Поурочный план по английскому языку по теме Reflexive pronouns
Тема урока: Our favourite recipes. Возвратные местоимения.
Цель урока: Работа с возвратными местоимениями, ознакомить и закрепить их применение. Направить учащихся к самовоспитанию. Воспитывать в учащихся любовь к труду.
Тип урока: Новая тема
Наглядность: тематические картинки
Межпредметная связь: русский язык
Ход урока:
I. Орг. момент 1 мин Беседа с дежурным 1 мин
А) приветствие Б) проверка отсутствующих
II. Ознакомить учащихся с темой и целями урока.
Our theme in our lesson is “Our favourite recipes”. Возвратные местоимения.
Reflexive pronouns:
singular: myself yourself himself / herself / itself
plural: ourselves yourselves themselves.
Example: - Do you always go to hairdresser's?
- Yes. I never cut my hair myself, or - No. Sometimes I cut my hair myself.
Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1. Do you iron your own clothes? 2. Do you shop for food yourself? 3. Do you decorate your flat yourselves? 4. Do you clean your room yourself? 5. Do you wash your clothes yourself? 6. Does you father repair things in the house himself? 7. Do you wash your hair yourself?
Ex.9. Complete these sentences using myself, yourself, etc.a. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for--- . b. The old lady sat in a corner talking to---. c. The party was wonderful. We enjoyed---. d. The little boy was lucky when he feel down the stairs. He didn't hurt---. e. Be careful! The pan is hot. Don't burn ---.
Ex.10. Answer the questions like this.
a) Who repaired this bicycle for you? b) Nobody. I repaired it myself.
1. Who cut your hair for you? «Nobody. I cut---.»2. «Who told you Linda was getting married?» «Linda---.»3. «Does Mr. Thomas have a secretary to type his letters?» «No, he ---.»4. «Do you want me to post that letter for you?» No, I'll---.»5. «Сап you clean the windows for me?» «Why don't you ---.»Remember!
Note: Enjoy yourself = Have a good time.
Help yourself to sandwiches = Take some sandwiches.
Behave yourself = Behave well.
Don't use «myself» after «feel», «wash» and «dress»!
Complete this advertisement by putting in the reflexive pronouns.
The book of «Do it yourself»
Lots of people have already bought Bill Hawk's super new book. They've saved---a lot of money.
Mr. Brown repaired the roof of his house ---.
«We decorated the whole house ---», say the Greens.
The Smiths put in central heating. «I asked--- why not?» said Mr. Smith.
«I put in a new bath--- » says Mr. Swan. Mrs. Hunter says: «We wanted a garage». A friend said: «Why don't you build it---?» He showed us the book. So we did it ---.
Now we feel really pleased with ---!
• Have you ever tried to teach yourself a language? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning without a teacher.
advantages disadvantages
5.Зак. этап урока 1 мин Дом. задание Подв. итога Проверено:
7 сынып. Unit III. Step III. 33 сабақ. “OUR FAVOURITE RECIPES”. 9.01.2013.
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Our favourite recipes. Өздік есімдіктер.
Сабақтың мақсаты: Өздік есімдіктермен жұмыс істеу, таныстыру және бекіту. Оқушыларды өзін-өзі тәрбиелеуге бағыттау. Еңбек етуге тәрбиелеу.
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап
Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту
Көрнекілігі: тақырыптық суреттер
Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі
Сабақ барысы:
I.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі 1 мин Кезекшімен сұхбат 1 мин
А) амандасу Б) жоқтарды белгелеу
II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.
Our theme in our lesson is “Our favourite recipes”. Өздік есімдіктер.
Reflexive pronouns:
singular: myself yourself himself / herself / itself
plural: ourselves yourselves themselves.
Example: - Do you always go to hairdresser's?
- Yes. I never cut my hair myself, or - No. Sometimes I cut my hair myself.
Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1. Do you iron your own clothes? 2. Do you shop for food yourself? 3. Do you decorate your flat yourselves? 4. Do you clean your room yourself? 5. Do you wash your clothes yourself? 6. Does you father repair things in the house himself? 7. Do you wash your hair yourself?
Ex.9. Complete these sentences using myself, yourself, etc.a. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for--- . b. The old lady sat in a corner talking to---. c. The party was wonderful. We enjoyed---. d. The little boy was lucky when he feel down the stairs. He didn't hurt---. e. Be careful! The pan is hot. Don't burn ---.
Ex.10. Answer the questions like this.
a) Who repaired this bicycle for you? b) Nobody. I repaired it myself.
1. Who cut your hair for you? «Nobody. I cut---.»2. «Who told you Linda was getting married?» «Linda---.»3. «Does Mr. Thomas have a secretary to type his letters?» «No, he ---.»4. «Do you want me to post that letter for you?» No, I'll---.»5. «Сап you clean the windows for me?» «Why don't you ---.»Remember!
Note: Enjoy yourself = Have a good time.
Help yourself to sandwiches = Take some sandwiches.
Behave yourself = Behave well.
Don't use «myself» after «feel», «wash» and «dress»!
Complete this advertisement by putting in the reflexive pronouns.
The book of «Do it yourself»
Lots of people have already bought Bill Hawk's super new book. They've saved---a lot of money.
Mr. Brown repaired the roof of his house ---.
«We decorated the whole house ---», say the Greens.
The Smiths put in central heating. «I asked--- why not?» said Mr. Smith.
«I put in a new bath--- » says Mr. Swan. Mrs. Hunter says: «We wanted a garage». A friend said: «Why don't you build it---?» He showed us the book. So we did it ---.
Now we feel really pleased with ---!
• Have you ever tried to teach yourself a language? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning without a teacher.
advantages disadvantages
5.Сабақтың соңы 1 мин Үйге тапсырма Баға қою Тексерілді: