Мероприятие по английскому языку ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНИЯ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ (5 класс)

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 5-7-х классов на английском языке
Цели: совершенствование навыков аудирования и говорения; формирование социокультурной компетенции.
Оборудование: звукозапись песен на английском языке; торт или макет торта; свечи; игрушки-подарки; "дерево судьбы" с записками-предсказаниями; хлопушки с конфетами и шутками; открытки; постер с рисунком ослика для игры; плакаты по теме; карточки, указывающие место гостя за столом.

·После исполнения песни дети дарят разные подарки.
При вручении подарка дети говорят примерно следующее:
- Arthur, this is my present for you. It is a nice brown dog. The dog is funny and very clever.

NARRATOR: English children like to have birthday pa
·birthday there is always a cake on the table with candles, one candle for each year of the birthday person's life. Teacher, will you help us to light the candles up?
Учитель зажигает свечи. Всё вместе поют песню.
Mixing up the batter to a birthday cake,
Shove it in the oven and we'll watch it bake.
Add on the icing and the candles too;
Today's Arthur’s birthday.

-How old are you,Arthur?
-I’m 12.
-Make a wish...
(Загадываeт желание.)
-And now,blow the candles out... (Именинник задувает свечи.)
All together: Happy birthday! We love you.
Затем все поют песню.
For he's a jolly good fellow,
for he's a jolly good fellow,
For he's a jolly good fellow,
which nobody can deny!
Which nobody can deny,
·Ученики no очереди снимают с "дерева-судьбы " записку, читают предсказание-совет вслух

- Be polite and you will be respectable.
- Be kind and you'll have a lot of friends.
- Be hospitable and you'll have a lot of guests.
- Be sociable and all the
·Игра "Pass the Parcel”.

That’s for the game “Pass the Parcel”.You wrap a small toy or a bar of chocolate in a lot of paper.We all stand or sit in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to us.There’s music playing when we’re doing this.When the mu
·sic stops you take off one piece of paper.Then the music starts again. The person who takes the last piece of paper off wins the prize.
The next game is “Игра в фанты”
Ведущий стоит за спиной судьи, держит фант над его головой.
NARRATOR: What must this forfeit do?
JUDGE: This forfeit-must dance.
NARRATOR: What will this forfeit do?
JUDGE: This forfeit will sing. Etc.
NARRATOR: These are crackers. They have jokes and sweets inside. You'll take them home, pull them to open and read and translate the jokes to your parents.
Birthday Child
Ice Cream

Сценка: Time for the Party
Birthday Child:
Today is my birthday. I have everything I need for a great birthday party!
We are balloons.
We are colorful and fun!

I am a cake.
I am covered with frosting!
We are candles.
We will tell how old you are.
Ice Cream:
I am ice cream.
I am cold and yummy!
We are gifts.
We will give you a nice surprise!
Birthday Child:
Well, time for the party.
But, -wait. Something is missing.
Balloons: You have balloons
You have cake.

You have candles.
Ice Cream:
You have ice cream.
You have gifts.
Birthday child:
What is missing?
Time for the party!

Игра “Pass the parcel”
PUPIL 5: What is this poster for? What is it?
PUPIL 6: It’s a donkey.
PUPIL 5: A donkey? But where is its tail?
PUPIL 6: It’s for the game “Pin the tail on the Donkey’.
PUPIL 5: How do you play it?
PUPIL 6: First you must put the poster on the wall.Then everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the donkey.It’s not so easy because you cannot see.You have a scarf over your eyes.The person who puts the tail nearest to the right place is the winner.(Ученики выстраиваются для игры.)

PUPIL 7: The birthday child.
Everything’s been different
All the day long
Lovely things have happened
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn’t it delicious
To be a birthday child?
PUPIL 8: You have a date to celebrate
Which comes but once a year
And so today we’d like to say
From all of us to you
ALL TOGETHER: Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to you!