Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: Merry Christmas


Внеклассное мероприятие
английскому языку

Учитель: БАКШИШ

Новый год и Рождество – одни из самых любимых детских праздников. Проводя праздник Merry Christmas, я добиваюсь расширения с помощью английского языка представлений учащихся об окружающем мире, развиваю речевую культуру школьников и формирую готовность воспринимать культуру другого народа. Рождество – это праздник доброты и милосердия к людям. Поэтому целесообразно, чтобы дети подготовили подарки друг другу (их потом будет вручать Санта-Клаус).

Merry Christmas
Magician: Dear guests! We are happy to see you today! We are going to celebrate Christmas tonight. Enjoy our party with us! (уходит).
(Слышен звон колоколов и мелодия песни «Аве Мария». На сцену выбегают ангелы.)
Angel 1: Christmas. A moment of magic in all our lives. It’s a special time when we wish you and your families l
·(показывает рукой в сторону елки)
Angel 7: It’s wonderful, isn’t it? You can see a lot of toys on it’ the lights are different: red, blue, yellow, green. On the top of the Christmas tree you can see an angel.
(Все вместе поют «Christmas tree»)

·Уходят. Выходит волшебник)
Magician: You are welcome the Pantomime about the Little Fir-Tree!

The Little Fir-Tree

Characters: Fir-tree, Story teller, Fairy, a Bad Man.

Story-teller: A little Fir-tree stood among the tall fir-trees in the forest. It was a little tree which wanted something it did not have.
Fir-tree: I want different leaves.
Story-teller: The Fairy of the forest heard its wish.
Fairy: What kind of leaves do you want?
Fir-tree: Oh, I want leaves of gold.

(Каждый раз девочки наряжают елку соответствующими листьями).

Story-teller: Next morning the little Fir-tree was glad to see that all its leaves had turned a beautiful yellow gold, but a man came along who picked all the gold leaves and carried them away in a bag.

(Появляется мужчина с мешком и собирает с елки золотые листья).

Fir-tree began to weep.

Fir-tree: Oh, I’m so unhappy! I’m very cold. I have no leaves.
Fairy: What kind of leaves do you want now?
Fir-tree: Oh, I want leaves of glass.
Story-teller: Next morning little Fir-tree ha
·Уходят. На сцену выходит волшебник)

Magician: You are welcome! Christmas ABC.

Christmas ABC

(Выбегают дети, у каждого из них висит табличка с одной из букв английского алфавита)

A is for angels from heaven above.
B is for bell, ringing news of God’s lo
· and gleaming.
P is for plum pudding, tasty and steaming.
Q is for quilt for a long winter’s nap.
R is for ribbon, your present to wrap.
S is for Santa Claus, stockings, and sleight.
T is for tree, shining on Christmas day.
U is for all that is under the tree.
V is for voices, singing with glee.
W is for wreath, the best one we found.
X is for kisses (and hugs) all around.
Y is for Yuletide, the time of good cheer.
Z is for Zoom! Santa’ll be back next year.

(Уходят. Выходит волшебник)

Magician: And now, dear friends
( раздаётся звон колокольчиков и голос: May I come in?)
Magician: Yes, certainly!
(Входит почтальон)
Postman: Merry Christmas! I have a parcel for you! Take it, please.
Magician: Merry Christmas! Thank you very much! Take this gift, please. It’s specially for you.
Postman: Oh, thank you! Good-bye!
Magician: Good-bye! It’s very interesting. (Распечатывает)
Oh! It’s a Christmas cards! They are so beautiful!

(Карточки могут быть со словами: Merry Christmas to you, With the Compliments of the Season, Wishing you Merry Christmas, etc.)
(На сцену выходят 7 ангелов и поют песню)

Christmas bells
Jingle, jingle, jingle,
Out upon the air,
Jingle, jingle, jingle,
Christmas everywhere;
Jingle, jingle, jingle,
Jingle, jingle, jingle,
Jingle, jingle, jingle,
Christmas everywhere.

Angel 1: Do you know, there are no two snowflakes which are exactly alike.
Angel 2: The biggest snowflakes fell in Montana, USA, in winter of 1887.Snowflakes were 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.
Angel 3: Grey snow fell in Japan. Black snow fell in France.

(Выходит волшебник, взмахивает волшебной палочкой, и идёт снег)
Angel 4: See the pretty snowflakes,
Falling from the sky;
On the wall and house-tops,
Soft and thick they lie.
Angel 5: On the window – ledges,
On the branches bare
See how fast they gather,
Filling all the air.
Angel 6: Look into the garden,
Where the glass was green;
Covered by the snowflakes,
Not a leaf is seen.
Angel 7: Now the bare black bushes
All look soft and white;
See the snowflakes falling
What a pretty sight!
Magician: Don’t forget the birdies
Now that winter comes;
Think, they may be hungry,
Scatter out your crumbs.
(Звонят колокола, на сцену выходит Санта Клаус, а за ним дети)

Santa Claus: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Let us dance hand in hand, I’ll show you the way!

Танцуют возле елки и поют:

Christmas Day, happy day!
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome, welcome, Christmas Day!”

Вечер завершается раздачей подарков.