My Flat панорамалы? саба?

Панорамалық сабақ Сарықамыс негізгі мектебі 2015жыл Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Кожабергенова Асем Раскелдиевна Өзекжарды мәселем:Оқушылардың өзіндік жұмыс түрлерін ұйымдастыра отырып, тіл байлығын дамыту Технологиям:Дамыта оқыту The theme of the lesson : My flat 5th form Aims: to study the new words and practise them in pupils speech to develop pupils skills and habits in understanding, reading and oral speech to teach pupils to do things in time Type of the lesson: presentation of the new material Visual aids: book, pictures, Power Point Presentation The Procedure of the lessonOrganization momentTeacher: Good morning, pupils. I’m very glad to see you.Pupils: Good morning, good morningGood morning to youGood morning, dear teacher,We are glad to see youII. Checking up the home task(ex 12, 14, p110) new words Work with unknown words. Look at the blackboard and read, repeat. a living room a dining room a bathroom a bedroom a kitchen III. Presentation of the new theme a house a cooker a bed a chair a sofa a lamp an armchair a clock A carpet a television or TV set a telephone a door a window A picture a plate a washing machine a dishwasher a table a mirror a plant IV. Practise a)Find the things with rooms b) My dream room It is on the carpet c) Look at the picture and answer the questions Where is a lamp? It is on the table Where is a sofa? Where is a chair? Where is a computer? Where is a spoon? Where is a cooker? a living room a bedroom a sofa a window a bed a mirror a lamp a carpet V. Conclusion. Complete the VENN diagram Describe your bedroom VI. Home work