Контроль лексико-грамматического материала 1 четверти 10 класс

I. Complete the sentences with the correct words in brackets.
1.They were in the (shade/shadow) of a building.
2.Food is being sent to the (victims/sacrifices) of the disaster.
3.Their awful (accords/discords) were more than we could hear.
4.Mary’s accent is just an (affectation/affection). She is not really American.
5.The touching film brought a (piece/lump) to my throat.
6.What you eat (affects/effects) your health.
7.This new book produced a great (affect/effect) on me.
8.It was the worst (piece/lump) of news I heard yesterday.
9.I have a deep (affectation/affection) for one of my classmates.
10.They say a new (accord/discord) will be signed soon.
11.A lot of money is not worth the (victims/sacrifices) of your family.
12.Yesterday the weather was over 35 degrees in the (shade/shadow).
II. Give the words with opposite meaning.
Impure, 2. Wealth, 3. Generous, 4. A mess, 5. Breath, 6. Original, 7.accordance, 8. Glance, 9.accept, 10.solid

III. Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences.
1.The firing finally began to die … in the late afternoon.
2.I hope that the controversy will gradually die … .
3.The fire died … and darkness closed around us.
4.We are all worried about the fact that so many animal species are dying … .
5.I’m so hungry, I am dying … a sandwich.
6.Finally the applause died … , and the pianist put his hands on the keys,
IV.Complete the sentences with the right forms of nouns and verbs. In some cases both the words are correct.
1.Her good (look/looks) (was/were) lost when she grew older. 2.All my (belonging/ belongings) (is/are) here. 3.Economics (is/are) the study of the management of money and goods. 4.The police (was/were) interested in that case. 5.The means of their family (is/are) rather reduced.6.My (custom/customs) (is/are) to go skiing on Sunday. 7.During his life the artist painted a great number of (work/works). 8. (Carrot/ carrots) (contain/contains) vitamin A. 9. When the bag broke, its (content/contents) fell onto the ground.
V. Translate the word combinations into English using word-formation rules.
1)Хорошо-организованное мероприятие, 2) трехметровый шест, 3) плохо подобранный персонал, 4) белоснежная скатерть, 5) девушка с волосами до плеч, 6) широкоплечий парень, 7) общительный партнер, 8) поразительно-красивые глаза, 9) захватывающий дух пейзаж, 10) беззаботные одыхающие, 11) расстояние в две мили, 12) высоко летящий воздушный шар, 13) месячная зарплата, 14) Нью-Йоркский образ жизни.VI. Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.
1. Emily has married recently and now she’s got three sister-in-laws.
2. Ann is usually calm and obedient but today she is behaving herself badly.
3. Mr Smith the farmer’s got a horse, two sheeps, three cows, four goats and five llamas.
4. A rainbow is an imagination-striking phenomena.
5. I dislike __ hot milk. I prefer drinking cold one.
6. Nowadays this species of fish are very rare.
7. Where is my pyjamas? I’m going to iron them.
8. There were a number of passerbys in the street but nobody helped the poor man.
9. Sam was so confused that he couldn’t pull oneself together.
10. That was a tall good-looking teen-aged young.
Choose the replies to fit the situations.
1.–You’ve eaten my piece of cake!
b)– Sorry!
c)– My dear!
d)–What a shame!
2.– Would you like another tea?
a)– It’ll be a pleasure.
b)– Willingly.
c)– Very kind of you.
d)– I’d love one.
3.–Has the film begun yet?
a)– I don’t think.
b)– I don’t think it.
c)– I don’t think so.
4.– Your room is a mess!
a)– I’ll arrange it up.
b)– I’ll make it up.
c)– I’ll tidy it up.
d)– I’ll do it up.
5.–I’m getting married next month.
a)– The best of luck!
b)– My best wishes!
c)– Congratulations!
d)– I congratulate!
6.– Stop laughing!
a)– I can’t help it.
b)– I can’t resist.
c)– I can’t do anything against it.
d)– I can’t hold myself.
Key.I 1 shadow 2 victims 3 discords 4 affectation 5 lump 6 affects 7 effect 8 piece 9 affection 10 accord 11 sacrifices 12 shade
II 1 sheer 2 poverty 3 greedy 4 an arrangement 5 gasp 6 7 discordance 8 stare 9 reject 10 liquid/ soft
IV 1 looks, were 2 belongings, are 3 is 4 were 5 are 6 custom, is 7 works 8 carrots, contain 9 contents
V 1 well-arranged activity 2 three-metre pole 3 ill-chosen staff 4 white-snow tablecloth 5 shoulder-haired girl/ a girl with shoulder-length hair 6 wide-shouldered guy 7 easy-going partner 8 strikingly beautiful eyes 9 breath- taking scenery 10 care free holidaymakers 11 two miles’s distance 12 high-flying balloon 13 month’s salary 14 New-York’s lifestyle
VI 1 C- sisters-in law 2 B- - 3 B – sheep 4 C – phenomenon 5 C – milk 6 A – these 7 A- are 8 B – passers-by 9 B – himself 10 C – youth
VII 1B 2 A 3C 4D 5C 6 D