Урок: Mobile phones and text communications
Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №11»
План-конспект урока
«Mobile phones and text communications»
Подготовил и провел
учитель английского языка
Зенин Николай Николаевич
Цели и задачи урока:
- развивать у учеником компетенции телефонного разговора и написания текстовых сообщений;
- практиковать разговорную речь.
Класс: 9-11
Ход урока
Описание урока
Этот урок должен предоставить возможность ученикам показать как и зачем они используют мобильные телефоны. Они придумают и разыграют телефонный разговор; узнают о сокращениях и абревиатурах, принятых у их сверстников в англоязычных странах в текстовых сообщениях; напишут и отправят свои собственные.
Урок завершится разговором о важности мобильных телефонов в современном мире и о том, как смс-общение заменяет живое.
Организационный момент и целеполагание:
Begin the le
· «Зачем нам телефон» заполнение таблиц, знакомство с лексикой
Hand out a copy of Worksheet A. As a class discuss the different uses of mobile phones and see if your students can think of any other reasons why people use their mobile phones.
·l results
Some more reasons
2.Составление диалогов
Сut up the dialogue and put into an envelope. This dialogue is to give the students a model conversation from which to work from and create their own telephone conversations. They sho
3.Ролевая игра – телефонный разговор
For telephone conversations sit everyone back to back so that they don’t have the advantage of seeing the person they’re talking to and so better recreate speaking on the telephone.
Number the students A
·Мonitor the conversations, helping in the preparation stages but let them speak spontaneously when actually doing the role-play. Give the students time afterwards to reflect on the conversation they had and the difficulties they came across when speaking.
4.Написание СМСок
To begin with just show the extracts below (Worksheet D) taken from text messages and ask students to try and work out what they mean. They must then match the text messages to the English’.
Then as a whole class brainstorm text messages in the first language of the students. Get a volunteer student to write on the board all ideas from his peers. The idea here is that the students can make a direct comparison with texting in their own country and so it will become even more obvious how this subject is relevant to their own lives.
You may find that different people use different codes’ for texting. This will merely enhance the debate and they can argue why their version works best.
Each time they work out what the message is they should translate it into English and then see how they would text the word differently in English.
GR8 Great
C u l8r See you later
BBFN Bye bye for now
KIT Keep in touch
THNQ Thank you
Try to sit everyone in a circle for this discussion. Рut the questions onto separate pieces of paper and the students take it in turn to pick a piece of paper and ask the question to the others. This way each student can be in charge of leading the discussion.
Make it clear from the start that you are going to listen rather than lead the discussion.
How has texting changed the way you communicate with your friends?
If you don’t have a mobile phone do you think you communicate better with your friends and family?
Texting is said to be more of a teenage pastime rather than an adult one. Why do you think this is?
Some English teachers are worried that texting will make young people poor at spelling and grammar. Do you agree? Why / Why not?
If you don’t like using your mobile phone for texting why not?
Some teenagers find they can’t live without their mobile phone. Do you think this is excessive or can you understand why?
What are the advantages of texting over making a telephone call?