Презентация по иностранному языку на тему Маркировка грузов при перевозках на автотранспорте
Dangerous goods, also called hazardous materials or HazMat, are solids, liquids, or gases that can harm people, other living organisms, property, or the environment.
The U.S.-based National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a standard NFPA 704 using a diamond with four colored sections each with a number indicating severity 0—4 (0 for no hazard, 4 indicates a severe hazard). The red section denotes flammability. The blue section denotes health risks. Yellow represents reactivity (tendency to explode). The white section denotes special hazard information. This label is used primarily in the USA.NFPA 704 — американский стандарт обозначения опасных грузовNFPA 704 standard hazard sticker or placard. See NFPA 704 for details.
In Europe, another standard is used, as fixed in the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Vehicles carrying dangerous goods have to be fitted with orange signs, where the lower number identifies the substance, while the upper number is a key for the threat it may pose. These symbols cannot be readily interpreted without the aid of a key.
Hazard symbols are recognizable symbols designed to warn about hazardous materials or locations. The use of hazard symbols is often regulated by law and directed by standards organizations. Hazard symbols may appear with different colors, backgrounds, borders and supplemental information in order to signify the type of hazard.The skull and crossbones, a common symbol for poison and other sources of lethal danger.
explosiveOxidizing Highly flammable Extremely flammable
Toxic Very toxic Harmful Corrosive
Dangerous for the environmentThe international sign on radiationBiohazard sign
Danger classes
Class 1 Explosive substances and articles
Class 2 GasesClass 2.1 Flammable gas (e.g. butane, propane acetylene)Class 2.2 Non-flammable and non-toxic,likely to cause asphyxiation (e.g. nitrogen, CO2) or oxidisers (e.g. oxygen)Class 2.3 Toxic (e.g. Chlorine, Phosgene)
Class 3 Flammable liquids
Class 4.1 Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitized explosivesClass 4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustionClass 4.3 Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Class 5.1 Oxidizing substancesClass 5.2 Organic peroxides
Class 6.1 Toxic substancesClass 6.2 Infectious substances
Class 7 Radioactive material
Class 8 Corrosive substances
Class 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
The location of the marks characterizing transport danger of cargo: 1 - a danger sign; 2 - handling instructions in accordance with GOST; 3 - United Nations number; 4 - the classification code number; 5 - the transport name of dangerous cargo