Презентация по английскому языку на тему Educational system in Kazakhstan

Educational system in Kazakhstan Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. Schooling is mandatory for all students between the ages of 6 and 15, although there are several pre-university educational options for students between the ages of 16-18 as well. Lower Secondary School Education at age 10 or 11 and spans a total of five years: 5 – 9.Higher Secondary School Education comprises grades 10 and 11 Initial Vocational EducationTraining schools in Kazakhstan are designed to train students in a trade or skilled profession of some type. These programs, which are entirely vocational in nature, can span anywhere from one to three years, depending on the type of trade or profession in which the student is focusing his/her study. Graduates of training schools can go on to further their studies at either a vocational college or university, or enter the world of employment in the same or related trade. Training school education is provided for students free of cost, although students may be required to purchase special equipment, textbooks and other materials. Initial Vocational EducationThe lycees in Kazakhstan are also set up to offer students an initial or basic program of vocational education and to prepare them for a variety of skilled professions. However, lycees differ from training schools in that they also offer basic academic education along with specific vocational program instruction. All of the programs in the country’s lycees span three academic years, often referred to as grades 10-12. Secondary Vocational EducationSecondary or Advanced Vocational Education is provided by Kazakhstan’s colleges, with programs that also include general academic education. Depending on the field of study, the program length at the country’s colleges can span anywhere from three to four years – Grades 10-12 or Grades 10-13. Graduates may go on to the university to continue their education or they can opt to begin working in their chosen field of study.Students who wish to apply for university admittance must, at minimum, possess a leaving certificate or its recognized equivalent from one of the country’s higher secondary education institutions. Since 2004, all secondary school graduates have also had to pass a new exam, Unified National Testing Exam and receive the corresponding diploma, the Certificate to enter a university. Degrees of the higher education institutions Universities in Kazakhstan are typically headed up by a rector, appointed by the President of the nation, who wields considerable authority over the institution, approving all decisions including those regarding curriculum, personnel, and admission. Private universities These schools, usually non-profit institutions, are subject to the same regulations regarding curriculum but are free to set tuition and salaries as they see fit. The Bolashak Scholarship This program highlights the importance of educating and training Kazakhstan’s most talented youth at the world’s best universities. On November 9, 1993, President Nazarbayev decreed, "In Kazakhstan's transition toward a market economy and the expansion of international contacts, there is an acute need for cadres with advanced western education, and so, it is now necessary to send the most qualified youth to study in leading educational institutions in foreign countries." Fields of the program Bolashak Upon completion of their foreign educational programs, recipients return to Kazakhstan and engage in governmental work for a period of five years. The rigorous criteria for selecting Bolashak scholars assures that only the best and most promising students, regardless of ethnicity, are named Bolashak Scholars. Thanks for your attention!