Конспект урока Food and Drinks

I. Вводный этап. Организационный момент и приветствие T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope everybody is ready to work. Let’s start our lesson.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
What day is it today?
2. Совместное определение целей и задач урока; мотивация учебной деятельности
T: Look at the video. What are we going to talk about today?
P: Food and drink
T: You are right. Today we continue to speak about different types of food and drink.
What should we do to revise the topic?
to revise the words
to listen to the story
to read the text
to write a menu
to make up the dialogues
Let’s start our lesson.
II. Фонетическая зарядка по теме «Еда». 
T: Let’s start with phonetic practice. Listen to me and finish: 
T: Вкуснотища –very good .
Пищу называют-food!
И сказал нам дядя Круз: Сок отличный, сок…. juice Яиц десяток купила Пег Яйца по-английски… eggs. Что как рыба ты молчишь? Рыба по-английски… fish. Любит мёд братишка Даня, Мёд конечно будет… honey. Чаем с сахаром угощу я друга, Сахар по-английски… sugar. Очень любит хлеб Фред, Хлеб по-английски… bread. При виде мяса кот урчит, Мясо по-английски… meat. Бутерброд с ветчиной я ем, Ветчина конечно… ham. Кило сыра съел кот Маркиз, Сыр, сырочек будет … cheese. Колбаса любима нами, Колбаса – это … salami. 
.Масло нужно всем ребятам –
масло по–английски–butter

III Речевая разминка
1. Найти слова ( из презентации)
2. This is Alice. She wants to tell us something. Let`s listen to her! So, what is her story about? Yes, you are right. Also, she wants to know what you like. But at first, we should learn new words.
Учитель работает с классом хором. Затем повторно включает слайды с названиями продуктов и даёт возможность правильно назвать продукты ученикам (слайды 3-16):
Look at the screen and repeat: ice-cream, sweets, bananas, apples, lemons, cheese, bread, eggs, fish, tea, milk, juice. Good! Now let`s repeat it again, but try to do it by yoursel3. Let`s meet Kate: she is Alice`s friend. She has a problem: she made a lot of mistakes. Let`s help her!
IV Актуализация изученной лексики
упражнение 1 из учебника.
что является фруктами, овощами, напитками, мясом, молочная продукция.
V Физкультминутка
VI Введение грамматики.
1. Find the odd one out. 1. cucumber, tomato, potato, bread. 2. cheese, salt, banana, water. 3. chocolate, onion, ice cream. 4.apple, juice, coffee, tea. 
2. Распределить по корзинам продукты исчисляемые и неисчисляемые
Let us repeat countable and uncountable nouns.
Учитель показывает картинки, на которых изображены фрукты, овощи, еда. Учащиеся поднимают карточки с буквами C и U
ice cream
3. Введение правила учебник стр. 86 упр. 3 (some, any, much, many, a little, a few, a lot of
a) Read the examples and the rules.
1 To make this dish you need some tomatoes, an egg and some olive oil.
2 We need to go to the supermarket; we haven't got any eggs and we haven't got much olive oil. We haven't got many potatoes, either.
3 Are there any tomatoes in the fridge?
4 I think we have a little milk and a few eggs. Do we need any olive oil?
We use some in the affirmative and any in negative and the interrogative.
We use much (enough)/a little (not much but enough) with uncountable nouns
We use many (enough )/a few (not many but enough) with countable nouns.
We use a lot of with both countable and uncoutable nouns.
b) Look at the picture in Ex. 1 and ask and answer questions.
t>* A: Is there any milk?
B: Yes, there's some milk.
A: Is there any sugar?
B: Not much.
A: Are there any tomatoes?
B: Not many.
Используйте «much» или «many» для выражения «Сколько…?».
How … days?
How … sugar?
How … children?
How … theatres?
How … juice?
замените some на «a little» или «a few».
Would you like some cheese?
Would you like some mineral water?
Can I offer you some black coffee?
Can I offer you some bread?
Shall I bring you some biscuits?
Поставьте подходящее слово из скобок.
There is too … (much/many/a few) salt in the soup. (В супе слишком много соли.)
There are … (much/a little/a few) apples on the table. (На столе есть несколько яблок.)
I’ve got … (much/a few/a little) oranges. (У меня есть несколько апельсинов.)
We’ve got … (little/many/few) bread.. (У нас мало хлеба.)
I’d like just … (much/a few/a little) tea. (Я бы хотел лишь немного чая.)
There are three apples on your desks.
A red apple-the lesson is very interesting ,there are no problems, easy to understand.
A green apple--the lesson is very interesting  ,there are some problems in practice.
A brown apple--the lesson is not very interesting  , there are  problems to use in practice.
VIII. Conclusion.
So our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. You are hard-working children. I'm satisfied with you. Never forget we are what we eat. If you want to be healthy, nice, strong, try to use healthy food, avoid junk one.
Your homework will be the following: At home you should make up your menu and tell us about what you like to eat and drink