Сарапул — купеческий город Удмуртской республики

@@@@@@@@@@@@In 1780, new provinces and districts were formed when Ekaterina II has signed the decree about formation of districts of Sarapul. Village has officially received the status of cityIn August, 13th, In 1784 in Tsarskoe Selo was approved the plan of Sarapul - town. It was signed by Iogann Lem – the architect of the Petersburg school who has started to define a town-planning composition of historical cities of Udmurtia. When you approach on city from the north, you can see the panorama of modern multi-storey buildings and factory . But if you float across Kama you can see an ancient massive buildings. The city along coast was stretched in twelve kilometers . Sarapul is the second-largest industrial and cultural center of republic. Here is near 110 thousand inhabitants: Russian and Udmurts, Tatars and the Bashkir. The town is the center of the big agricultural area. And there were only 132 court yard,in Sarapul, and in 1740 Sarapul was renamed into Sarapul'. There were Maxim Sedova, and Michael Kurbatov's factories. ँ垽ގಢ᠃਀Г^ǯЂߠŝїƁࠀƿǀࠀǿȁࠀȿ̿쎀οText Box 8଀开敲獬ⸯ敲獬콬櫁ッ،ﯠ瑠鑟僮裆寓힡㻒놀쒕똬撌柭橺軇䤿괧⍦죑싙僁ᳶ鹢尭윯ྷ娰๝ᙌꑮᡰ彟㎆꺭邶넮榨噊䬋儓䋽槉藇魲ⱌ헉쩖얌⿹ğ牟汥⽳爮汥偳ŋⴂ᐀؀ࠀ℀ꈀᐧ�ﴀༀ܀搀獲搯睯牮癥砮汭䭐؅·̍ਈǜ౾໽,န$࿱܀䐄垽ˤྟྠǰOn the red square are situated two buildings:private residences and profitable house. Koreshev's private residence – is example of eclecticism with picturesque elements of a baroque. Bodalev's private residence is a built in a modern style. ྡ.щ⡭d＀чྪЊЉЙЙЙЉЙ9ЙЙЉЙXЙЙЉЙЙЙЉЙЙЙྦшǔːϰԐҸҲ᠄਀ГЉЂǻ䄄섅ĿƿǀࠀNj�ǿ̿쎀쎁οк-р восходPicture 12к-р восход଀开敲獬ⸯ敲獬콬櫁ッ،ﯠ瑠鑟僮裆寓힡㻒놀쒕똬撌柭橺軇䤿괧⍦죑싙僁ᳶ鹢尭윯ྷ娰๝ᙌꑮᡰ彟㎆꺭邶넮榨噊䬋儓䋽槉藇魲ⱌ헉쩖얌⿹ğ牟汥⽳爮汥偳ŋⴂ᐀؀ࠀ℀謀썣�ༀ܀搀獲搯睯牮癥砮汭䭐؅·˷Χр പ,န$࿱܀䐄ँ垽ҽҲ᠅਀ГЋЂǻ䄄섅ĿƿǀࠀNj�ǿ̿쎀쎁οдом СмагинаPicture 13дом Смагина଀开敲獬ⸯ敲獬콬櫁ッ،ﯠ瑠鑟僮裆寓힡㻒놀쒕똬撌柭橺軇䤿괧⍦죑싙僁ᳶ鹢尭윯ྷ娰๝ᙌꑮᡰ彟㎆꺭邶넮榨噊䬋儓䋽槉藇魲ⱌ헉쩖얌⿹㈎쐐펥圵瘊쬿গႈ㖑躶셉ʅ诌蟇鷚鯹�襘숔䜡★⻆㊗蚔蘬଀ἀ开敲獬ⸯ敲獬䭐ȁ-!ᄚ혏ДЮȇ牤⽳潤湷敲⹶浸偬Ջ̀̀뜀ကࣰ䴀�封༈ᄀ⳰ༀ᐀␐ĀᰏЇ@ꀀࠀĀĀԉ봀བྷЀꃰ눀਄ࣰ؀쌀଀滰缀耀ffЁՁԀࣁ㼀؀뼀က쀀Ё쬈㸁Я＀ࠁ᠀㼀ဃ᠀耀ᛃ脀ࣃ뼀Ȁ℀ἄ᠄倀椀挀琀甀爀攀 ㄀㐀℀ἄ᠄牟汥⽳爮汥汳쇏썪ర惻惯彴왐펈ꅛ틗耾閱Ⳅ貶뉤穧읪銎㿸썉⟡暭턣�껂쇫戜⶞⽜럇』嵚渎䳥渖炤弘號괳뚮⺐ꢱ䩩ୖ굋瞿☎曞�狍砽캧쟔뀶즁̸居�浲糱莟ঊꋙ䰋긆愔몽妽慢藃Ꙝ䥚윈ം⤴蕵뇖졪ᱣ躇둘탏䱻뚵帽�ﴻ斐斱桩ꎰ䍍埕밍⣮쭯玉糓籿黛왎Ꞇꠅ䍄㟺巿墿鿁⯂죯稌௵￿䭐ȁ-!쯶оƅ଀ἀ开敲獬ⸯ敲獬䭐ȁ-!悬塽ЗЮȇ牤⽳潤湷敲⹶浸偬Ջ̀̀뜀ffကࣰ꜀ః븅정༏ᄀ⳰ༀ᐀␐ĀᰏЇD؀ĀĀ봀བྷЀ鳰눀਄ࣰ܀쌀଀櫰缀耀ffЁཁԀہ㼀؀뼀က쀀Ё쬈㸁Я＀ࠁ᠀㼀ဃ᠀耀ᛃ脀ۃ뼀Ȁ 㐀倀椀挀琀甀爀攀 ㄀㘀 㐀牟汥⽳爮汥汳쇏썪ర惻惯彴왐펈ꅛ틗耾閱Ⳅ貶뉤穧읪銎㿸썉⟡暭턣�껂쇫戜⶞⽜럇』嵚渎䳥渖炤弘號괳뚮⺐ꢱ䩩ୖ굋଀ἀ开敲獬ⸯ敲獬䭐ȁ-!⡣蔭ЗЮȇ牤⽳潤湷敲⹶浸偬Ջ̀̀뜀ffကࣰ縀ꈅᴃ젔༏ᄀ⳰ༀ᐀␐ĀᰏЇDЀĀĀ봀བྷЀӰꈀਊࣰࠀ茀ଁ컰缀Ѐ蔁Ȁ뼀؀쀀᳀씀ೀ＀뭒䟲渁耀܁脀刁Ȅ茀!