description task, listening comprehension and self-work with mutual checking.
I think the children enjoyed the lesson because they were very active and tried to do and to show their best. Especially they liked taking part in alphabet competition and accessing their neighbour’s works. I could see it in their eyes and in their eagerness to take part in all the activities which were suggested by me.
I am quite satisfied with the lesson. The majority of the group got 4s and 5s. I still need to work with individual students to help them understand the structure better (I have extra classes to support students with some difficulties with English). So, judging by al the ideas mentioned above, I can say that the lesson was interesting and effective.