План-конспект открытого урока с использованием сингапурской методики по теме «Birthday Party».
Республика Татарстан, Черемшанский район, село Лашманка, ул Химиков д53
по английскому языку
«Birthday Party»
для учащихся 5 класса
Автор разработки
учитель английского языка
Сулейманова З.В.
2013-2014 учебный год
Тема: «Birthday Party»
Цели урока:
Образовательные: - закрепить знания учащихся по теме «День рождения»; расширить знания учащихся по теме; научить делиться мнениями с разными партнерами по теме;
Развивающие: продолжить развитие мышления, английской речи учащихся, внимания.
Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство ответственности, воспитание уважения к работе учителя и товарищей (соблюдение рабочей обстановки), формирование умения слушать учителя, воспитывать интерес к предмету.
Тип урока: урок повторение материала
Форма проведения урока: комбинированный урок
Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English 5» М.З. Биболетова, интерактивное оборудование IQ BOARD, листки для ДЖОТ ТОТС, ОЛ РАЙТ РАУНД РОБИН РАУНД ТЕЙБЛ, карточки для ЭЙ АР ГАЙД.
Ход урока: 1. Организационный момент.
- Good morning, my friends! I’m very glad to see you. Are you OK?
- Yes, we are all right.
- Today we have guests in our lesson. Let’s greet them.
- Good morning, good morning,
- Good morning to you,
- Good morning, good morning,
- We are glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson.
2. Jot Thoughts T: I hope you will enjoy today’s lesson because we will talk about birthday. I would like you think a word that is connected with the idea “Birthday party” and say it loudly to the members of the group. After that take a card, write your word on it and put it in the middle of the desk. Then do the same things three more times.
The pupils of each group sitting under the N 2 will read all the words.
3. All Right – Round Robin Write a list of activities we do when we arrange Birthday Party. (In three minutes) Read the list to your group one by one but when you hear a new idea you should add it to your list.
The pupils of each group sitting under the N 4 will read all ideas.
4. Round Table Take the sheet with the text. There are gaps in the text. You task is to fill the gaps with the given words. One pupil fills the first gap, second pupil – the second gap and so on. The pupils of each group sitting under the N 4 begin.
Use: spend, sports, enjoyed, responsible, proposed
My younger brother had his birthday on Sunday. I proposed to arrange a birthday party for him and his friends. We decided to __________ Sunday in the country. I was __________ for the social programme. We played games and ___________ , sang songs, danced and took photos. My brother and his friends ____________the picnic.
A pupil from each group who is sitting closest to me will read whole text.
5. Mix – Frees – Group It’s high time to play. Stand up. While music is playing you are moving. I stop music - you frees. Then I will ask you a question. You won’t answer it but join the groups.
What form are you in?
How many lessons do you have on Tuesday?
How old is PETER PAN?
How many boys do we have in our class?
How many legs do cats have?
How many eyes does a man have?
How old were you 10 years ago?
6. Inside – Outside – Circle Make two circles. Pupils who are in the circle will ask a partner if he/she likes birthday parties and why.
-Do you like birthday party?
-Yes, I do.
-Why do you like it?
-I like to play with my friends. (to get presents, to sing and dance, to eat birthday cake, to have a picnic, to sing birthday song…)
7. A/R Guide Open your books on page 57. Look at exercise 18. How do you think what this text is about. Look at the picture, look at the words which are in the frame. Don’t read the text yet. Now take the sheets with the statements and do the task before reading. Agree or disagree with the statements. Put plus or minus.
1 It is evening and Lena’s mother came to her to say ‘Good Night’.
2 Lena stayed in bed in the morning because she didn’t want to get up early.
3 Lena must go to school.
4 Lena has a lot to do.
5 This day is Lena’s birthday.
6 Lena’s mother brought her tea with lemon because tea with lemon helps people to sleep well. Now read the text and then read the statements again. Agree and disagree with the statements again. Is your point of view changed? Where did you run over the idea that changed your point of view? Find on the text and read it.
8. Homework. Ex.21 p.57 Think about the end of the story.