Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке—Ханука
Сценарий разработан для проведения мероприятия на английском языке в рамках празднования Хануки в школе. При разработке сценария сделан акцент на повышение интереса и мотивации к изучению английского языка, на создание ситуации, когда ребята могут рассказать о фактах из истории своего народа средствами иностранного языка. Представленный материал помогает учащимся осознать единение нескольких культур, приобрести опыт развития культурной среды в искусственных условиях изучения иностранного языка.
Работа над постановкой была кропотливой. Прежде всего на уроках истории и традиции еврейского народа ученики обсуждали исторические корни праздника, его значение в сохранении еврейского народа. На уроках английского языка ребята защищали компьютерные презентации, рассказывающие о традициях празднования Хануки в их семьях, национальных блюдах. Подготовка мероприятия включала не только перевод текста, его заучивание, но и подготовку костюмов, которые учащиеся готовили самостоятельно. Многие ребята были задействованы как статисты.
Chanukah Play
Cleo- a TV host
Naomi-a TV hostess
Kai-an—a TV reporter
Philip—a Yevanim officer
Amram, Pasha, Jeremy—the Maccabim soldiers
Annabel- a worker in the olive garden
Scene 1
(a TV studio)
Cleo: Good evening. My name is Cleo Ner.
Naomi: And I’m Naomi Nes. Welcome to TNN-the Torah News Network.
Cleo: We are here, broadcasting the news live from Yerushalayim.
Naomi: This evening we commemorate three years since the diserection of the Temple. The Maccabbim have been fighting hard and seem to be winning, but there are so many Yevanim that we never know what can happen.
(Cleo is handed a piece of paper)
Cleo: Wait a minute! I have just been told of some breaking news! There are unconfirmed reports of the Yevanim fleeing Yerushalayim. For more information, we go to our correspondent, Kai-an Temple, who is coming to us live from the front lines. Kai-an? Kai-an? You are on live.
Scene 2
(The reporter is standing not far from the Temple entrance and talking on the cellphone)
Kai-an: Oh, sorry. Yes, I am standing right next to the entrance of the Bet Hamikdash. Yes, it ia true, as you can see behind me. The Yevanim are running away. I’m going to try and catch one of the officers to see what is happening. Excuse me, excuse me, sir? Have you got a minute?
Philip: That’s about all I’ve got.
Kai-an: Why are you running away?
Philip: I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it! Those Maccabim! There are must be thousands! Otherwise, they couldn’t have beaten us! Now I’ve got to get out of here!
(Philip pushes Kai-an and runs away)
Kai-an: I can see the Maccabim coming. It looks like a small army to me. Let’s try to get a close up on the Maccabim who are just about to enter the Temple after winning the battle of Bet Tzur. Here they are! I see Yehuda HaMaccabi!...I will try and have a word with him….
Excuse me, sir, we are live on…
Amram: We have succeeded in freeing the Temple!
Kai-an: What are you going to do now?
Amram: We are going to purify the Bet HaMikdash and re-light the Menorah!
Kai-an: Thank you. Oh, I see our Pasha Menorah heading into the Bet HaMikdash. Pasha, what is happening inside? Have they lit the Menorah?
Pasha: Not yet. I see the soldiers looking for something. (Turning to one of the soldiers) What are you looking for?
Jeremy: Pure olive oil!
Pasha: There are so many jugs of oil around here.
Jeremy: Yes, but they are not pure.
(All the soldiers are looking for pure oil. Jeremy comes running)
Jeremy: I found! I found!
(Everyone comes to see. The jug is handed to Yehuda HaMaccabi.)
Amram: But there is so little oil there! It’s not going to last long.
(A collective “oooooooyyyyyyyyyyvvvvvvvyyyyyyyyy)
Kai-an: We hope that the Maccabi soldiers will find a bigger jug of olive oil to light the Menorah. This has been Kai-an Temple, TNN news, Bet HaMikdash, Yerushalayim. Now back to you, Naomi, at TNN Headquarters.
Scene 3
(the TV studio)
Naomi: Thanks, Kai-an. How will they get enough oil to light the Menorah? Let’s see what’s happening in the Gallil where the olive oil is made.
(Workers are picking olives from the trees. Naomi is talking on the phone with one of them.)
Naomi: Are there any olives on the trees?
Annabel: Of course. It is the olive season. There are so many olives on the trees!
Naomi: How long does it take to make olive oil?
Annabel: About two or three days.
Naomi: And how long does it take to bring it to Yerushalayim?
Annabel: I believe that since it will take three days to walk each way, there is no chance at all that any oil would reach the Temple in less than eight days. This small jug of oil will burn out.
(A paper is handed to Cleo)
Cleo: Excuse me but we have some breaking news. Back to Kai-an in the Temple.Scene 4
(inside the Bet HaMikdash)
Kai-an: What a miracle! I don’t believe it! When the Kohanim poured the oil into the Menorah, the jug stayed full! We will have enough! What a miracle! Let’s ask Yehuda HaMaccabi what exactly happened.
Amram: Yes, indeed we had a huge miracle! The oil jug stayed full! It looks it will last for just about eight days!
(Everybody gathers and sings Chanukah song)
Oh, Chanukah, Oh, Chanukah,
Come, light the Menorah.
Let’s have a party.
We’ll all dance the hora.
Gather round the table,
We’ll give you a treat,
Sevivon to play with latkes to eat.And while we are playing,
The candles are burning low.
One for each night,
They shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago.Завершается мероприятие стихотворением “Hanukkah”, которое сочинил Сэм Эванс, учащийся кнесета в Израиле, в 1997.
For Hannukah things are never bad,
We get presents from mom and dad.
We play dreidel and eat yummy gelt,
As the candles slowly melt.We make latkes and then we say a prayer,
For the fun that we all share.And when the night is finally through,
The house is no longer a zoo.
But in the back of our mind,
We know there are seven more nights of this kind.
So in the days to come,
We’ll remember to have lots of fun.
Because Hannukah is only once a year,
And it brings along plenty of cheer.
Sam Evans, 1997