М谀搁뼀ခက쀀눁늲쬀鰁1＀ࠁ᠀ȂĀ蜂൛Ѐ㌂іఀЂᄀЂ㼀Ȃ̀㼀ࠃࠀ耀ᛃ뼀Ȁ䄀爀挀栀椀琀攀挀琀甀爀攀ഀ䄀爀椀愀氀圀漀爀搀䄀爀琀 ㄀㠀 On the red square are situated two buildings:private residences and profitable house. Koreshev's private residence – is example of eclecticism with picturesque elements of a baroque. Bodalev's private residence is a built in a modern style. ँ垽ҠҲ᠆਀ГnЂǻ䄄섅ĿƿǀࠀNj�ǿ̿쎀쎁οСПИPicture 14СПИ଀开敲獬ⸯ敲獬콬櫁ッ،ﯠ瑠鑟僮裆寓힡㻒놀쒕똬撌柭橺軇䤿괧⍦죑싙僁ᳶ鹢尭윯ྷ娰๝ᙌꑮᡰ彟㎆꺭邶넮榨噊䬋儓䋽槉藇魲ⱌ헉쩖얌⿹뿊๷�볞췷㵲ꝸ퓎㛇膰㣉䔃՜狛齼誃�஢ٌᒮ뵡붺扙썡�峩媦ࡉˇ㐍甩횅檱揈蜜墎쾴篐뉌뗶㶶⑞㯜都㍥뇭楥끨䶣핃綾෣漨쟋觯퍳罼�㚞令賆蛮֧䒨暑W뽝션䶟싧ೈ＀Ͽ倀ŋⴂ᐀؀ࠀ℀�蔀ğ牟汥⽳爮汥偳ŋⴂ᐀؀ࠀ℀가絠의�ༀ܀搀獲搯睯牮癥砮汭䭐؅·˻ΧԌᖾ࿈,န$࿱܀䐄垽ҜҲ᠇਀ГjЂǻ䄄섅ĿƿǀࠀNj�ǿ̿쎀쎁ο04Picture 1604଀开敲獬ⸯ敲獬콬櫁ッ،ﯠ瑠鑟僮裆寓힡㻒놀쒕똬撌柭橺軇䤿괧⍦죑싙僁ᳶ鹢尭윯ྷ娰๝ᙌꑮᡰ彟㎆꺭邶넮榨噊䬋儓䋽槉藇魲ⱌ헉쩖얌⿹ğ牟汥⽳爮汥偳ŋⴂ᐀؀ࠀ℀挀⴨입�ༀ܀搀獲搯睯牮癥砮汭䭐؅·˻վ΢ᐝ࿈,န$࿱܀䐄垽Ąઢ᠈਀ƃОǯ…ї샀샅я刀Ň࡮ƀƁђƃ쳿ƌdƿǀ늲ІNj㆜ǿȀȁ宇Ȅ댳Ȍ耀ȑ耀ȿ̿쎀οArchitectureArialWordArt 18 The Raskolnikov’s street , is the central, with a rank of merchant buildings. In a south corner of this area – is situated a building constructed in 1685 in a municipal duma. there was a high school, but nowadays there is a places of shops. The oldest professional theatre was based in 1911 in Udmurtia. Theatre is the constant participant of republican festivals « Theatrical Spring ». in our theatre we can see plays of two national actors UR: Evgenie Potapov and Irena Sinkevich. Director of the theatre is Tamara Kulakova – she is deserved worker of UR and the Russian Federation. Young actors are pupils of a youth drama school force about themselves. К 2006г. в Сарапуле создано 10 национально-культурных объединений. Деятельность центра направлена на поддержку и развитие традиционных культур и языков, укрепление межэтнического диалога. На базе центра работают воскресные школы изучением родных языков: удмуртского, татарского, еврейского, немецкого. Проводятся народные праздники, конкурсы, фестивали, детские национальные игровые программы. Центр принимает участие в городских и республиканским научно-практических конференциях. Ведет активную культурно-просветительскую работу в дошкольных и образовательных учреждениях, пропагандирует принципы толерантности, мира и согласия между народами. The oldest music school in our republic. was opened In 1909 it was first musical classes in a Sarapul. More than 90 % of teachers have the first qualify category. here was created the symphonic orchestra, preschool preparatory branch There are 17 nurseries and 4 adult creative collectives in this school. the school receives every year about 30 diploms at competitions and festivals of a various Level. The school works since 1973.Many graduates of school have continued their aducation in high and average art anticipations.