Презентация-викторина по английскому языку на тему Healthy eating (Starlight 10- 11 класс)

1.What happens when people refuse to eat regularly? Their health begins to deteriorate 2. What can we say if the diet is high in fat and low in goodness? It's not balanced 3. How can you make your diet healthier? You can supplement it with vitamins 4. How can you reveal an illness? You can make some blood tests or undergo x-ray examination 5. If the government doesn't pay attention to social problems, what can we say? We say that it underestimates them. 6. What will your physician do if you turn to him with some eating disorder? He will refer you to the dietician/nutritionist. 7. How can you cope with weight gain? You can keep to a low fat diet and do more exercise. If your health improves gradually, what do you say? It's being rectified What will you recommend to your friend who has got lethargic, sullen and moody? I would advise him to abstain from junk food.