План урока по английскому языку на тему A.Nobel rests in peace (11 класс)

School lyceum #56
Teacher Aigul Shalova
Form 11
Date The theme: Alfred Nobel rests in Peace
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to To read the text and discuss it
Lesson objectives All learners will have:
read and discussed the text
Most learners will have:
asked and answered the questions Some learners will have:
read and translated
Plan Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)
Tasks Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Effective skills of learning Assessment
Organizational moment Greet the students
Greeting the teacher They follow the class rules Formative assessment
Home assignment. Check-up WB p 41 WB p 41 Thinking, remembering Formative assessment
Evocation Books closed. Ask students to imagine that they have to give some prizes for special achievements: the class prize for acting and the class prize for peace. Give them a short while they to decide who they would give the prizes to and discuss interesting answers in open class. Ask if they know of any real prizes in these three fields. Ask them to look at the photos and elicit anything they know about the people.
Pre-teach: explosive, fortune, dynamite and obituary. They read the questions and then read the text quickly to find answers. Asking and answering
Reading Formative assessment
Realization of meaning Read through the text with the class, pausing where necessary to check comprehension and help with difficult vocabulary: landmines, sea mines, blast, weapon of mass destruction, promote. In pairs, they discuss the question. Reading, discussing Formative assessment
Reflection Let them try to order the sentences from memory before looking back at the text to check their answers.
Write these sentences on the board:
Alfred Nobel was the first winner of the Nobel Prize.
Alfred was the first member of his family to develop explosives.
Dynamite was safer than nitroglycerine.
Alfred Nobel was not a rich man.
He is still alive.
Ask the students to correct he false sentences. They correct the false sentences. Speaking
Working in pairs.
Correcting mistakes Formative assessment
Home assignment WB p 42 WB p 42 Evaluation Give the students the lists of feedbacks They can evaluate themselves Summative assessment