Раздаточный материал по теме Mobile phones

1. Mobile phones.
Have you got a mobile phone?
Do you think mobile phones were a good invention?
How many messages do you send/receive a day?
Have you got a special code? Can you give an example?
2. Can you understand the following messages: →3. Match the abbreviation with its meaning:
R later
U for
THANX today
4 great
2DAY you
MSG are
GR8 thanks
L8R message
4. Complete the table
COZ because B4 before txt 2nite M8 YR NP No problem RUOK? WKND 5. What’s the message? e.g. wer ru? = Where are you?
1) I’ll B l8. sry. ________________________________________
2) c u 2moro. ________________________________________
3) btw. r u. ok? ________________________________________
4) I luv u. ________________________________________
6. Mobile phone conversation.
When did you have your first mobile phone?
How many mobile phones have you had until now?
Do you know anyone that hasn’t got a mobile phone?
What’s the most important feature of a mobile?
Would you be able to live without your mobile?
Are mobile phone addictives?
What do you think about using mobiles phones in the classroom?
Should be illegal to drive and talk on the mobile phone at the same time?